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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. Just an FYI...Dollar tree has "badge holders", a 10 pack for $1. They are made for security badges, so they are smaller than the name badges you can get at office max or staples...but for essentially ten cents each, it's worth it! I found them in the back to school section!
  2. Teasers are torturous!!! Welcome back, you guys look great! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!!!
  3. "eat ribs and drink beer" I swear, I wish I was a man sometimes!!! I went shopping with my mom today and we got her dress, shoes and bag We also figured out that an actual tiara isn't going to work with me (non have looked right) but a half one attached with a comb looks awsome...so that's the next obsticle. Not sure what else I've posted, so forgive me if I'm repeating myself - Ordered my dress - Ordered half my BM dresses...waiting for the one ready to pop to pop before we put the order through - Got most of my BM's gifts - Pasmina, savorski starfish necklace and earings, starfish/shell theamed picture frame and flip flops as soon as I order them -Figured out what we're getting the GM (gonna do a group caracture, got the idea from moonpalacepookie and FI LOVED it) - Ordered my OOT bags from Promotional tote bags custom sizes and styles from cheap totes - Picked otu FI's rings (he's getting 2 since his cost a LOT less than mine LOL) - Found my ring and a jewler to make it (need to go back and actually order it in the next week or two) - Ordered my invitatioins, they came in, I hated them and they redid them...sent me a proof that time and now they're great...should be in Monday...my RSVP date is Nov. 15, so I'm not sending them until Mid-Sept. I feel like I'm forgetting something.....
  4. The canvas tote bags go on sale for .99 all the time. And you can use cupon code "cheaptotes" to save another 10%. I ordered mine Monday (or maybe Tuesday) and they came in on Thursday I am so excited and love them!!! FI asked fi they;ll be big enough for all the crap I want to put in them LOL I told him they'll just be very full! But he liked them too!! I have a question about the logos. I ordered a couple of sheets of iron on paper from them (plan to see if I can find it cheaper) but right now I'm debating on how big to print the monograms....4x6, 5x8, 8.5x11? Any suggestions? I don't want it to get "lost" on the bag.
  5. I've heard the MP called that...but I've also heard other brides say that although they had every time slot filled, you get 150% attention and they didn't really run into any other brides
  6. haha, never mind my question on if you went with Martha That's one of the reasons we didnt' pick to do it the day after too...we're gettin gmarried Sat and doing the pics Mon...enough time to sober up for pre-dawn pictures
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mtomas5555 Dez, What are BD pics? And what does that stand for? I am clueless! lol Melissa Boudior ;-) They are "sexy" but tastefull picutres If you do a search, you'll see a BUNCH of threads with girls who've done them Quote: Originally Posted by ashrose Edited -- removed suggestion to contact groups department. Just a quick update -- I got a call from Carolina who is in charge of the weddings department (someone posted her contact info above) and she apologized for the inconvienence and the poor service I'd been receiving. -- they are making things right for me. Yay!! :clap: If you are having the same problems -- she is super nice, I'd recomend calling her. I posted Carolina's info, She was the first person I was in contact with and I thought she was a higher up I'm glad she was able to help you. She is really nice. Just give her a day or two to respond, but she will. Quote: Originally Posted by KBMD12309 Im so made= i have another 6 months to wait ARGH i want to go NOW Tell me about it!!!! But I had a "mini freak" this week that there's only 6 months left!!!!!
  8. I saw those today! They were pretty good...especially for the price
  9. Wow! Great review and awesome pics...UGH! I have 6 more months!!!!!
  10. They are into the Mets, so I think she's going to do one in just a jersy. She's got a TON of longerie she hasn't really used, so she's excited to get to use it. She just has to get theigh highs and maybe a boa Her DH works in a suit and tie every day, so she's going to grab a shirt and tie and we're going to do one with the shirt spread open (just covering her boobs) with the tie around her neck. We're going to move my couch out of the way and we have a sold greyish wall we're gonna use behind her. Maybe hang different colored sheets for different looks. We also have a kigsize bed and a wall of windows, so we're thinking of some fun in front of window picutes and laying accross the bed. We have to be careful, because like was mentioned, I don't want her DH look realized it's my house the second he looks at the pics I'm so excited!!
  11. I hate to post and run...but I'm off to work...can't wait to see the responses tonight
  12. So, FSIL's first anniversary is coming up...I suggested she take BD pics to give to DH..since 1st anniversary is paper anyway. She'd never heard of BD pics, so i described them to her adn then showed her a bunch of sameple (thanks ladies!). Well, she dosn't want to spend the $ on a professional, so she asked ME to take some!!!! We spent the afternoon thinking of ideas. She's going to come over Monday, we're gonna have a few (many!) drinks and then take some pics I'm hoping to get enough liquor in her to get her to go to the park where there are a lot of trails (she mentioned wanting some outside, but not having the guts). Her DH is SOOOO going to know i gave her the idea We went to JoAnn fabrics and got a bunch of the iron on rhinstone letter...she's going to make 3 pairs of cute undies...one that siad "Mrs. XXXXX" Another that said "I *heart* Joe" and another with their wedding date on it I'm going to spend this weekend reading the manual to my camera to figure out how to use it the right way We've got a bunch of ideas already, but does anyone have suggestions...especially photographers, I am by NO means a professional (I just like to take pictures).
  13. Oh my! I'm so sorry sweety!!! I don't have any suggestions that haven't been mentioned already. Being as your debit card has a visa logo, you should be ok. Hang in there, things can only get better!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mexico2009 Finally made it through the 61 pages of posts! : ) I found most of the answers to my questions, but there is one I didn’t see. Is the beach private? What I mean is for MP guests only? TIA! Welcome! I'm glad we had answeres to most of your questions I don't know if the beach is 100% private...but the resort is HUGE and I don't think there are any other ones around it...so it probably is, even if it's indirectly. Google Earth MP...it's crazy!!!!
  15. We had tossed around the idea of giving everyone massages in Mexico or a group excursion...but it's peoples vacations, so I don't want to MAKE them do something. And teh massages would have been a little too expensive. LOL, I'd say yes, but I already have 7 girls
  16. Oh, and I know Karina only worked Mon, Wed, and Fri...not sure if they all do that, so it might take a day or two to hear back, but Carolina was responsive!
  17. My initial contact was with Carolina Lopez...maybe this can help (it's her signature from one of her emails) [email protected] Carolina Lopez Senior Sales Wedding Coordinator (877) PAL-4-WED ext. 7554 (305) 375-9508 Fax Web: Palace Resorts Web: Le Blanc Spa Resort- Close to Perfection
  18. Each of my BM's will get... 1. Swarskoi pendant and earings (I just ordered the crystals and will put them on fishing string with clasps for the necklaces, so it gives that "floating" appearance) 2. A pasmina to match their dress 3. Flip flops to wear at the reception and any time after 4. A beach theamed picture frame with either a pic of me and the BM or a pic of the BM and her sig. other And the regular OOT bag everyone else will get I think that's it
  19. You should bump this once a week or so...it seems there are soooo many Noobies and some of us regulars (myself including) could use the reminders too!
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