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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. Congratulaitons and welcome to the forum! I'm getting married at the MP in January!
  2. You look great!!! Congrats on getting the dress!!!
  3. Your scheduling conflicts sound like the same reason we went with Jan. 17, 2009. MLK Bday....it's a 3day weekend for the NYC school system, a lot of other people have 3 day weekends too (city employees), it's mid-month, and the holiday shopping should have cooled down a little by them (relatives in retail getting off). Good luck!!!!
  4. I believe the Moon Palace (Cancun/Riveria Maya) has a Catholic Gazebo, where the religious/catholic ceremonies are held. It's a Gazebo, but it is outside. Might be something to look into. Good luck!
  5. I'm getting married at the Moon Palace. I don't think it's super expensice ($422/night for a double at peak season). It's 4 or 5 star I believe. It's child friendly and if guests stay 3 or more nights, it even inlcudes some excursions. Let me know if you have any questions about it.
  6. There are a lot of dreams brides here. I don't think I've read anything negative about it. Try doing a search, and I'm sure some dreams brides will chime in with advice/opinions
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