Hi soon to be wifes
Since Im from Holland and we work with € ( Euro ), my prices are different.
For us means a DW is very expensive. Jamaica is a long trip from home 10 hours flight, and the ticket a rather expensive. It would be so much more cheaper to get married at home, but I always dreamed of a DW. We are taking my closes friends and family with us, so we are with a total of 17.
We decided to pay for my parents, my MIL, and My brother his wife and nephew. So that alone costs us alot of money. We take them with us for 1 week, and when we are married, everybody goes home, and our two more weeks of honeymoon start. When we get home, we also planned a big party to celebrate our marriage with the rest of our closest friend and familie, approx. 150 peeps. We are so lucky that a friend of us, runs a big party restaurant where we are able to celebrate our party at lower costs, and the DJ is also a good friend, so he is giving his services for the night as a wedding gift. For the rest we dont have to much demands, what so ever concerning the decoration and all, we both think the white sandy beach, the blue sky and ocean, are the perfect decoration for our DW, and we don;t want to ruin that with ribbons, covers, saches or flowers, so no extra's there.
My dress was (to my oppinion) kind of expensive €2000.- thats like $2700..
But I got that from my parents,,lucky me..My FI got his suite from his Mom, costs €1100 ( $1500 ) So far our budget is €20.000 ( $27.000 )
I think that is alot of money,,, But all is included, our wedding package, our wedding planner, all extra's we want ( extra champagne for toasting and a special bouquet) My dad is photographer so he makes all the pictures ( saving us lots of $ ) our three weeks honeymoon, and the payment for our family, invitations, wedding reception drinks + food, dj, digital guest book, pre diner of the wedding party for 14 peeps, our night in a honeymoonsuite back home, our taxi fares, and some traveling money for our honeymoon, not so much because we stay all-inclusive and ofcourse the clothing for my 2 brides maids, and our little frodo ( ring kepper, my 2 year old nephew, and not to foget our rings, we designed them ourselves and we brought some old gold we had with sentimental value and made new rings from it. There ar not finished yet, so Im very exited. Well Im sure I'm forgetting some, but all has been arranged, so I dont think we are goint to make more costs..
( I hope ) Or else my FI will pass out