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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. Anyone have any more suggestions
  2. I did walk away the lbs with walkbelt for 30 minutes, then treadmill for 20 minutes then the rest of the video for 15 minutes Whooohooooo!
  3. Welcome to the Forum. I'm a Jan 2009 Moon Palace Bride
  4. Welcome!!! January 2009 bride here too Happy Planning!
  5. haha, I'm having a Jan wedding, so I think I want an outdoor coctail hour (or 2) and an indoor reception (it might get chilly at night)
  6. Ok, so I've been asking Karina for pics and prices and stuff to set up a budget. She finally sent me these pics. I didn't know if anyone else was planning a private reception/coctail hour. I thought you might be interested knowing what the spaces look like. From Karina - "Attached please find some samples of our garden areas/terrace areas/ballrooms. All of our locations are pretty much the same, they only vary in location. The location would depend on the guest amount and the gazebo you are assigned to. " If you were worried about having over 50 guests, obviously this space can accomodate you. GRAND BALLROOM (STAR) MP Venado Terrace New Chapel Garden with Blue Set-up
  7. You'll find a TON of info here!! Good luck
  8. You mentioned having a sister, how is your relationship with her? maybe mention the collage to your sister and tell her your feelings....maybe "suggest" she help your mom with it, and send her some good pics....?
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