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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. my 2 1/2 year old had knee surgery in early march. She tore a ligament. She also had to be super limited on movement...She is hyper and We have a second dog, 20 lbs bigger who likes to play with her and jump on her (see my signature - Daisy is the one who had surgery). We actually asked the Dr about sedating her and they wouldn't (said if she looses her balance she'll end up doing more damage). We are lucky that Daisy is crate trained, so we just say "go to your room" and she goes in the crate and sits there happily for her treat. My suggestion would be crate her if you have one and be really careful with sedating her!
  2. I'm confused...we can see where people are? I knew we could see who's online, I didn't know we could see where they are.....
  3. Oooh, good luck! I was surprised I didn't really have to "convince" Chris to do it, he just said ok. I was kind of disappointed, since I had my whole conversation planned out in my head LOL
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by melglnh2o Try Martha Roque. Her prices are very reasonable and she did a fantastic job with our TTD. It was so much fun and I highly recommend it!! Thanks! I just googled her, I'm goign to email her now...I should make a list of who I contacted, so I don't emial people 2 or 3 times LOL
  5. Oh YEAY!!!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see it!!!!! Here's to wedding date twins!
  6. I asked FI last night if he'd do it if I was able to find a reasonably prices photog...he said YES! I searched on here and emailed a bunch of Cancun/RM photogrophers and asked for prices for a TTD session and suggestions on where we'd do it...as the Moon Palace has a no outside photog rule. I'm going to get a second, cheaper dress for it. My dress cost a lot of $$ and I have to wear it again for the AHR. I know everyone said their dress didn't get ruined, but I can't take that chance. I'm SO excited!!!!!
  7. Hi Lawieland! I'm also getting married at the Moon Palace. Who is your contact in FL? I felt the same way you did, so I asked the FL person if it was possible to talk to someone onsite as I needed prices for budgeting reasons. I wasn't able to get in touch with the person she gave me, so now she's acting as a middle man. I ask her things, she gets back to me with prices. It usually takes her about 24 hours to get back to me. Let me know if you need help with anything, I might have some answeres for you. Good luck and happy planning! There's a TON of info here!!!!!
  8. I want to do one, but I don't know if I can convince FI to do it. I am going to try though and see if I can find a reasonable photographer in Cancun to do it (we're using the resort photog for our wedding pics).
  9. Wow! I have no idea what to tell you. I understand 100% how you feel. I had a similar situation last year, but with a friend (not a sibling). It was really stressful, so I can imagine how you feel. Sorry I'm not much help, you're sort of between a rock and a hard place. I'll keep thinking and let you know if I come up with anything. HANG IN THERE!
  10. Glad to hear you had a great time! Can't wait to read your full review!!! Congratulations
  11. I'm a Moon Palce bride too!!!!! Feel free to ask any questions or if you need any help!
  12. Dez921714


    Happy Planning!
  13. Dez921714

    i'm new

    Happy Planning!
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