Hi desser,
Well picked up the confirmation pack from Thomsons this morning, just like shellk said, it was a very thin folder containing a letter to confirm the date and a list of extra's, flowers, DJ, bigger cake etc, Wedding coordinator contact details (which did not have the email details or the telephone number for the Clubhotel in Negril) what a suprise! and a list of frequently asked questions. They did not know why no one phoned me back yesterday and they can not contact the Wedding Dept now until Monday.
Anyway as the TA could see that I was getting stressed with it all, she emailed what she thought was the Riu Clubhotel and requested that they emailed me to either confirm the time of the wedding and / or to find out if I would have to wait until I arrived at the hotel.
When I got home I had received a email from Riu to confirm that the message had been recieved and then I received a really nice email from Keneika at the Riu Tropical Bay later this p.m to inform me that she had recieved my email and would forward it onto Dionne at the Riu Clubhotel.
At least I now have the correct email contact details for the Clubhotel WC and hope to hear from Dionne within the next couple of days.
My H2B is really laid back about it all and keeps telling me it will all work out in the end, so just hopeing he his right.