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Everything posted by theresasc

  1. I'm also looking for hair & make-up if anyone has suggestions.
  2. I tried a vendor that is highly reccommened on this site. I waited 3 mths to get her to respond to my meal requests and bar. She never responded except to say she was really busy. Switched to a whole new location & WC. Similar results!!!! I am now going to PV a week ahead to work on all the details.
  3. How do you gals plan on getting everything to the wedding?? I looked into mailing but advised very risky as most items never arrive due to theft. Just wondering how to get all my luggage for ten days and all the wedding stuff down to PVR.
  4. Wanted to use a shell vs a pillow. Does anyone have pics or ideas for something cute vs the normal pillow?
  5. I'm looking for a silver/metal beach pale so I can paint it white & add a ribbon & shell. Can't find a metal pale any where!!!!! Anyone have suggestions?
  6. Hi! I'm getting married in PVR 6/15/08. Yes, only two mths away! We are moving out of state in two weeks and life is crazy right now. As a result, I have not been able to spend time planning and getting ready for my wedding......YIKES! Our wedding is being held on the beach at a resort. 30 guests expected. If anyone has things to sell.........I need everything. Table #'s, decorations, OOT bags..........AND yes even a dress!!!!! I'm a size 2 to 4. So if any of you brides want to get rid of things please let me know!!!!!
  7. I would love to see the dress too. I have yet to get my dress so please post maybe one of us gals will buy it.
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