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Everything posted by ~*petals*~

  1. You definitely don't need one, but we're having my 8-yr-old niece as our flowergirl. She really wanted to be part of the wedding and is very excited about her "job"!
  2. Welcome Tennelle. Here's a link to a bunch of helpful information on GPJ: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t40901
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lmdels Petal can you believe we are less than a month away!!!! What do you have left to do?? I still have so much to do!!! Time is just flying by!!! I know, time really is flying!! Can't believe it got here so fast. People keep asking if I'm "nervous yet"-- I'm not nervous, I'm excited! Monica is excited too- we're all flying down together. Hmm...what do I still have left.... finishing up my last Vistaprint order (free rack cards for programs, free flat invitations for menus, free oversized postcards for welcome letter, etc.) Don't know if I'm going to get around to OOT bags, but definitely a welcome letter and Jamaican rum cake favors. What about you? Are you bringing any extra decorations? Quote: Originally Posted by lmdels I just emailed Jascynthia a list of questions - I hope she gets back to me soon!! I have been talking with Natalie from Tai Flora for my flowers, after reading these posts I am afraid to get the quote!! I'm sure it is going to crazy $$$$!! I haven't heard back from Jascynthia from my last e-mail a few weeks ago. I figure I'll have to call her with any other questions.... hoping that she has received my documents- sent via 3-5 day service... I made a generic ceremony program, and haven't been able to respond to the guest who asked what the vegetarian entree is.... oh well.... Are you doing floral centerpieces from Tai Flora?
  4. I love it! Congratulations on a beautiful wedding! Thanks for also including reviews of the tours!
  5. I agree with both above-- almost every time I've been to Jamaica, rain has been in the forecast, and it's usually a short shower, then right back to bright sunshine.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne lol ~ well, I had to order Martin's! haha e-weddingbands.com does free 3-day shipping, FYI. And their prices are so much better than Zales (where we got my ring and his old WB which we're gonna sell) That 3-day shipping is good to know... because I get the feeling that FI is gonna procrastinate juuuust a little longer before he finally picks his out. He thinks we can just kinda walk into any store and pick one up a couple days beforehand. lol
  7. I wear glasses every day (never wear contacts), but I'm not planning to wear them during the wedding, although I agree it should be what you feel most comfortable in. Here are some cute pics I found in a google search for brides in glasses. Enjoy!
  8. FI finally got his suit! We found it at Bachrach. The colors don't show up well, as these are cameraphone shots, but it's chocolate brown with an aqua shirt. The GMs are wearing the same pants, shirt and tie.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by turk NO FREE UPGRADES!!!!!!!!!!!! I have asked more than one person at the GP and my TA who interacts with them frequently......You would think they would do something for bringing business to them! I've seen that Grand Palladium properties offer a free upgrade for honeymooners, based on availability, but I don't know if anybody has ever gotten them to honor that... or if it's just other GP's & not the JA location See the little honeymoon box here: Grand Palladium Kantenah Resort & Spa. Wedding & Honeymoons. Fiesta Hotel Group. Quote: Originally Posted by turk I decided not to bring centerpieces and leave the decor up to the resort......and I refuse to pay the exuberant amount charged by the flower people. I figured what will be, will be. I leave on Monday, wed on Sat, be back tues may 5th. Not sure if we are taking the laptop, but I will definitely post other details when we return if we don't. I'm not planning on doing the centerpieces either. Jascynthia said that they have votive candles in glass holders set up at each table, so I may bring some flower petals to sprinkle on the tabletop but that's it-- don't know how long they would stay put since Blue Lagoon is pretty open. Quote: Originally Posted by turk Panda....our wedding scheduled for sunset as well, but I was told the absolute latest time was 5:30, but they really want to stick to 5pm so we will see how it goes They told me 5pm was the last slot when I booked too, but that was before Jascynthia came on so that may have changed. Quote: Originally Posted by turk As for the photographer, I am still bringing my own....it is my understanding you may as long as the photographer is not from a Jamaica location. That's true-- I was told the same thing. They have a contract with a local photographer, but they allow you to bring your own with you from overseas if you wish. Your day is coming up soon! We can't wait for pics!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ajanders21 It took us just over 4 months to get it, but its very colorful! Did you need the official certificate to change your insurance plan at work (if applicable)?
  11. I saw this on google answers and thought I'd share in this thread-- I've just updated the links... The good news is that as long as everything was done properly in Jamaica and you came home with a legal document (in English), your marriage is already valid in the U.S.. What is important are the laws of the country where the marriage took place. An original marriage certificate, issued by The Ministry of National Security and Justice in Jamaica, is legal and recognized internationally and no further steps need be taken (as long as your certificate was issued by the Ministry). MARRIAGE OF UNITED STATES CITIZENS ABROAD Validity of Marriages Abroad "In general, marriages which are legally performed and valid abroad are also legally valid in the United States. Marriage of U.S. Citizens Abroad "Your marriage will be legal and binding worldwide" Caribbean Wedding Requirements The Ministry of National Security and Justice 12 Ocean Blvd., Kingston, Jamaica Phone: (876)922-0080 Getting married in Jamaica (Jamaica) The Knot Marriage License: Basics - By TheKnot.com
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Panda Thanks Petals, Snow Angels, and Turk The Poseidon looks long, but not very wide. I cannot picture how the dj and tables will be set up in this location. We have about 50 guest, so I hope this area will work. It's actually a little bigger than that-- it's L shaped so keep that in mind too. Im sure it will accommodate 50 guests.
  13. Lisa-- you look so pretty!! I love how the dress looks on you-- such a happy bride. :-)
  14. This is awesome! I just sent the info to my NY procrastinators. lol
  15. Yikes! I'm at the 1-month mark today! My flowers have arrived (my godmother's friend did them for me as a gift) we got FI's suit, shirt & tie and my mom's friend is helping me with my birdcage veil-- we put it together last night. Three more things to cross off the list!
  16. Welcome! Here's a link to all the info you'll need: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t40901 There are a bunch of GPJ brides on the forum!
  17. Is there still one memory frame left? If so, I'd love it!!
  18. Great pictures! Congratulations on a lovely wedding. :-)
  19. Oh..... I just went on Discovery's website and it does look like they're mostly in the Chicago area, with some locations in Wisconsin and Indiana. Here's the link: Discovery Clothing
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