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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. poor baby! I'm glad he's ok though. Where are the staples? be careful he doesn't pull them out...my daisy had surgery in March on her knee, we can home from dinner one night (we weren't out more than 2 hours and it was abotu 3 days before she was to have them removed) and she pulled them all out and needed an emergency trip to the vet, new staples and had to wear a bucket on her head for 3 weeks...literally, here's two pics
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by cutierosie Pookie, this flower issue has been stressing me out. I went online on e-bay and got a quote from this lady, I am basically getting all my flowers for 149 dollars (if i purchase them), is really cool because she has some tourquoise roses, which look gorgeous with white ribbon. She can also do your own, not to mention that she will make your own per your specifications and put an ad just for you to see and purchase, she e-mails you pretty fast too. I don't know if i will purchase it as my fiance wants real flowers and so do I but i'm afraid of getting there and them not having blue flowers to accent my white flowers, for my tiffany blue style wedding. Anyway, 149 is not a lot, so if you get there and they don't have the flowers you want, you can use the silk flowers, or you can get the extra...so really if you buy the silk flowers, you would only be giving yourself more options. I think this is the route I am going to take, but I welcome pictures of the free flowers if you have them... so here's the ebay flower lady i talked about 21pc Bridal ROUND bouquet wedding flowers BLUE / white - eBay (item 180199029377 end time Jul-20-08 22:37:44 PDT) I look forward to more ideas on this flower deal Why not ask the people in FL if they have the color flower you want? I was asking about flowers, but I guess they are in teh middle of changing vendors and my wedding is too far out to quote me prices....just an idea, the FL office has been super helpful for me.
  3. Wow, I can't beliece they did that to you! That's complete BS!!!! Did you have other guests staying there? were they able to get a refund and book at the new resort?
  4. I'm a Moon Palace bride. When it came time to choose a resort, we were debating between dreams and MP. This is why we choose MP... - We've stayed at Palace resorts before and had an AMAZING time - I get to arrive in a Horse Drawn Carriage lol - Jaczzie in every room - Excursions included if guests stay 3 or more nights (Tulum, Chiten Itza, Isla Mujeras, Coba) - If you stay at one Palace resort, you can go to any (we are planning a trip to the Cancun Palace for the day after the wedding...AMAZING beach and I believe they provide shuttles every 4 hours) - The resort is HUGE...there's something for everyone. I'm sure there are more reasons. If you have any questions, just ask!
  5. I haven't posted here yet, but I've been following it. I'm glad things worked out with your paretns and their new grandson, but I wish you mom told her "NO" at least the first time they asked her to babysit LOL I guess i'm like you...I hold grudges
  6. Wow, ok, try to take a deep breath and relax. Everyone is OK and on their way. I'm sure your parents are absolutly mortified that this happened to them and hopefully they'll learn from it. The most importatn this is that they make it there for your day...they're the ones who lose a day of vacation because of it! **HUG**
  7. Uh oh...I didn't invite my any of my BM's parents...including my BF since we were about 11. Should I talk to her about it? If I was having a traditional wedding, they'd be invited...uh oh
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. i know day 2 says no dry beans, but what about canned? I'm not sure. I debated the same thing. I think I found something online that said they're different but wasn't 100% sure. I just decided to skip the beans (even though they're my FAVORITE).
  9. I'd say get them something from your trip
  10. Ok, so I told you all I'd post this morning...well....FI is down 15 lbs (as per last night) and I'm doing 12-13 lbs (as per right now). We were going to take two days off and then start again, but we're going away this weekend. So we'll probably take the week off and eat sensibly and then start again next Monday. I just want to thank everyone for your support. We couldn't have done it without you!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. congrats!!!!!! that's awesome - you are such an inspiration to us newbies! ok, i have another question - can we have sugar substitutes? splenda, sweet and low? what about crystal light for water? Thanks! I keep stressing that if you're average to thin, you'll lose less and probably slower, don't get discouraged! I don't know. I think I read no on the sweetners, since the diet is a "detox" also. But I know others have used them. I think that rule "in moderation" would work
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. no, my inner dummy decided to make the whole pot spicy. i LOVE spicy foods, but the cayenne didn't have a shaker top so more went in than i expected. i let it cool on the stove overnight, and then nuked a bowl, and it was just a bit spicy, but very tolerable. i also just ate about 1/4 of a small watermelon and i feel like all of my food is sloshing in my belly! dh is away for the week, and summer vacation just began for me, so my whole week will consist of eating soup, farting a lot, and lounging in bed. maybe a shower here or there. here's my dilemma tho - we have a wedding friday night. it'll be day 6. we'll get there late, bc i have to pick dh up at airport, so cocktail hr will be no problem. what do i do about dinner? i know they'll have chateaubriand, but it'll probably have some kind of sauce on it. any suggestions? I agree, just try to stay way from the sauce if you can and you should be fine. I wouldn't worry too much. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 I've been off of here a few days- had to pack and get ready to leave in 2 days!! So this is the last day and I couldn't be happier!!!! I've been going to the gym but after beef day I gained 3 pounds so I've lost 4lbs total. I'm completely happy though cause I feel lighter and healthier. It's gotten me on the right track to stay away from bread and pasta. That's awesome! Congrats!!!!!!!! Wow! You leave in 2 days! How exciting!!!! I didn't weigh myself today...but I'll let you guys know first thing in the morning. I know FI is down 15lbs, i can't even explain how happy he is and proud that we made it the week (with minimal "cheating"...ie - going out for dinner Tuesday night). We did it! For those of you just starting...YOU CAN DO IT!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. i'm making mind right now. 1/2 of it is water; it's a water based soup. i used mostly frozen veggies - i HATE the taste of canned veggies, other than corn and artichokes. i'd put it in the slow cooker, but only if you're 1/2ing the recipe. i sincerely doubt i would have fit all of this in my slow cooker. i also wouldn't cook it for more than an hr or two. i've been simmering mine for about 30 min b/c i like my veggies soft. btw, mine is SPICY!!!! i put some cayenne in, b/c you guys were saying it needed something...WOW! i put some lemon juice in to cut the spice, but it really needs sugar...not gonna do it tho.... How you feeling? "Hot Hot Hot"...sorry, broke into song LOL Did you make the whole pot spicy or just the dish? I added the pepper to my bowl individually, so if I put too much, I can thin it out.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Good luck today ladies! Just think twice before you put it in your mouth. LOL! OMG you can say that again!!! We just got home from a 3 year olds bday party!!! I turned down Ice Cream Cake - My FAVORITE and passed on a delicious chocolate chip cookie someone put down in front of me...but I did eat a piece of Veggie Hero (with the bread) and Chicken Cutlet Hero (without the bread). But we took the dogs for a walk this morning, so I dout the bread was horrible. I think I might go have some soup....
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ashrose Hey ladies... I've just begun the research on doing my wedding at MP in Feb 2010 (just 1.5 months longer than 2009!)-- can I post here too? . My name is AshleyRose and I'm from Seattle. I've been reading through this whole thread and there is so much great information. I called Palace Resorts last week and immediately was sent two really great PDFs that have all the ceremony locations and all the reception locations. It was nice for me to have them all in one place -- including the max occupancy. Thought they might help someone else as well if they are looking at MP. There are SOOO many options! Welcome! Congrats on your engagment and choosing the MP. Of course you can post here!!! Thanks for the attachments
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill yeah, the diet has definetly helped me to get back on a healthy eating track, but I think I may just have to add some variety, I'm going to wait as long as possible, but if I break down I just have to make sure it's healthy choices. I hear you, not sure we're going to make it through today...We have a thrid bday party (our ring bearer) and a christening party today...lets see how we do LOL
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Off subject -Jessica - Aiden is a cutie pie! Dez, maybe it's the diet. I am SO wiped out at night. FI got into a screaming match yesterday too. I am blaming the diet! I wish I could blame the diet!!!! It's not though, FI has sleep apnea...if he doesn't sleep with his CPAP, he's good for sh*t the next day. And if he falls asleep midday, it's usually hard to wake him up (unless he uses his CPAP). It's always been this way. When I came to bed last night he appoligized abotu 3 times. He also appoligized this morning. I didn't say "it's ok" which is what I think he wanted. But every time he said "I'm sorry" I just said "I know" (made him feel a little more guilty lol)
  18. I know you got a few hours...but I'm waiting to hear how today goes
  19. Whooohooo! Congrats!!! Can't wait to see the pics!!!
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