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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. Wow, that totally sucks! I almost used magnetqueen.com, I'm so glad I didn't We ended up using MagnetStreet : Magnetic Calendars, Calendar Magnets, Wedding Invitations, Save The Date Magnets, Refrigerator Magnets, Magnetic Sports Schedules and were sooo happy. They were quick and responsive and I think it only took like 2 weeks to get them (if that long). If you find our magnet on their site, you'll see that we changed the color from green to aqua and they show it with a long picture of the couple...we didn't have a long one of us I wanted to use, so I asked them if they could just use 2 pics from me, and they agreed, and there were no extra charges. If I remember correctly, Sarah Sproullie uses them too. Here's a link from when I sent them out, it includes a pic of mine (they have a destination wedding section on their website). http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t18221
  2. Ok, so I posted a thread the other day that I found great badge holders to use as luggage tags at the Dollar Tree. My question is, how many did you send out per person? Is 2 per person (4 per couple) a lot or a normal amount? 1 per person doesn't seem like enough to me, but 2 per person almost seems like too many. Ok, I know I don't make sense LOL How many did you send? Thanks
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KBMD12309 Ive gotten its too expensive from my own brothers and sister. It doesnt look like they are able to come and it is very hurtful but you know what, this is what i wanted and I have to deal with the consequences. I also feel that i am having a dinner reception back at home anyways that everyone can come to so they will atleast be there...but it still would be nice to have my big sister stand next to me on my wedding day. She lives in Australia as it is so I never get to see her. SO i hear ya there girls. Its a toughy but its what i always wanted to have a destination wedding. If you really want her there but she can't afford it, is there any way you can help out with the bill? That's what we did for FI's mom even though we really can't afford it (WHOLE other issue, but she'll be there and that was what was most important to us). Quote: Originally Posted by blinkgrl119 omg i would be heart broken if she was already booked! i think mp start taking bookings in january for 2010...i will book the wedding date as soon as that has been booked, then straightaway try get elizabeth medina booked...hopefully with 16 months in advance i will get her!! Just an FYI with booking the MP. We decided on Thanksgiving to have a destination wedding and I contacted the MP the next week. I wasn't able to reserve my wedding date (for January 2009) until mid-Feb. and that was only after hounding and hounding them. I'd say, if you have a photographer you really really want, have her hold your date, but explain what's going on...it's far enough in advance that they should be ok working with you. Also, even if you don't get the time you want, with so many time slots in one day, you should be able to get your date. Just start asking them and keep in touch with them, so once it's opened for booking (might not be until Feb!) you'll be on their minds.
  4. LOL Nice! And I thought it was going to be a good simertain (sp?) and take the woman out to have her hair done and stuff But her answer was much better
  5. OMG! I am so sorry that this is happening to you. I don't have much advice, but I think it's awesome that Maura and StarChild were able to get those contacts for you. If they are advertising via facebook, you shoudl let someone at facebook know that they took your money and ran...maybe they'll ban them or something so this doesn't happen to anyone else.
  6. I feel like I'm the only one without picky eaters LOL My dogs favorite is Cat food! They beeline for the bowl whenever we visit my parents LOL In general I feed them Iams for large breed adults (has glucosimine in it). I know you said your dogs don't like Iams, so I guess I'm not much help.
  7. Whooohooo! Good luck! How exciting That's exactly how we got our house...it LITERALLY fell on our laps. Like the only time it had been mentioned was that it was something we wanted to do in the next 5-7 years....and that was 3 years ago I've got my fingers corssed for you!
  8. They do have a no outside photogrophy rule...that's the only thing so far that sucks! The way around it is to bring a photogropher with you. If they are a guest at the resort, they will allow it.
  9. I'm biased...if you have any questions about the Moon Palace feel free to PM me You can even pop over to the Moon Palace thread and ask there if you want
  10. We are not paying for their trips...I have 7 girls.... We were origionally having a HUGE wedding at home, so when we changed to a Destination Wedding I told each girl seperatly that "I want you to come and I still do want you to be in it, but if you can't afford both, I'd rather you come than be in it, and if you can't afford to come or be in it, we really do understand" All 7 are coming and being in it.
  11. That's right! We basically have the same count down! I have to admit...it's technically less than 6 months and I'm starting to stress...
  12. Welcome to the forum. We have a very LONG thread going with a TON of details. Just search for "Moon Palace" and you'll find it. I think it's titled "Moon Palace 2008 & 2009 brides post here" Feel free to PM me if you have any questions
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne I just wanted to add a big "DITTO" to that! Times 2!!!
  14. The moon palace's beach does have a LOT of seaweed, but they have trucks taht go by and scoop it up. SharlaScott just did a review and posted her pictures. Betsy got married there in April and did a review and also posted her pictures. I know we have two other brides there right now. If you haven't checked otu the MP thread, a LOT of your questions might be answered there. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21569 PM me if you have any questions about the MP, I might be able to help.
  15. Oh, and my dress is strapless too. I'm sicilian and i get DARK in the summer. Some poeple told me I was being neurotic to be wearing a strapless bathing suit all summer, but if I get dark enough, I'll hold my tan lines through January...so I've basically been living in my strapless bathing suit....I'm Very dark and I have NO tanlines...except by my boob and earlier today FI was like "WOW those are bright"! LOL
  16. I actually put a line on the RSVP "Suggest a Song You'd Like to Hear Played at the Festivities" I'm hoping people fill it out, even if they RSVP "No" so they'll still sort of be there in a way I soooo totally know what you mean about forgetting about the thigns you ahve. I have a list going so I know wha tI have, but every so often I have to look at it and I'm like "oh, look at that, I forgot I bought that" LOL
  17. We've gotten "it's too expesive" from people, and you're right you do take it (at least slightly) personal, I don't know if there's a way not to. I just take a deep breath, remind myself that this is part of having a destination wedding and tell the person I understand if they can't make it, but hey, you never know what'll happen in a few months, they might be able to come last minute...and I leave it at that.
  18. Now I know why you got the jewlery you did! Very pretty dress!!! Both of them!
  19. ***BIG HUG*** I'm sorry you're going through all of this right now, it'll get better...eventually. I agree with everyone else in that you need to talk to someone ASAP...a counselor, social worker or psycholigist. It won't happen over night and you might need some kind of med to help get you out of the funk you're in, but you're on your way. Consider confiding to us here your first step As for FI...I know it's hard, but I also know how my FI is. He's great with other people and helping them get through things and stuff like that, but when it comes to me he can't even handle the minimal depression I get with PMS! I honestly think it scares him to see me in a state like that...especially when I'm usually the one holding him together, so if it seems like I'm falling apart, he can't handle being around me, seeing it or even trying to help me. He doesn't realize that he ends up just making it worse. I know that that wasn't any kind of advice, but could your FI be like mine in that sese? I've found so much support on this forum, in more areas than wedding planning. It's a great place to vent, cry and get outside opinions. I know that at least I would never judge your FI because you are having issues (loard knows the issues FI and I had a few weeks ago...I put off posting about it, but was so glad when I did. It ended up being a very LONG thread and I'm sure a lot of people wonder why I'm still even with him...) but anyway, my point it, you're with FI for a reason and this is just a rough patch, you'll get through it...right now, concentrate of fixing you if you can. We're here for you!!!!
  20. YAY!!! Have a fabulous time!! Can't wait to see the pics when you return
  21. They are acually the ones you slip the card into. The battery on my camera died, so I can't take a picture, but they look like the ones Becks did. Here's a link to her thread so you can see what they look like. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23345
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