Quote: Originally Posted by lmdels Hi Petals-
Have you gotten any info about the ceremony details? I just started working on my programs and I'm not sure what order to put things in? I need to send Jascythina an email to see if she knows the officiants name and the name of the steele drum band etc......
Let me know if you get any info.......I can't believe we will be in Jamaica in less than 2 months!!!!!! I still have so much to do!!
Linda So exciting! We can now say we're getting married NEXT MONTH!
I haven't seen any ceremony details yet (officiant's name, order of ceremony)-- if you get that info, please share. :-)
We were thinking about getting the steel drum band for at least part of our reception, but found out that they are the entertainment on the main stage every Friday (all of our guests will be there), so now weighing other options......