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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. We're having ours at the Moon Palace, AI and kid friendly
  2. Dez921714


    You'll find lots of advice/opinions here
  3. I was unemployed for 5 months...but I recently contacted someone I worked with about 5 years ago to ask if I could use him as a reference. He started his own company 4 years ago (when our boss let him go, he was teh VP) and he was actually looking for someone to do administrative/marketing work...and it's work from home! I'm the "Chief of Administration and Marketing" for a Financial Public Relations firm
  4. Mine is complicated...We were actually planning our wedding for Dec. 6 2008. It was going to be a local wedding, it was close to Dec. 1 (the day we got engaged) and we were going with a Christmas theme. Then I lost my job. We decided a local wedding was too much $$ and a destination wedding was acutally our first choice to begin with. A lot of poeple close to us are in the NYC public school system. We didn't want them to have to take off, but we also didn't want to get married when the resort would be filled with kids. So we settled on Jan 17, 2009 because a) it's only about a month after our first date and it's Martin Luther King Jr. weeked. A lot of people have a 3 day weekend.
  5. We are picking it up. I'm afraid it's going to add up quickly though. I put this note in the letter that went out with our save the dates "You are not obligated to stay at the Moon Palace. If you choose to stay at a different resort, please let us know and we’ll purchase a “day pass” for you for the day of the wedding. If you do stay at a different resort but want to hang out with friends and family who are staying at the Moon Place, you’ll need to purchase a day pass (for any day besides our wedding day), so please make sure that the price difference is worth it, as you may end up paying more in the long run." And I explain it with numbers to anyone who mentions staying at a different resort...Day pass = about $85 each...you find a hotel thats $500 cheaper...you and your wife spend 2 days at the Moon Palace (other than our wedding)...85x2 = $170 a day x2 = $340...that's not including if they have kids or transportation and having to lug you drunk tush back to your resort come 11pm (i think that's their cut off)
  6. Mine is in the garage in a "garage sale" box...maybe a little later I'll dig it out and post a pic. A ceramic Avocado...you could put it in my fruit bowl!
  7. An aquaintence of mine, an older woman, got us an engagment gift. I know it's the thought that counts, but...it was a ceramic fruit basket, in it, was ceramic fruit. The basket wasn't even nice, what was supposed to look like round twings, were flat and sharp. Ok, all thing aside, we could take the fruit out and use the basket (even though it was ugly). But, NO! The fruit was attched to the bowl!!! It probably doesn't sound that bad, but trust me....
  8. They say it takes about a day to activate you...but it really takes at least a week. The same thing happed to me, but i kept sendin emails to them asking why I couldn't do anything lol You can now post, search, comment, etc., etc., Oh, and
  9. Nope, I don't...but I did see them...off to search...
  10. I might have some pics of the terraces and stuff....let me go look......
  11. Don't ask about inlaw issues...but know, you are not alone I've already vented in a previous thread about my future inlaws...search, the results will make you feel better.
  12. FYI....150 posts and I'm a "Full Member"
  13. It's frustrating, but it sounds normal. Moon Palace does the same thing (except they book the ceremony early). Since there's the three day residency law in Mexico, there's a few days between when you get there and when your wedding is. Plus, they do so many weddings that they probably have it down to an art. If anything tell them you need prices and stuff in advance for budgeting reasons and see if that works. Good Luck!
  14. Welcome to the forum! AVP looks beautiful! The only reason we didn't choose it is because it's Adult Only. I was about to ask if you've ever been to any of the Palace Resorts, but then remembered you said you've never left the country. If you're going for three or more nights, take advantage of the palace passport!!!!
  15. Thanks Ana! I just got your email. It looks like you're busy today with all the requests for it
  16. Well, so far I've managed to annoy the FL staff so much that they tried to get my onsite WC assigned LOL And when they weren't able to, they just referred me to the head person there (I was asking questions about onsite stuff). So far I've got my wedding package picked and deposit down (deluxe Civil wedding package and a non-denominatinoal minister), and we have our ceremony time/date. It's too soon for us to book rooms though (UGH!) We're going down in Sept. and want to meet with the WC there and basically get as much as we possibly can settled during that trip, so that when we go down in Jan. we can relax a little before famiy shoes up. My mom is coming with us in Sept., so it might not be so relaxing lol Have you ever been to the Moon Palace? I've been to the Cancun Palace. The included excursions is a big bonus for us, we tottal took advantage of them and had an AMAZING time. I emailed the onsite person and asked for prices of flowers and whats in season/native to Mexico. I also asked for a sample of their photograpers work (we can't afford the extra to bring our own). If you're interested in that stuff, if/when they send it to me, I can share. (I'll probably post it for others too)
  17. Hi! Welcome to the forum. I'll actually be at the moon palace the day of your wedding! I'm also a Moon Palace bride...but not until January. Our trip in Sept will be our "site visit" AKA vacation!
  18. I'm getting married at the Moon Palace, Jan. 17, 2009 I've seen pics from other brides who used the resorts photog. The pics aren't horrible, but it's not the same as when you hire your own professional. Betsy is actually there now, getting married, and using the resorts photog. You can bring your own photog, but they can't be from Mexico. So you'd have to fly them down and put them up.
  19. Sarah! Did you know that you are awesome?! Thank you soooo much!! This forum is not only helping me plan my wedding, but it gave me you as a contact and that helped for work!!! You're the best!! Never underestimate where you can network!!!!
  20. That's funny that you just said you've done some company logos...I just sent you mine and asked for help!
  21. Welcome! I'm getting married at the Moon Palace in Cancun. If you have any questions about it, let me know. There's a TON of information on this site, try not to get overwhelmed!!! Happy Planning!
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