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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. And if you use cupon code "cheaptotes" You'll save 10%...so they'll be .98 each
  2. OK, so I know I have PMS, but that literally made me cry. So sweet!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i have been wanting to wear a red crinoline and red shoes under my gown ... i'm a lot lazier than you tho ... i found a place i could just BUY the red crinoline! Is the place online or local? Do you know if they have other colors? I want to an aqua one, but don't have the courage to do it myself
  4. Looks like a great party/shower! I'm so jelous of the pool!!!
  5. I'm 99% Sure that JennyK is getting married at Le Meriden Cancun, maybe PM her...I haven't seen her on today, but maybe she'll pop on tonight.
  6. WOW! That's all I can say!! I hope my pics come out half as good as some of yours (probably not because we don't have the bodies that you guys have, but WOW!)
  7. I agree with Lucy! And if he isn't interested and doesn't want to be involved, don't try to force him and try to keep the wedding talk to a minimum...my advice is from my own experience...it's not worth the fight when he tells you you're obsessed with it, even if you aren't. We're here for ideas and support and to obsess with you
  8. I have a lot of different ones because everyone is SO helpful, with ideas, advice and suggestions. I have to admit that if I see LC_Rachel or Harty have replied to a thread, I have to go read what they said, and I usually end up cracking up. Right now, Becks is my 110% favorite!!!! She just helped me figure out something that I've been trying to do for several days! And I'm sure it was super easy too, just I had no clue how. So I LOVE her for helping keep my sanity
  9. Will do!! It's a line in the little poem I wrote for our invitations (didn't want to use that "today I'll marry my friend" thing) and I am going to use it on our luggage tags
  10. oooo! Thank you so much!!! I have to go back to that other tread and tell them that you're my crush!! *BIG HUG* YOU ROCK!!!!!
  11. I hope you're having a wonderful time right now and that the hurricane/tropical storm isn't putting too much of a damper on your day! Can't wait to hear all the details and see the pictures when you return!!!!!
  12. to give you a rough idea of how I'd like it to look _ly Wi____s To_____Off L F____th U____ A Far____and. . . But more smooth(I did this by typing on 2 different lines, just pay attention to the text, I had to put the lines in to keep the spacing) I hate it when you have a picture in your head and you can't do it!! Any suggestions?
  13. Glad we could help! Just take a deep breath and relax...even if you don't get in touch with all of the places today...if you show up, I'm sure there will be someone there who can take some time to talk to you...and if there's not, then they obviously don't want your business and there are many other places to choose from. Enjoy your trip!
  14. We're probably doing the whole spending the night together, have breakfast and then "bye bye". But talk to your FI and see what she wants, soem couples are NOT traditional at all. When I was trying on my dress, there was actually a girl there with her Finace helping her choose her wedding dress, my mom was in shock, but for some people, it's not a big deal. Do what will make you both the happiest!
  15. I should have Moon Place's info...give me a sec to dig it up Head Coordinator Pilar - [email protected] 1-877-725-4933 and then listen to your options to speak to your coordinator on-site (or an onsite coordinator, when I called this number, I was able to get to Pilar's voicemail). Also, try contacting the FL office, maybe they can help, I know in my case, Mexico didn't get back to me, but my contact in FL was able to get the answers from the people in Mexico. This is a higher up in FL - Carolina Lopez Senior Sales Wedding Coordinator (800) 635-1836 ext. 7554 (305) 375-9508 Fax [email protected] Good Luck!
  16. I might have to go with my nickname "Dez"...Desiree is way too many letters! LOL
  17. Thanks, I'm going to save that in case I can't find what I'm looking for. I almost want it to look like it's being pulled by a plane, like a banner (I'm gonna put a little clipart of a plane too
  18. OK...so on our luggage tags I want to put Fly With Us To A Far Off Land. . . But I want it to be in the shape of a wave, for lack of a better description. I thought I'd be able to do it in word art, but I can't figure it out. I have PowerPoint and Publisher also, but I have no idea how to use Publisher and even if I could do it in there. Any advice? Suggestions? Thanks!
  19. Oooh, do they really? there's one around the corner from me...I might have to look into that
  20. Mods - Feel free to move this or merge it with another thread if if should be So, I just got a phone call from my TA. We're going to Mexico in September for a site visit and stuff. Well, our final payment for our trip was due the 27th, but she got a call from her supplier or something and was told that the airfair is going up today!!!! It's only a few days early so not a big deal to make the final payment, but I know a lot of us are watching the rates, so I figured I'd fill you in. I think we're flying Continental.
  21. LOL OMG TOO CUTE!!!!!! I'm thinking that right before you turned around, he might have been laying in the back window and that was his way of getting down? It's still too funny
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