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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. My mom is the main culprit also. I have a HUGE family. I put all my aunts and uncles on the guest list and only two second cousis directly (they're in their 30's and more like my first cousins). I was addressing STD's to & Family. Then my mom started talking to my other second cousins (in their 20's) and told them to save the date and stuff. She doesn't get it that if they are over 18 they need their own invites. She'd have me sending to "& Family" to everyone and think it's covered. She also added on her friends kids (I grew up with them). And when I ask her about mentioning it to people and ask her not to, she just shrugs and asks what the big deal is. I told her I ran out of STD's so stop telling people! We sent out 140 STD's which equals 300 people - but they won't (better not) all come
  2. OMG great idea! I've seen pics with slip that are colors and I was wondering if they ordered them in color or dyed them...now I know. I wanted Aqua shoes but FI's mom and my mom almost flipped when I mentioned it......lets see if they let me dye my slip YAY!!!! Oh, my vote would be dye the slip, not the shoes
  3. I did 15 min WATP and then 20 minutes treadmill (alternating speed walking and jogging) and then the last 15 min of WATP I need a shower...
  4. I actually realized that as soon as I posted the question LOL
  5. I'm a January Moon Palace bride
  6. I love everyone's signatures!!! I was thinking of just keeping my April one, but I think I should make a new one with different pics
  7. I should probably know this, but what's BTB?
  8. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm gonna make a point to download some new music tomorrow
  9. Congratulations!! Good luck in China!!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Yikes. I would have pissed my pants too. When I was 17, we had a French exchange student live with us for the summer. We went to my aunts house for a visit so my cousin and I were showing her the Oujia board (nice huh? lol). My cousin is my best friend and I know she wouldn't mess with me. Anyways, we were showing her how it worked and she wasn't even touching the thing. It started to spell out M-O-R-T. And then would go to R (for my name, I'm assuming) and C for hers. It just kept rapidly going back and forth. I was like "what the hell is mort?" Then the exchange student began to cry and freak out saying "Mort mean dead. Mort mean dead." So I asked the board how. It spelled out C-A-R. I then flipped because we were suppose to drive home that day- a 4 hr drive. As I was accusing my cousin for messing with me and she was denying doing anything, a door slammed shut. Could have been the wind, but I swear there wasn't any windows open. Nonetheless, all three of us ran down the street to my grandma's house (how convenient huh?) We were all three bawling our eyes out. We were terrified and I refused to get in the car to go home. It was a mess, but obviously I didn't die. To this day, my cousin swears she wasn't messing with me and she won't play it again either. Weird...maybe the spirit was telling you how it died
  11. Wow Jenny...that would definately creap me out...both stories!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel My sister's sorority just has a sleeping porch. A massive room with tons of bunk beds. No thanks! Plus they all have to take turns waking one another up- even if you have no classes that day, you could be assigned to wake everyone up. I like your set up better! I'll have my own room, please! YUK! We had a sleeping porch too. I guess in the 60's everyone had their own room, but slept in the sleeping porch (fire code or something, it was the only room on the second floor with a fire escape). When I was there, the pledges got to sleep in there and sisters who didn't live in the house but got too drunk at a party or formal lol Actually, the two girls who had the rooms right under it would often hear furniture moving when there was no one in there...they'd hear what sounded like the bunk beds or desk chairs moving. It was a HUGE room.
  13. LOL, it's probably more $$, but I do love the way it's set up. They charge you for all the extras...colored table linnes, center pieces, etc.
  14. Jenny...what happened with it?
  15. LOL actually, yes it was I was trying to avoid saying that because of all the the assumptions that go along with it. It was a beautiful house built in the 1800's. 11 bed rooms, 2 were big enough that they could hold 4 people, 3 could tripple and 4 could double. I can't imagine living there at capicity! My first year living there we had some empty rooms, the next two years we had 1 person to a room...11 girls in a house can get interesting LOL
  16. A "woman in red" was often seen in the basement. When I would go down there to do laundry, I'd just look straight ahead and not around, it ALWAYS felt like there was someone down there with you. Beds would shake. One day (like bright sunny day) my bed and teh bed of the person accross the hall shook at the same time...no one elses (11 bedrooms in the house). One night I got freaked out for NO reason. Put my head under the blanket and reached for my phone. I actually called someone on the other end of the house to come up to my room and put the light on for me, I wouldn't get out from under the covers. People on the thrid floor would wake up (as if someone shook them) in the middle of the night to come down to the first floor and find otu we were being broke into (friendly rivelary). And the time that me and my friend still talk about....She and I were hearing weird noises, we were on opposite sides of the house and the only two home. We got together and chased some guys away, but we knew one guy and he stayed and talked to us. We were standing on the front porch. The next day, the guy asked (out of the blue, not knowing about any of the house ghosts) who the woman was in the living room when we were talking. Apparently she was standing in the windo watching. And he described the ghost we knew as Doris. There are more stories too. Also, the first Apt. I had after college was haunted. Nothing in my last Apt or our house (thank god).
  17. I've heard stories of people way before me that had a stone missing from a ring and while using the ouju board it droped out of the air onto the board. When we used it, there were 4 of us. It spelled out part of a prayer my friend used to say as a child. It really freaked her out and we would've thought she was full of it if we didn't hear running up and down the stairs as we were using it (we were the only 4 in the house). There are a couple of other stories about that house....
  18. I do and they totally creap me out. In college I lived in a house that was hauted and we played with one in one of the rooms that had the most "activity" It was the first and ONLY time I will ever play with one of those. Creepy!!!!
  19. Oh! That's a good point!! I filed in early Feb. It was great to get my refund so early, but sucks when everyone else is getting theirs now and ours are already spent LOL
  20. My social ends in 10, that's why I got it so soon...FI thought he'd get it the same time as me (17), but I think he's delayed because he made JUST over the cut off, so if he does get one, it has to be adjusted. I'd say if you paid with an electronic check (don't know if that's an option), they'd direct deposit you, but if you used the debit card because of a visa or MC logo, then probably not.
  21. I got mine yesterday...and spent it yesterday! But at least we have a new couch on the way
  22. I'm one of those people who loves GH but hate PS. It just seems to me that GH is looking for proof and they want a couple of things to go off of before they call a place haunted. With PS, it seems that they call it a deamon without much proof and then do a blessing. But yes, we are HUGE GH fans in my house (even the dogs!)
  23. You can add me on myspace if you want. I'll PM you my screenname, I go on it sometimes, but not everyday (usually lol). I don't have facebook or friendster.
  24. I do think that she and her husband need to talk about it. But let her know that there are some free porn sites out there, so he might not be hiding a credit card and stuff from her. I'm weird, I don't mind porn. I'd rather he look at porn than cheat. What bugs me is that FI will watch it without me, so then I watch it without him LOL He claims to feel weird watching it with me because it's always been a "solo" thing. The few times we did watch it together turned into fun nights....
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