Ok, so I think this is the best place to post this....
I'm not sure who I should be frustrated with, our travel agent or our resort. We got in touch with the TA as soon as we decided where we wanted to get married. This was in early December, and the resort didn't have the prices published for 2009 yet.
In Feb., she was able to send me prices for the week before our wedding, but they didnt' have the prices published for the week we were getting married yet. Ok, at least we have an idea. They were thinking a week or two.
Late Feb., the resort lets me actually sign the contract and book the date for Jan. 2009. TA says the prices should be out that week or next.
A month later...Save the dates have been mailed...still, no concrete $$ to give guests. I put an "idea" of the price in the STD's. Guests keep asking me (have been since Dec) I still have to say "I don't know yet".
I email the TA almost every week. I realize I'm being a pest, but I want people to know how much so they have time to save.
I emailed her yesterday...she wrote me back today with "I don't want you to think I'm avoiding you, but I am". Apparently whomever she has to go through is giving her the run arround and she's embarassed that this has been happening and she can't get me a price.
I wrote her back and told her I understant and it sucks when other people make you look bad. I asked her if there was any way to cut out this other person and for her to work directly with the resort....
I'm just frustrated. It's about 9 months till our wedding. We want to put a deposit down on our room (already put one down for the wedding), my parents, best man, maid of honor and numerous others want to get the ball rolling, but..."we don't have prices yet". The only thing that makes me feel better, is that even if you go to the resorts website, you can't get into 2009 to book.
Ok, I think I'm done venting for now...