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Everything posted by Dez921714
I love Rotties! When we were first looking at dogs, I sooo wanted a Rottie!
Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis Yeh... I just didn't want to offend her - or in any way suggest that I was looking for veterinary compensation. She is a good friend of our family and I know how terrible she felt when the whole situation occurred. I also totally agree that pit’s (and rottie’s) get a bad rap! I think that a dogs behaviour is 90% dependent on the way in which it is raised. EXACTLY! And everyone around us knows that ONLY FI and I are to take balls, sticks and bones from her (she can become a bit posessive/agressive with them and becomes overly excited with the idea of playing fetch - will leap up to "fetch" the ball or whatever before it's left your hand and get your hand or wrist instead, completely by accident...FFIL learned the hard way when he didn't listen to me). And she just doesn't click with some other females...so we are just super careful in introducing her to them. The funny thing is we've had Daisy longer than Vera. Now, the FIRST time she and Vera met...they shared a food bowl, water bowl and Daisy actually let her take a stick and a ball from her...it's the ONLY dog she has EVER let do that...needless to say, we took Vera home lol...
Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 Awww, I am glad your little one is ok I know how scary it is (especially when they are small) My little Harvey who's 9 lbs got attacked by the neighbor dog who's like 75 lbs. I scooped him up in my arms and the dog lunged at both of us. I went and confronted the neighbors and they said it was my dogs fault. WTF? I was SO pissed I can't even tell you. You will be able to pick him up soon, and he'll be fine! First, why wasn't that dog fenced in or on a leash? Second, you are really lucky that dog didn't do harm to you. I hate people like your neighbor! Our Daisy is a Pit Mix and we used to take her to the dog park but we don't anymore. One of the main reasons we don't is because she's part Pit. Even when other dogs start with her, she'll automatically be wrong because she is an "evil" Pit...This is the same pit that plays with my sisters 7lb Pomeranian and my FI's sisters 5lb silky terrier and EVERYONE at our vets office says she is one of the sweetest dogs they've ever seen (which says a lot since they see a LOT of dogs). But like most dogs, she has some issues, so we avoid certain situations because we know how she is.
Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 Seems like you are all set for today! You can do it! Thanks! I was so happy I actually shouted, "Thank you Jesus." Since yours was late too maybe it really was. I was 4 days late. Which is very unusual. I'm glad I stuck with it too. I only made it because of the encouragement you all offered. Who knew when I found this forum I would end up getting so much help in other parts of my life!!
Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. crap, if i'm late, the pharmacy is going to be OUT of pregnancy tests. one day late and i flip. awe lol I wasn't worried....I cut FI off 2 months ago.....yes, we are both going crazy and my friend and sister have money on if we'll make it to the wedding but...lol I don't want to be pregnant when I get married (no fun if you can't drink at an AI!) and there's not enough time before we get married for me to have it...and my one thing has always been that I want to be married before we have kids (plus, I think it'll make the "first time" more special lol)....sooooooo...lets just say we are counting down the next 6 or so months but I haven't the slightest worry if I'm late LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis Thanks Dez! Your support means a lot! That's what we're here for
Good response...I like the "kids will be kids" part
I'm so glad the furbaby is home and Ok! I agree. Tell your friend that he had to have staples, but don't make it a big deal. At least she acknowledges that the dog has issues and will take the right steps next time someone with a dog is around (chaind up and muzzle), it's unfortunate that she had to find that out via your baby. If she offers to pay the vet bill you can accept or not (say something like "don't worry about it, but the money towards Cuba")...or maybe offer to split it if she won't take no for an answer. Do all you can to keep him from scratching it!! Maybe show him the pics of Daisy's bucket as a warning that if he scratches, that could be him!!!! LOL
Smart choice...for no other reason than they said one thing in the ad and another thing to you...I wouldn't trust them!
Happy wedding week! Can't wait to see the pics!!!!
Thank god your pic is still the same or I'd have had no idea who you were LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 Good Morning Ladies, Congrats to everyone that ended their diets Sunday and Monday! I wanted to post my results as I ended my diet last night! I wanted to lose 5-8lbs or whatever it took for me to be able to fit back into my trousers and skirts again. I know it's not that much but, I had no intention of buying all new clothes. And I felt like my ass was huge (at least to me it was)! I did it for the 7 days. Cheated twice and each time with 8 grapes. Also, I drank one or two protein shakes a day since I am in training. Last night was my last day and when I tried on my clothes nothing. I wasn't really disappointed because I now realize that I do have self control and just need to use it. Anywho...I woke up this morning and when I walked into the bathroom my stomach looked flat. I looked smaller. It's 4am I'm thinking okay I'm tripping! So I get on the scale and I lost 2lbs. Which may not seem like much but, I'm not that big to begin with. So I tried on 3 pairs of my trousers and 2 out of the 3 now fit again without any problems. I like my clothes a little bit big. So they problaby fit just normal now. I am so excited. Another thing...my cycle was late for some reason which I blame on the change in diet and it didn't start until yesterday. So I think I was just bloated and maybe that's why I didn't see any results before because I bloat the week before. So for everyone that is just starting out don't get discouraged if you don't lose the weight it says you should lose in this diet. You may not see results until the end like I did and remember that you are learning how to exercise your self control which tends to be a problem for all of us. Good Luck Ladies Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day, Yvonne I was wondering how you were doing! That is so great that your jeans fit this morning!!!! You must be so thrilled you stuck with it after teh first couple of days, you were having a really hard time. Thats funny that your visitor was late...so was mine and I wondered for a minute if it was because of the diet....hmmmmm..... So glad you stuck to it! You can do anything!
haha...I was gonna ask if you put a little laxative in it :-D
I used a lot of the spices they tell you to put in the soup...garlic powder, red pepper...When I made the portobello mushrooms, zucchini and onions, I used some pam to help with the "stir fry"
Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I call mine Monkeys too! That is hilarious! I go outside and say Where are my Monkeys at. And they all come running. When I first saw that I thought you were replying to something I said. Then I was like wait I didn't tell her I call them Monkeys. LOL too funny LOL that's too funny!
If nothing else, you'll feel the difference because of the amount of veggies you'll be eating.
Daisy's nicknames are... Daisy Cakes Bucket Head Slug Head Stinky But Momma Baby Cakes Daisy Duke Vera's are... Moose Vera Dog Crotchity Doggie Dog And I call both of them "monkeys" I don't know why... Your baby will be fine and home before you know it! And if he comes home with literally a bucket on his head...I can guarantee you'll be laughing at him for a few weeks
Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 My dog got bit once on the lip. It was REALLY deep. He had to get stitches and I bought him a cone. He had to wear it for like two or three weeks. His name is Trigger and We started calling him Triggy Triggy Conehead. LOL he love it. I would say it in a sing song type of voice. He still answers to me when I call him Conehead lol. OH I love my dogs they are a constant source of love and entertainment. haha, we call Daisy Buket Head (so does EVERYONE at the vets office LOL) Last summer she came in the house one night and we thought she had mud oh her head...it was a slug...so we started calilng her Slug Head...it's a wonder she knows her name at all...
We put a letter with our STD...this is from it... " We appreciate gifts but really want you to know that just your presence in Cancun for our wedding IS the present itself!! We don’t want anyone to feel obligated to attend or to feel like we are putting pressure on them. We know that some people won’t be able to make it and we really do understand."