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Everything posted by Christi

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mnewbauer Thanks for your responses. We want to keep the costs as low as possible when we return. The problem is, we live in a condo so our place is out for the AHR. My parents have a very nice house but it doesn't have a backyard. I have thought about renting a park with tents and heat lamps b/c it will be end of Oct. when we have it. We just thought that a brunch would cut down on costs. But....now we need to find a place to have it!!!! I like the idea of a champagne brunch in a private room of a restaurant...good idea!
  2. really cute, picts...makes me want to jump on a plane and head there since I haven't been in two years!
  3. I would prefer something natural rather than pharmaceutical. I've used Valerian Root which is an herbal pill that helps reduce stress/anxiety and helps promote sleep...it did take about a week for me to feel it take full effect, but it helped. You can find it at most vitamin stores...I hope you feel better soon! Valerian Root - Benefits, Common Uses, Side Effects and Clinical Information for Valerian Root
  4. We invited 70 and had 30 attend... most of the invitees said they were coming, but as it got closer to the date, many backed out for one reason or another (which was fine with us since we wanted to keep it small.)
  5. I agree with everyone else...they look good, but if you are thinking of adding snacks...maybe candy...gum, mints, mini candy bars, etc.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari LOL! I too have the disease! It is so much to check and see what people get you. I'm another diseased soul...LOL!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jamaicabride09 How many boxes did they allow you to bring? Which airline did you fly on? We flew on Alaska and could check two bags each without charge...we had two large suitcases and two large boxes filled with stuff...all came under 50 pounds (barely)...so we weren't charged...we also both carried on two small suitcases...it was pain with all that stuff, but I didn't trust shipping it...although many people have without issues...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride09 I don't have any suggestions of where to find the earrings, but I wanted to comment on how stunning they are! Thanks for the website! I'm finding a lot of nice jewelry! I got my wedding jewelry from them and I was really impressed with the quality...some faux jewelry really looks fake, but they do good work...
  9. I have a friend who named her baby Wednesday...maybe days of the week are a new trend...
  10. The pictures are awesome...I love fireworks!
  11. I'm not sure of your price range, but these are similar...Margareta's Brilliant CZ Dangle Leverback Earrings
  12. some cute silver shoes here...Sandals at Shoes.com - Shop Men's Sandals, Women's Sandals and Kid's Sandals[silver+sandals]
  13. Everything looks great...happy, happy wedding day!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Blisslife OH WOW! Another BFF! HA! The husbands only request is that we visit Lido! We are thinking a Lunchtime show. I saw that was one of the offerings on the website. Any info you could share would e so appreciated! I suggest going to a evening show (it's more romantic) and that way you can walk along the Champs-Elysees when it's all lit up before and/or after the show...I wouldn't recommend having dinner there since the food is just OK and with so many amazing restaurants to choose from, it would be a waste of money...imo I have no idea about anything else..... I know I want crombruche (sp?) and a traditional cake, would love to have some portion of the festivities outside? Remember that it will be cold...we were there over Christmas it was 20 degrees How far is the french rivera from the city of Paris....uuugh...to many questions! Nice is about 600 miles from Paris (you can fly there (a little over an hour) or take the high speed train (6 hours)...there are a lot of places you can see outside the city that are closer...there are day/overnight tours to the champagne region (one of my favorites), Normandy (awesome), the Loure Valley (great if you are a wine buff), Versaille etc...and there is so much to see and do in the city that you don't have to leave it to find things to do... If you'd like to PM me with any other questions, I'm more than happy to help! Paris holds a special place in my heart and I love to share my experiences there...obviously! LOL...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by NewOrleansbride This is my favorite part of the movie - "Take a whack at weeza". You go from crying to laughing. It's, IMO, one of the greatest movie scenes of all time. One of my favorite quotes is when Claree is apologizing to Weeza and she says "You know I love ya more than my luggage!"
  16. We packed our supplies in moving boxes and kept them in their original packaging since most stuff already came packed in boxes w/bubble wrap or popcorn...the airline put fragile stickers on the outside of the boxes and we had no damages...
  17. [quote= I played college basketball and was very disciplined What about finding a basketball team/class to join? maybe once a week to start? I played soccer through college and haven't played in years and recently found a soccer class to get me back in shape so that I can join a team...it was really hard to get motivated at first, but once I go out there, the love of the game came back tenfold and made it easier for me to continue.
  18. a milk bath is soothing along with tons of aloe and advil...
  19. I love the high five pict too...you looked amazing!
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