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Everything posted by Christi

  1. Christi


    Welcome and congrats...you'll find tons of useful info here...
  2. Christi


    Welcome and congrats!
  3. Christi


    Welcome and congrats!
  4. I like #2 because it plays off of your e ring...giving the look more pizazz...
  5. what a great gift...we have a canon (not sure of the model, but it always takes amazing pictures...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amanda0309 The wedding on the web page at the mona lisa is breathtaking how much does something of that caliber cost?? I am planning on around 50-60 people could it still be that beautiful My WC said the Sunset de Mona Lisa started at around $10,000 and went up from there (we decided against it since it was $$$)...this was last year...it may be less costly if you contact them directly...
  7. what about a champagne or silver BM dress with a hint of red incorporated? The dress looks amazing on you... beautiful color.
  8. your centerpeice is really pretty..I can't believe how real the orchids look...good find!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Cassondra2009 My four month old puppies chewed through my favorite pair of sandals today...not quite as bad as the computer cord. They tried that last week but my FI got to them in time and they haven't tried it again. This may make you feel a little better...I stepped in poo with my bare foot last night!! I called out to my FI to get me a paper towel and instead he comes in with the camera!!! oh puppies...love them and want to kill them all at once...but mostly love them! sorry about the poo-stepping, but thank you for the hearty laugh!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn My husband eats PB, Mayo and Lettuce sandwiches. I think its the most disgusting combo... but he's right there with you on this one. He loves them! close enough...yeah for us!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 omg- my FI would gag if I read him this thread! lol I'd say PB and mayo is pretty gross and I love both of them separately, but what's even grosser than that is Miracle Whip on ANYTHING. YUCK I agree..miracle whip is just plain awful!
  12. No one brought us gifts in Mex...they sent them to the house once we returned...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Okay Becks then you probably don't want to know that I grew up eating mayo on my french fries LOL It's a Dutch thing and unhealthy but goooood! I love mayo on french fries...ranch dressing too...YUM!
  14. your godmother rocks! Tell her she has exceptional taste!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy Ok, I'm going to need the e-mail addresses for your moms. Don't worry about why. My mom was a devout catholic and RARELY discussed sex - I would venture to say I was a one hit wonder! LOL
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by stkitts2010 My FI is a mayo freak! He puts mayo on EVERYTHING! I have never seen him eat PB and mayo though. I just asked him if he would ever eat PB and mayo sandwiches and he says, "No! That's gross! I love peanut butter and mayo but seperately." I thought he would say he would try it. The weirdo puts mayo even on pancakes. Sorry... LOL - tell him to try it...I bet he'd like it...I was a mayo freak as a kid...I'd it eat by the spoonfuls...now I try to limit it since it's so fattening and I just can't go for the healthier versions...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB I read the title and was expecting to see a Pregnancy announcement! Sorry to say that I might be on your DH side on this one. I'm curious how you even got the idea to try it? a childhood friend turned me on to it...she ate PB, mayo, choc sauce and bananas...I couldn't do all that, so I narrowed it down to what I liked...
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