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Everything posted by baj

  1. hi, congrat's & welcome to the forum
  2. baj


    hi, congrats & welcome to the forum
  3. baj

    I'm new!

    hi, congrat's & welcome to the forum
  4. hi, congrat's & welcome to the forum I am sure you will find lots of uselful information on this site to help you with your planning
  5. beautiful dresses, 1 less stress, good luck with the rest of your planning
  6. baj

    Newbie post

    hi, congrat's & welcome to the forum
  7. baj


    Hi, congrat's & welcome to te forum
  8. Hi ladies, well, just to update, had my 1st fitting 6th Jan & final fitting 19th January.....so excited and stressed at the same time. H2b still not decided what he want's to wear and not even been shopping yet!!!!!!!!!!! a part from that counting the days which seem to be passing so quick now. Loveisintheair - did you get your list done? & packing I have now got all the clothes I am taking in the case ready to re - iron and pack before we go, now its all together in one place, less chance of forgetting some thing. (I Hope) Kerrij - have your rings arrived & are the shirts finished yet? Good luck to you both with the rest of your planning.
  9. hi, congrat's & welcome to the forum
  10. baj


    congrat's & welcome to the forum
  11. I am so sorry to hear what you are going through at present and I just hope that you are able to work through and gain his trust again, but he really does need to start being trueful with you and lay all is cards on the table about their relaionship before you can even begin to trust him again and move forward. Hope everything works out and you have the support of your family and friend to get you through this awful time.
  12. hi, congrats and thankyou for saring your great review & pics
  13. baj

    Just Joined

    hi, congrats & welcome to the forum
  14. conragt's & welcome to the forum & good luck with your planning
  15. hi, congrat's & welcome to the forum
  16. hi, congrat's & welcome to the forum
  17. hi, congrat's & welcome to the forum
  18. congrat's & welcome to the forum
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