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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. We buy the SmartBalance (Same company) It's really good!
  2. Hi! Welcome!!! I'm also a Moon Palace Bride. Our wedding date is January 17, 2009 There's a ton of great ideas here
  3. try Promotional tote bags custom sizes and styles from cheap totes a lot of brides have used them, I haven't yet, but plan to...if you search for it you'll see posts and pics and stuff
  4. Dez921714


    Get comfy and start reading...there's a TON of info here
  5. You'll find a lot of great ideas and advice on here Happy planning!
  6. Dez921714

    Cancun Bride

    You'll find a ton of great information and ideas on this site!!!!
  7. Betsy! Have a great time!!! Congratulations I can't wait to see your pics and hear all about it when you return!!!
  8. You look great in the dress!!! From my own personal experience...I lost about 75lbs (have since gained it back - UGH!) but when I did, I was still self conscious about my arms. Now, looking back at pics, I'm like "wow, I looked good...my arms are small!" unfortunately, I wasn't able to see it then. Congrats!
  9. Thank you everyone! It makes me feel better to know that I am not the only bride experiencing this (FI will feel better too when I tell him). It also makes me feel better hearing it from a TA. I know our TA is embarassed that she has to keep telling me she doesn't have prices yet. Next time I talk to her, I'll let her know it's not just the company she uses.
  10. I was going to suggest the same thing Ann said. You're probably right and he is just passed out drunk, especially if his coworker is not answering too
  11. It's called sleep apnea. It's not just regular snoring, it's SUPER loud and the person actually stops breathing, sometimes you can hear them fighting for air. It can be scary if you don't know what it is (and even if you do). The oxygen mask is called a CPAP machine. Basically, it forces you to breathe. Depending on how bad you are, the tech sets it to different pressures. The sound the CPAP makes is white noise, a little hum that isn't horrible to listen to My father has had one since I was 5...in the 80's when they first came out. They really did look like a ventillator or smething and it was loud! Now more than 20 years later, they are SIGNIFANTLY smaller and come with humidifiers (something to do with makeing it easier to breathe). FI had to get one. While he had a hard time dealing with having to wear it every night, I didn't think it was that bad (I'd had experience with it). Now, if he doesn't use it, he's good for nothing the next day. And he doesn't fall asleep driving anymore!
  12. Thanks! There's no doubt that if I change TA's it will be to use someone from this forum!!!!!
  13. I think I am going to wait another week or two and then start looking around for a new TA. My parents and their friends have used this TA before, and we're using her for our trip to Cancun in September...so in a way, I do feel kind of tied to her. We met with another TA before deciding to use this one, and that was a horrible meeting. I also feel bad because I know she knows she should be producing and she isn't, it's not like she's clueless...ya know?
  14. I wish I had found this Forum before I had things set! I would have used a TA from here. Unfortunately...our STD's went out already, with all of her contact info...
  15. Great article!! I officially started to do "walk away the pounds" today...surprisingly, I liked it now lets see if I stick to it
  16. The resort quoted me a "group" price, with the standard 10% increase over last year. TA said she might be able to get a better deal, they don't always go up 10%. I'd rather have the TA take care of all (or most) of the travel plans, I'd be a nut job if I was doing it. FI's sister gave me a heart attack one day. She told me they were all booked up (which didn't make sense to me) but if you go to expedia or orbits or one of those sites and go to the Moon Palace it says that there's no availability Jan 17, 2009...turns out that's because they haven't released any rooms yet.
  17. I'm gonna add them to my registry! AND get them for my sister for Christmas
  18. Ok, so I think this is the best place to post this.... I'm not sure who I should be frustrated with, our travel agent or our resort. We got in touch with the TA as soon as we decided where we wanted to get married. This was in early December, and the resort didn't have the prices published for 2009 yet. In Feb., she was able to send me prices for the week before our wedding, but they didnt' have the prices published for the week we were getting married yet. Ok, at least we have an idea. They were thinking a week or two. Late Feb., the resort lets me actually sign the contract and book the date for Jan. 2009. TA says the prices should be out that week or next. A month later...Save the dates have been mailed...still, no concrete $$ to give guests. I put an "idea" of the price in the STD's. Guests keep asking me (have been since Dec) I still have to say "I don't know yet". I email the TA almost every week. I realize I'm being a pest, but I want people to know how much so they have time to save. I emailed her yesterday...she wrote me back today with "I don't want you to think I'm avoiding you, but I am". Apparently whomever she has to go through is giving her the run arround and she's embarassed that this has been happening and she can't get me a price. I wrote her back and told her I understant and it sucks when other people make you look bad. I asked her if there was any way to cut out this other person and for her to work directly with the resort.... I'm just frustrated. It's about 9 months till our wedding. We want to put a deposit down on our room (already put one down for the wedding), my parents, best man, maid of honor and numerous others want to get the ball rolling, but..."we don't have prices yet". The only thing that makes me feel better, is that even if you go to the resorts website, you can't get into 2009 to book. Ok, I think I'm done venting for now...
  19. You can have a private reception at the moon palace. I belive you can do it on the terrace or in the ballroom (I think there might be a beach option too, but not sure). I am also pretty sure that you can get married on the beach there. The dinner you saw is included, but if you want, you can add on a cocktail reception or a dinner reception or both (for an added cost). Actually, based on the number or rooms your party books, you might actually get the coctail reception free. I know a lot of people use the free dinner as a welcome dinner if they are also doing a reception. The Moon Palce can be a little expensive for guests (our guests are looking at paying about $1213 each for 4 nights - not including airfair...but this is in January, high season...we are going to visit in Sept and 4 nights AND airfair is $1017 each). But that does include ALL food, drinks, liquor, entertainment, taxes and tips....and if you stay 3 or more nights, they include some excurisions (you can go to the ruins for no out of pocket cost). There are also two sides of teh resort. The Sunrise side which is a little more rowdy and has teh "disco" and stuff and the Nitzuc side, which is where most of the wedding stuff takes place and is quite a bit more mellow (so I've heard). Hope that helps
  20. Haha, I remember when that thing first came out, I wanted it sooo bad. It was in the 80's I think, I remember decorating almost everything I owed with puff paints and beads and stuff LOL $18 is not bad at all!
  21. We are always most critical of ourselves. I'm sure you look beautiful in it!!!! If FI knows you bought dress #3 and thinks you're wearing that one, but you like dress#1 better, why not wear #1? He'll think you're wearing #3 and be suprised when he sees you in #1....just an idea
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