No problem. Kristin is amazing.
I don't want to speak on behave of Kristin, but what I gather is that she feels you out for your style and then does the entire design work. So she may not be exactly what you are looking for. From what I understand Kristin and her team take the drivers seat for the design and concept of the wedding. Though you can have your own input, it is all really left up to them. which is perfect for someone like me, who wants to be surprised the day of my wedding, yet trust that someone, like Kristin will bring my special day to life and showcase my personality with little to no input from me. So if you already know exactly what you want, she may not be the best fit. AGain I do not want to speak for her, but that is what I gathered from my interaction and feedback from others.
I am kind of jealous that you know exactly what you want your wedding to be like. I have no idea. I only know my own style and am counting 100% on Kristin to create my dream wedding/reception. Based on the work she does, and I have seen it for myself in person. I have no doubt I will be blown away.