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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. That's really not that bad...our guests are going to be paying up to $1200 per person (not including airfair) for 4 nights. But we are getting married in high season. We're going in late Sept. of this year and it's costing us about $1100 each for 4 nights (including airfair and all taxes). Hope that helps.
  2. I avoided looking at this thread all day because I knew it'd make me want to go buy things! I was right! hehehe Thanks for posting where you got everything!
  3. Dez921714

    newbie here

    I think they're all amazing...I've only been to Mexico...that's why we picked it
  4. Dez921714

    newbie here

    Welcome! Look around, you'll find a TON of ideas!!!! Good Luck PS...Mexico is a great option!
  5. I wanted Aqua shoes to match my BM dresses, but no one would let me......It's ok though, I just ordere these and I LOVE them
  6. Dez921714


    Happy planning, you will find a lot of great ideas here!
  7. LOL He says I didn't answer, just took the ring, and put it on as I was hugging him...but I swear I said "yes" in his ear!! I love that pic, he actually hates it because he looks "grubby" I told him he has no excuse for looking bad, he knew what was coming that night!
  8. Chris is a mechanic with the Department of Sanitation of New York. They were out of contract for about 4 years, 2 of which Chris worked for them. When they did settle the contract he couldn't wait for his retro check to come in, because it was earmarked for an engagement ring for me. Chris was working nights when his retro check came in. It hit our joint checking account on Dec. 1. I automatically took that money out of the joint account and put it into his own account. I knew that I was getting a ring but wanted to be surprised and didn't want it for Christmas, I also figured that because I'm not the "normal 7" size, the ring would have to be ordered and take a few weeks. It was a Friday and me, my sister and a friend had to go bowling to make up a game for a league we were on. Before bowling, I wanted to go out for drinks after work. One of my friends who was staying with us at the time had plans to go to her parents for the weekend but decided to head out Sat morning instead of Friday night, she was going to come to the bar & hang out at the bowling ally. My sister was also going to go to the bar, but half way through the day said she didn't really want to go to a bar because she was on antibiotics. So instead of the bar we went out for Sushi before bowling. I wasn't thrilled, but what are you gonna do. After dinner, I was cold and went to put my arms around Chris and he got mad, I thought it was because he didn't feel well. We get to the bowling ally and actually run into Chris' ex girlfriend, I'd never met her before, just heard stories...(She was with chris for like 3 years and apparently, all she wanted to do was get married and have babies). While we were bowling, Chris was sitting there sweating and looking sick. I thought it had to do with his ex being there and didn't understand what the big deal was. About half way through the second game, my sister was being obnoxious. Making me go get her a soda even though she could have went to get it herself, and that was after she disappeared for a while when it was her turn. I wasn't happy. I was FUMING actually. At one point my sisters name turned into "will y". I saw it, but just thought it was her friend messing with her (he worked the desk at the bowling ally). As I was angry and wanting her to just go Chris (sitting behind me) says "Don't be mad" Me (turning around) "why not" Chris (on one knee) "don't be mad, marry me" ...My friend is awesome with a camera...
  9. I think if you explain it, they'll feel less jaded
  10. I understand how you feel...I'll keep thinking and if I come up with anything, I'll post it. Just make sure if you ask them, you aren't going to "unask" them. I had a friend who had to ask someone NOT to be in her wedding and it was the hardest decision and thing to do. Also, FI's sister got married last August, off the bat she asked me to be in it...then decided on just having 2 bridesmaids, her FI's sister and her bestfriend from childhood. While I understood, I was still a little hurt that she didn't think about it before asking. (although, she did include me in EVERYTHING)
  11. I say keep them out, but maybe try to include them in another way...like maybe a reading or a poem at the wedding. This way, they aren't in your bridal party, but they still feel included
  12. Dez921714

    New Girl!

    There's a LOT of information on this site...try not to get overwhelmed! Happy Planning!
  13. Dez921714

    New Member

    Have you picked a resort?
  14. I'm more like a 2XL and that's one of the things I was dreading...because I know most of the "cute" wedding things aren't in my size. However, my sisters best friend is GREAT with iron ons and the beadazzler and we're going to have her make me a few things in shirts I pick, that fit me (they'll probably end up being cheaper too). Just an idea....
  15. Hmmm...I might do what you did...sounds like a good idea. FI is tired of hearing me talk about it..he told me to just do what I want but if we end up spending $70k on a wedding in Mexico when we couldn't afford $40k for a wedding here, he's gonna kill me :-D
  16. Wow! Sounds like you're well on your way!!! Happy planning!
  17. I just realized...we could be wedding twins! Yeah, I think addicted is the way to describe it...1AM on a Sat, after being at a party for hours, and I have to check here before bed......
  18. I haven't thought that far...but I am interested in what people tell you...
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