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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. You've come to the right place to find a TON of information and ideas. There are actually a lot of brides on here that got married at Dream. Good luck and happy planning!!!
  2. Apparently I welcomed you twice lol
  3. Ok, my wedding isn't until January...just under 9 months away. I bought a strapless bathingsuite which I plan to wear all summer and on our vacation in September (to Mexico). I'm also considering getting 2 tube tops from old navy to wear if I'm hanging out outside in the back yard or something. I'm doing this because I have an olive complexion and I tan easily and I have the potential to get really dark. I'm afraid if I get tan lines this summer, I'll still have them come January (it's happened before). A friend told me she thinks I'm being a little extream and that I shouldn't worry about tan lines until I get to Mexico 4 days before my wedding in Jan and then be sure to wear strapless. What do you think?
  4. It's your reception and if you want it and you're paying for it...go for it Tell her that you're gonna keep the candy bar and that if SHE wants to add a coffee bar, that'd be ok.
  5. That made me laugh Sorry, I know you're stressing. I don't really have any advice but it is great that you have an open kind of relationship with you future inlaws. Good luck!
  6. I wanted to play with what I had in the house, I didn't think the blow dryer would work, but it was worth a shot. The pic stuck to the candel, but then the corner started coming up and it didn't look half as good as yours I actually just ordered a heat gun from Amazon...$35 free shipping and comes with some accessories and a case to keep it in. I figured it'd also be good to have for when I shrink wrap stuff (which is the ONLY reason I own a blowdryer LOL and it was a pain to do with the blowdryer). Plus, I think it's awesome to be able to put pics on candels so I'm sure I'll get my use otu of it
  7. I'd wait till I had a date and place. But if you know what month you want and location, you can put something like (as an example I'll use me) January 2009 Cancun, Mexico where I put January 17, 2009 Moon Palace Cancun Mexico Does that make sense?
  8. I was considering getting mugs from there. Has anyone else had a similar problem? If not, which mugs did you order?
  9. Maura, those look awesome! Did you use a heat gun? I tried to make one last night using my blowdrier, but I don't think it gets hot enough LOL
  10. I plan to be in the sun as much as possible, and we're getting there 4 days before our wedding. I actually just got the strapless bathing suit that I plan to wear all summer, and before our trip and I'm also seriously considering getting a strapless top or two. I also plan to wear SPF 15 or 30 not to risk burning, but I usually just tan quick. I'm actually worried about the top of FI's head! I'm going to have to MAKE him wear sunscrean when we get there so he doesn't burn and peal in pics. Damn bald men!
  11. Thank you so much! I know these templates will come in handy, and now I know where to find them without going crazy...I'm gonna bookmark this page
  12. They are all beautiful! I think I like #4 the best though
  13. I know we can order tuxes through our resort...check into it and see if your resort offeres that. What we are planning on doing is renting a light (maybe sand colored) tux here and the guys can pick it up before they come, then if they're staying longer than just the weekend, we'll send them all home wtih FI's sister on Monday and she'll return them to the shop for us. We're hoping that'll help with the price.
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