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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. If you haven't already, check out Palace Resorts - Welcome to the Official Site You can see pics. It looks like the resort doesn't have a beach, the water just goes up to the pool deck, looks beautiful though! I'm a big fan of the Palace Resorts
  2. It helps if you post a welcome to most of the noobs when they post their intro threads...it seems those really add up... that, and the more I read, the more I find myself replying
  3. I got it the other day, but have yet to try it...maybe tonight
  4. I agree with Lambert13. My mom suggested we don't even do a reception since it's an AI resort, but FI made the same point Lambert13 did, these people are spending a lot of $ to be with us, we should at least give them a party, even if they bring a +1 we've never met.
  5. Maybe it was 80 or 100...not sure....
  6. I think 30 posts gets you out of noob to "Junior Member" and maybe 50 gets you to "Member"? Not sure, but I looked at what was different when I noticed it, and that was it
  7. OK, I know this is an OLD thread...but I was searing to see if anyone had used the "walk away the pounds" video and I guess the terms I searched for pulled this up. Congratulations to your father! That is AMAZING that he has lost that much weight in only a few months!!
  8. Is your return address on the RSVP card? If it is, they should get to you even without the correct postage....(I think)
  9. Nice way to put it to her...lets see if she "gets" it...
  10. Oh! I left that part out...he was trying to get it to say "Will you Marry Me?" But apparently a fight broke out in the bar and he was having a problem with the computer, so he wasn't able to get up more than "will y" LOL That's why my sister was stalling and trying to keep me from looking at the screen
  11. Congratulations! I'd say see if you can get a bib or a onesie in his favortie team
  12. He's like a child with candy when it comes to gifts...I usually open all my christmas gifts 3 days before (and NOT because I want to!) The Jewler even said to him "You're not making it through the weekend" sure enough, I got it that night He went to a jewler in the city, had the ring made and then went and showed everyone he knows that works in the city...my sister, my friend, then to his parents, his sister...the list goes on LOL Betsy, it sounds almost like we could be twins...the Moon Palace, the Bowling Ally...
  13. WOW! At first I was understanding, but this is rediculous (sp?) Has she always been like this? You have every right to be upset with her and ask her to step down as MOH. She is WAY selfish. I'm sorry you have to deal with this It sounds like you're a better friend to her than she is to you. Hang in there! Let us know what happens.
  14. Thanks Betsy! I can't wait to see your pics It's getting close!!! Are you excited? Nervous?
  15. Sounds nice! I'm sure your guests will LOVE them
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