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Everything posted by baj

  1. justustwo, thanks I will give it ago but have also emailed a private message to another RiuCluhouse bride so hopefully will receive Dionne's direct contact details.
  2. How did they try to explain that then! If they send them to your home address it may be quicker for you if you can take them back into the travel shop , if they sent them to the travel shop would you both be able to get there to sign them so that if might quicken things up, and/or is it to far away to take them direct to the Wedding Department Office. You must be so so mad with them.
  3. Hi, Does anyone have the contact email details and tel number for the WC at the Clubhotel please? Thanks
  4. desser, I am so sorry to hear that, so what happens now? do you have to fill in the forms again? I don't understand why they don't have them in the shop when people go in to book the wedding package. And it would alot better and less stressful if then actually went on the riu site and provisionally booked the date and time while you are there in the travel shop! So have they not yet booked the date? and can't they do it without the forms I spoke to the Wedding dept again to day as well, I was informed that they don't have a separate email address for the WC at the clubhouse or telephone number and that I would have to email one of the other WC in Negril for this information? They also told me that they do not book there date or time on the riu site but email their Thomsons rep at the hotel and then she passes the request onto the WC who then allocates the time. I was also informed that if I do not have the requested time on the 4th and manage to change the date then I may have to pay a admin charge! NO WAY, when I informed them in the shop that we were flexible with the days and it was the time that was most important to us and then wrote 3 days on the request forms that they sent out with the time. Anyway still awaiting to hear from the WC, after the WC at the Trpical Bay said she would forward it on to the clubhouse and still don't have a contact tel: so will ask the B2B's past & present if they can give me the details. I really hope you get sorted soon.
  5. Hi, I was informed that you need the long birth certificate with your parents names on. I only had the short version but was able to order the long one over the phone to my local registery office and it cost £8.00 and was received 2 days later. Reading the information in the wedding pack it also say's that you then need it certified by a solicitor along with copies of your passport's and decree absolute if have been married before. Hope this helps
  6. Thanks for sharing your review claire, you looked beautiful and your photos are great
  7. congrat's and welcome to the forum
  8. hi, shellk, Well I must say they both look beautiful dresses and I can see why you are undecided between the 2 of them. We do not need to get our birth certificates translated to marry in Negril. But they need to be photo-copied & stamped by a solictor, along with with photo -copies of our passports and my h2b's decree absolute as this will be the 2nd time for him. I had to get a copy of my birth certificate with my parents names on because I only had the small cetificate which did not include parents names. But I was able to order a copy of the long one over the phone and it only cost £8.00. Let me know how you get on with your email to the WC, I am still awaiting to hear back from my email because Thomsons did not include the contact details in my pack and the email they sent was to the sister hotel in Negril, so the WC there emailed me to say that she had forwarded it onto the the Wc at the clubhotel Negril where we are getting married.
  9. oh, I also did not know you needed 4 witnesses. When we decided to plan the wedding it was just going o be the 2 of us, but then when we began telling people are plan's, some of them decided that they would like to be there. Majority will be from my h2b's family. My mum is unable to travel and my dad won't leave her which I fully understand and the cost is also a major factor for other family members and friends which I also understand. Not sure if we will have a reception when we get back yet so nothing planned as yet.
  10. hi shellk, Yes I know you are right and I guess it's just having the piece of mind of knowing that it is all sorted so I can get on with the rest of my planning. It's just very frustrating when you know that the B2b's booking direct are receiving their confirmation of their requested date and the time. Anyway hope to hear back from the WC in the next couple of days. Are you having alot of family and friend's going? We hope to have between 15 & 20 family and friends there, so quite a small group compared to some, they will be travelling from different airports and some are booking the week before we arrive.
  11. congrat's and welcome to the forum Ashlie
  12. Hi Shellk, sounds like you are stuck for choice, but I am sure you will pick the right one. Did you get written confirmation from Riu in writing or did you just get the confirmation from Thomsons of your confirmed date? I am getting really confused with it all.
  13. Hi desser, Well picked up the confirmation pack from Thomsons this morning, just like shellk said, it was a very thin folder containing a letter to confirm the date and a list of extra's, flowers, DJ, bigger cake etc, Wedding coordinator contact details (which did not have the email details or the telephone number for the Clubhotel in Negril) what a suprise! and a list of frequently asked questions. They did not know why no one phoned me back yesterday and they can not contact the Wedding Dept now until Monday. Anyway as the TA could see that I was getting stressed with it all, she emailed what she thought was the Riu Clubhotel and requested that they emailed me to either confirm the time of the wedding and / or to find out if I would have to wait until I arrived at the hotel. When I got home I had received a email from Riu to confirm that the message had been recieved and then I received a really nice email from Keneika at the Riu Tropical Bay later this p.m to inform me that she had recieved my email and would forward it onto Dionne at the Riu Clubhotel. At least I now have the correct email contact details for the Clubhotel WC and hope to hear from Dionne within the next couple of days. My H2B is really laid back about it all and keeps telling me it will all work out in the end, so just hopeing he his right.
  14. Totally agree that Cry me a river is better, just amazing
  15. congrat's and welcome to the forum, you are sure to find lots of uselful reviews and photo's to help you with your decision. Good luck with your planning.
  16. Hi, to you all, I have booked our wedding at the Clubhotel in Negril and we will be married on 4th March 2010, not really done much planning because we only had confirmation of the wedding date today, but have got the wedding bands.
  17. congrat's and welcome to the forum
  18. As soon as you get your confirmed date and time email your requests to the WC and hopefully she will reserve your dinner and reception venues and you can then look forward to your special day, without the hassle you have had to put up with so far.
  19. Not really decided yet, I will see what is in the information pack tomorrow and will then try and see the comments of previous brides in their reviews and then I will make a decision. Would like the 6.30pm dinner even if we do get the 4.00pm Wedding and I will email the WC sooner rather than later I think to try and book the reception venue. Also want a beach wedding? How about you!
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