congrat's on your weigh lost lisa, I am sure when you send your Aunt the photo's she will give you her blessing for some one else to do the alterations if she thinks it will be too big a job for her to alter the dress, or because of the time limits before you travel. Don't stress, I am sure everything will turn out great and you will look beautiful for your big day.
Hi, love the front & back of 1 not too simple and not too glam. But it is your choice and how you felt when you tried them on, which ever you choose they are all beautiful dresses.
Desser - you are 1 lucky girl, your week must pass so quick........always in a different country. Oh well some of us can dream... not long until october and hopefully we will get a good deal for a week AI, some where nice & hot. Counting the days.
Shellk - I think it's a great find and looks really lovely, I am sure it is going to look beautiful with your dress on your big day in 183 days.
Great news lisa, glad you were able to sort it out.
I emailed earlier in the year because I was not given any confirmed time just a date, although I had requested a 4.00pm slot. Anyway after a few emails and waiting 2 days for a reply, we were lucky enough that they changed my date to the day after to accommodate this. So I can really relate to how you went into panic mode and the relief you feel when you have the confimation that it is all sorted.