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Everything posted by jesjess

  1. The proce for the fitting for me was around €250, but I have to tell you I bought my dress last april, ( I know...) And my first appointment was first Januari, but I went back to the store, in July and again last week :-) ...I needed to see my dress, and since I lost alot of weight, I was scared The couldnt refit my dress...well everything went well, but there stilll is alot of work to be done on my dress, I sure Hope everything turnes out fine...next appointment March :-)
  2. Well, I havnt heard anything yet from Chandlyn about this matter, and since I dont want to wait, I wrote my own speach for the minister I took some of the girls on this forum, but I also took some from the internet. So now I know What the minister will say, then our vows, after that we will have a sand ceremony, and I also wrote that, with the help of others ofcourse. I think we will be ok for at least 20 minutes, and that is perfect by me... Now I can start making my ceremony books, and the translation. Im so happy!!!!!
  3. Hello Ladies, I want to make a little ceremony book, in this book I want to translate the words the minister is going to say during the ceremony. Because some of my guest don't speak English very well, including my mom. And I really want here to understand. I know the standard vows, but what does the minister say in the beginning? Does any of you brides know that? I have been searching for some thread about this, but I didnt find any specific. I need to be right about the ministers words. Your help would be awsome girlz
  4. Gosh...thats it? Only vows?? What is the minister going to say before that Nothing..im confused, i dont know anything about what is going to happen. Can anybody help me?
  5. Welcme back Mrs, and Congrats. Great to hear you had a awsome time1 cant wait to see the pics, and read more of your review!
  6. We are also going to order trough internet! I dont think you want my internet adresses because all my sites are Dutch :-)
  7. They look Awsome!!! I saw invitations that look alot like the design for your STD's. Makes me think about flyers from party's! I love it!
  8. You can say that again, I need to book a pension for my Cat "Zorro". How can I forget!!
  9. Hi Misha, Ik think its a great Idea! I ordered miniature appleton rum bottles from Jamaica for our favors. I made the cards myself in Red, yellow and green, and bonded the cards to the bottles with raffia. Since we are getting married in Jamaica, I thought it would fit our theme perfectly! Since you are getting Married in Mexico, I think The tequila is Awsome!
  10. YAY, You go and have the best time of your life! Sooo exited for you!
  11. I just visited my dentist a week ago, and got my do it yourself kit! I just started last night, but I can allready see the difference! It feels more safe than a laser treatment, and I also like that I can control the brightness. I dont want an over the top white smile, needs to look natural. And with this dental kit from my dentist I can stop when I want. My FI also started a couple of weeks ago, ( I used him for testing LOL) And he looks great now!
  12. Those are beautifull pictures. I really think your dress is awsomely pretty!. You make such a wonderfull couple.!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by heather007 Wow, obviously Mr. Asshole is being an asshole to her and she sought you out to see what happened between your relationship with him. I can't believe that she would do that, I find that so incredibly immature. Good on you for taking the higher road and blocking her. Question: do you think that maybe she was actually Mr. Asshole pretending to be his girlfriend? Maybe he caught wind of you remarrying and he wanted to stir the pot a little bit? ~~ You know, I have thought about that actually, but Ive been on here site, en she does really exists, but even then it is possible he maybe would do something stupid like emailing me, trough here. But I just don't understand why he would do that,,we havent seen or talked in 8 years, there is no benefit for for him in interfering with my life...O well, I dont care anymore.. it is in the past now, just like the both of them..
  14. Thank you so much girls, you really helped me alot with al your good advices. It feels great to know that you are all suporting me. And you are all so nice to me, i'm glad I found Bdw and you ladies. Especially in these times of stress and planning our weddings, I think its awsome, we can talk to eathother about every thing we plan for our weddings, but also we can talk about the things thats bothering us at the moment. You are the best!
  15. Ok, ladies please bear with me, because Im a ticking time bomb about to go off! Since my English is not that good, I will try to explain what is bothering me so much in the most fitting words I can find to express myself! Yesterday I received an email on my hyves account, from a girl I dont even know, asking me : Can you please tell me if you have been married years ago to a guy called ( lets call him Mr Asshole) Mr Asshole? I was flabergasted, because I have been married years ago, I was in a really bad relationship with this guy, Im still wondering every day, how I managed to stay in that relationship for more than 5 years, ( 1 married ). We broke up awfully, with a lot of fighting and all, lets say, I deleted everything, that remembered me off that time,in my mind and in other ways.I just dont want to think about that time anymore, for alot reasons! Si, first I though, what the F.. ?? Who is she, and why is she asking me this, so first I didnt want to reply, but than the little evil person in me took over, and made me wright a short email, telling her, that it was off none of here Damn business, and that she should leave me alone, I Also told here that she shouldn be asking me the stupid question, and that there was a reason why Mr asshole and me were not together anymore. I dont know what gone into me, but every memory or confrontation of tha time makes me want to trip! I just dont want to be remembered by the past. Wish I could say this was the end of the story, but I gets better, she replyed on my email, telling me,...ok breath...1...2...3... ( need to calm down) She told me, that She didnt understand why Mr asshole and I hated eachother that much, But he was right hating me, she did understand why he left me, ( I left the asshole ) And that I didnt deserve to be happy in life general, She said she thought I didnt want her to be happy with him, and called me an old hag, who was jaleous he was dating a yong foxy lady like hereself. She also started telling me, how good he was for here, buying here all fancy stuff, and making here breakfast in bed ?? Ok serious,,,I DON"T GIVE A RATS ASSSSSS... Who the hell does she think she is, come busting into my life after 8 years,!!! What the F^%$%^... Im furious... She doesnt have the right to be judging me like that,,,she is a 18 year old todler, dating a guy 31 years old, and now she is looking for answers, and she thinks its normal to bother me?And on top of that, she gives me this CRAP? For real girls,,I havnt seen Mr Asshole in like 8 years, and for a good reason. Im on this forum because Im getting married to the most wonderfull man in my life, who I have been together with for the past 6 years. Im living a totally different life now, And I didnt even thought about Mr Asshole, since the day I met my future Husband! But to tell you the end off it all, I got wounded up so bad, that my mind started going crazy, and the little evil person in me, that told me to take care of "the problem" scared me. I dont want to be confronted with this black period in my life anymore, especially not now im in this awsome time in my life preparing my wedding. I choose, to block here and Mr asshole from interfering on my site ( and in my life) She cant contact me anymore, doens know anything anymore, and Im just not going to reply on the Shitty email. I hope this is the last I hear EVER.. of Mr Asshole, and he deserves here, They make a great Mr & Mrs Asshole couple!!
  16. Hi Everyone! User Name: Jesjess Name: Jessica & Pablo Location: RIU Ocho Rios Wedding: April 1, 2009 In JA: March 26, 2009 - April 16, 2009
  17. Congatulations, you are getting me all exited Cant wait to see the pics and the rest of your review!!
  18. I love the dress, Very romatic, and absolutely NOT overdone for on the beach, Im also going for a dress looks like yours! Cant wait to see it on you!
  19. Another April Bride at your service For so far I have arranged the following stuff: Booked the resort for ourselves and for all our guests Booked the flighttrips for everybody Got my outfit together ( dress shoes hair flower Accesories) FI and I went to the denstist for white teeth Got all my FI outfit together ( only need flipflops ) Got my BM Dresses + shoes bought Ordered our own designed rings (ready in February) Made the guest list complete with adresses ( Finally ) Got the decoration for the location ( picked out) Got my bouquet picket out Booked a party loaction for the wedding reception back at home Booked the caterer Booked the dj ( need to make playlist ) Book wedding suite for after weddingreception Wedding favor and cards are ready. Hired a digital reception book. All transportation for Jamaica and for at home is ordered Still need to: Get outfit for our ring carier Make and find Music cd for ceremony Buy us some wedding invitations ( Endless job ) Find text for the invitations ( aaargghh ) Sexy Wedding lingery for the wedding night Need to make an apointment with the hairdresser for custommade extensions pay for the other 80% of the trip ( ouchhh ) Go to the Notary ( FI has own company Get al my documents for legalisation of the wedding Make name card for wedding diner. Make reservations,for mani + pedi Make OOT BAGS Goshhh,,,still so much to do, but the most is done..I probably forgot a few things here and there, but This almost says it all.So ...
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