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Everything posted by Dez921714

  1. I've seen them for sale in like target or walmart...if you aren't a sewer, you might be better off buying them made
  2. Wow! 27 rooms booked is awesome!! Did you do a group contract? You'll get a bunch of perks if you did My head was spinning a lot too when I first found this site (still does sometimes!). Just pick one thing at a time, think it though, even make notes or whatever and then go onto the next thing. As for the hands poem, I think they read it to you...telling you to look at his hands and him to look at yours...it'd probably be nice right before the vows/rings
  3. the sand ceremony is similar to a unity candle. They don't charge you for it, you only have to buy your sand vases and stuff. If you do a search, you'll find threads about it. The hand ceremony I heard about on this site. Here's a link to the one I'm using. Read it, and again, I'm sitting here crying! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19895
  4. So I went back to the first one I went to and they had them!!!! I went a) to get more and to prove to myself that that's where I got them! I feel bad sending everyone on a wild goose chase...but it definately was a Dollar Tree!! **side note...once you take into account gas and an $8 toll to get back from NJ (twice) these badges are getting a bit expensive LOL (but I don't add teh gas or toll into the budget worksheet)
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I'm stalking right now! We didn't get a lot from our registries for the showers, and there is stuff that we really need/want with us putting the offer in on the house. I want to move in with all new stuff! I know Mike won't want to spend our wedding cash on decor, so I'm hoping that those who don't follow the registry will go the gift card route. **On a side note. If I registered, buy me something from my f-ing registry! I can't tell you have many picture frames I have right now. And some obvious re-gifts. Anyone want a snowflake brandy decanter? I'll be happy to share the love! I'd take it off your hands, but then I'd have to send you the ceramic fruit basket, complete with attached ceramic fruit, that we got as an engagement gift...
  6. Ok, I knew I saw this thread, so I had to bring it back up I went to Bed Bath & Beyon and for the first time, I stalked it...usually I go to add things, this time i just went to see if anything has been "Purchased"...and things HAVE been!!!! My shower is a "surprise". I know I'm having one, but have no idea when or where. All I know is that invitations have gone out. Anyway! Yay!!! New red dovet
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis that caricature thing is kinda cute... but I wouldn't want that hanging in my house... that would go right up there with the melted beer bottle art, and deer heads that made it to the garage when FI and I moved in together. Haha, just goes to show you how people are different Our group would love something like that (as would we LOL)
  8. yep..you can...I know when I was asking about a coctail reception they told me it could be set up on the beach, but it'd be an extra $10 per person
  9. If they're outdoorsy types...I knwo someone posted a cooler type bag with built in ipod speakers and stuff...
  10. I am totally 100% stealing MoonPalacePookies idea. FI wanted something different and we couldn't think of a single thing. So I told him about what "one of the girls on that forum I'm on" did and showed him her pic and he LOVED it! It's a group caricature. You send them the peoples pics adn tell them what you want each person doing and then they make them into caricatures. Check out post #7 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20512
  11. ya never know...she might go out and buy a different dress and not tell you ;-)
  12. she's an amazing artist, but knowing they are fake gave me the chills...ever see "House of Wax"?
  13. Welcome to the forum...happy planning
  14. I haven't actually been to the Moon Palace yet, but I know it's HUGE....so I doubt it has that romantic intimate feeling unless you look for it....I know there are some girls on here who have been there before, so maybe they could agree or disagree...(I might be completely wrong lol...)
  15. We are having their judge or whatever do the legal thing...and I added a non-denominational minister I think. We're also adding a sand ceremony and maybe a hand ceremony if it isn't too much...We're also having VERY close family friends read a clip from Dr. Suses "The Places We Will Go". We're hoping everything takes at least 15-30 minutes....
  16. I agree that you should read through threads for both. Another HUGE seller for me for the MP is that if guests stay 3 or more nights, some excursions are included at no extra cost (tulum, chiten itza, isal mujeras).
  17. I just got my swarovki starfish in and they literally took my breath away! I got 40mm for the girls necklaces and 16mm for their earings. My mom just came by and thinks it might be "too much" but I'm sparkly, so I want them to be too. The invitations (2nd round) came in today and I LOVE them The cheaptotes bags came in last Thursday and were EXACTLY what I wanted! They were shipped super fast!!!! If anyone wants to know where I got the starfish crystals from, just ask. They were so nice and responsive and I got them in about a week!!! I'd definitely recommed them to anyone!!!
  18. Don't assume! And even after we booked our date, it still wasn't up for booking on the website for at least another week or two!! Hound them at least once or twice a month! Then again, I can be a pest if I want to be LOL
  19. LOL...3 per person makes sense if they had 2 checked pieces and a carry on that they put in the overhead I definately see your logic I think I'm going to go with 2 per person
  20. Just as an FYI...apparently not all Dollar Tree's carry the same thing! I got the "badge holders" in a store in NJ...I just went to two in Staten Island and neither had them and I asked at both! The woman in the second store said it must be a larger store in NJ that I went to because they get more "dollar deals". UGH! Frustrating!!!
  21. People can give you an idea of what prices they were quoted...but a lot of the time it changes based on what year, time of year, location, etc. etc. Your best bet is to just shoot an email to the photogs your interested in.
  22. I've been reading this thread all day...and I just wish I could give you a hug and tell you that everything will be ok! Everything will be OK! Hang in there **HUG**
  23. I've seen cute DIY door hangers at the dollar tree (I think). The only thing, and I think it's been mentioned on here before, is be careful and make sure your guests don't use them before your wedding. It's almost like advertising that their room will be vacant while your wedding, etc., is going on. Also, it's like telling would be crooks that there might be a lot of money/jewlery in the room. I don't want to scare anyone, just be cautious and make sure your guests are too.
  24. I was going to suggest the same thing as twinketoes. I knwo my laptop also has a little button at the top of the mousepad, if I press it it locks the pad...which actually comes in handy since my hand hits it constantly while I type lol
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