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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. We're thinking tan tuxedo's or suits....next on my list is to look into the prices of renting them here and brining them down.
  2. Ours will probably go towards credit cards...so that in a couple of years we can refinance and renovate. Or partial credit cards and part to immediate things that need to be done (like ripping up the rug in the family room and taking down the horrible panneling LOL) We will use some just for something fun too! I like the idea of putting at lest some of it towards a 1 year anniversary trip
  3. Yeah...I could go in for one think and come out $20 later...easily!!! A woman was in there wondering if the pool floats would get holes. I looked at her and said "at least if it does, you only spent $1 on it"! LOL
  4. I'm not sure, but I think evenings could get chilly. We're getting married in Cancun in January and plan to do an outdoor coctail hour following our ceremony and then an indoor reception (just in case it gets too chilly to enjoy eating and dancing outside when the sun goes down)
  5. The pay 50% thing is for the wedding package you choose...reception, coctails, extra flowers and extras are what you pay for when you get down there (3 days before you get married)
  6. Yes! please send me the info when you can. I thought it was just the raised seal on our birth certificates!
  7. Is it just the seal on the birth certificate or is it something different. I haven't looked that far yet LOL I booked 2 round trip tickets yesterday, all taxes and fees and trip insurance for $755. Continental wanted $1050.....
  8. Hang in there! *BIG HUG* I agree with everyone else. Better sooner rather than later, the last thing you need on your wedding weekend is drama because you aren't spending enough time with someone other than your FI. She sounds jelous and imature.
  9. right after I asked, I figured it out that it was oriental trading
  10. I think we're heading down on the 13th. Most of our families are coming down the 16-19th...with our wedding on teh 17th. FYI...check cheaptickets.com, cheapest flights I have found are on Mexicana out of JFK...direct flight too!
  11. We booked through a travel agent. I have no idea which side everyone is staying on. I'm thinking they block our rooms together, so everyone should at least be in the same place. KBMD, we were considering how long to stay...so maybe we'll have to stick around a few more days ;-)
  12. KBMD, I'll be there when you're there...I think we're planning to stay till the 23rd!
  13. If you like someones, click on it...they are usually links that will take you to the website where they made it...at least, that's how mine works. Then you pick the one you want and the marker you want And then in user CP go to edit signature and paste it in there. It's easy. We are planning to get our OOT bags and contents down with us, my paresnts, and a groomsman who is coming down the day after us. We figure, between the three couples, we should be able to get everything down there. The bags can be a little overwhelming...just concentrate on one thing at a time
  14. I understand what you're going through. While not exactly the same, I have FIL issues going on also. We are actually paying for FI's sister and mother to come so that they can't use $$ as an issue not to be there. FI has said things like "you're family will be there, adn they are my family too now...so my family will be there" but you knwo it's not the same. I wish I had more advice for you. Part of me wants to say blow up at them and maybe they will get the hint, and the other part of me wants to say bite your tongue but do everything physically possible to get them there. The last thing you want is for FI to look back on your wedding day and have regrets because his family isn't there.
  15. We're thinking we'll have 50-75 people. We can count 30 poeple we KNOW will be there and we're sending out 140 or so invitations...so having 50 people isn't really too much of a stretc...
  16. Her pro pics... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19429 Her non pro pics... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19480 Her review... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19422 I just used the advanced search and looked for threads started by her with "pics" in the thread title
  17. So far we've got our ring bearer...(all from dollar tree) swimmies, a float, blow up ball, sand molds, sand sifter and a pail with shovel. I'll probably also pick up a coloring book and crayons (he'll be 3 1/2 when we get married). We'll also planning to get him a gold ID bracelet.
  18. I love the bags If i didn't have my heart set on putting a monogram on our bags, I'd be getting those!
  19. exacltly...better safe than sorry!!!!
  20. Like everyone else, I love the books! I was thinking of getting the beach proof containers for our guests, but they are round and the room keys won't fit in them...where'd you get the change purses from?
  21. I went to Alfred University....so I have friends in Buffalo and Rochester (I'm closer with the Rochester people though and go up there a couple of times a year. We're acutally doing a Keuka Lake wine tour at the end of June )
  22. Our OOT bags are going to be our favors. We haven't gotten too into buying anything yet (we don't know how many people are coming yet) but they will probably be pretty elobarte.
  23. So you can do a coctail reception followed by dinner if you want. I wouldn't worry about it. If you search, I know Betsy posted her pics from her wedding in April, she used the resorts photogs. Where in Buffalo are you from?
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