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Everything posted by FutureSgtsWife

  1. I thought I would see if any brides had the same date/location on this board because there are none on the DW board on the Knot. The GTG was great! Had lots of fun -- the pics will be posted for all to see once everyone uploads theirs.
  2. There are 8 weddings at Moon Palace in Cancun on August 8th. Is anyone else on this forum getting married there that day? I'm trying to put together some additional decorations and figured I'd share them with the other brides if they'd like. Lisa
  3. Hi girls! I'm getting married at Moon Palace in Cancun Mexico on 08.08.08 -- in just over 4 months! I read an amazing recap on a wedding at the resort this morning and truly appreciate sharing ideas/thoughts with other DW brides! I'm marrying a widowed father of 4 - and I have 2 children of my own -- so we'll have 6 kids ranging in age from 10 to 20. Yes, the household will be noisy! FutureSgtsWife, Lisa
  4. Thank you soooooooo much for such a detailed review!! We're getting married at MP in August but are staying at Cancun Palace. I do have a question if you don't mind.... We wanted to be married on the beach. Opted for the gazebo because the bamboo arch was $850 to rent. Did you use a different arch and how much was the rental? I LOVE that you had the wedding on the terrace. What a perfect idea!!! Thanks again for the help. I like how each guest added a shell to the vase for the sand ceremony. We're having each of our children pour some sand in with us. Lisa
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