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Everything posted by Christi

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by kerryjbrown Has anyone received a list of flowers available in cabo with or without pricing on them? Trying to see what my options are. Thanks One of the girls had a price quote for 4 places, but I think it may have been specific to her bouquet and not a random assortment of flowers...I think the title of the thread was Flower Cart in Cabo or something with Flower Cart in it...it caught my eye because I used the Flower Cart for my flowers..
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Each of my BM's will get... 1. Swarskoi pendant and earings (I just ordered the crystals and will put them on fishing string with clasps for the necklaces, so it gives that "floating" appearance) 2. A pasmina to match their dress 3. Flip flops to wear at the reception and any time after 4. A beach theamed picture frame with either a pic of me and the BM or a pic of the BM and her sig. other And the regular OOT bag everyone else will get I think that's it OMG - Can I be in your wedding (LOL)?! What beautiful and generous gifts!
  3. I'll have to try Magic Eraser cause nothin' else has worked..thanks!
  4. cute name...welcome and happing planning!
  5. Christi


    Welcome and congrats...you'll find tons of great ideas on here!
  6. Welcome to the forum...I'm an oldie, but a goodie too!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Birth control pills are the only things that ease my cramps. me too...I went years without relief until I went on the pill...when I went off the pill, my cramps came back, but nothing like before and now a few advil will control the pain...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 Thanks Christi! That site is great. So the quality was good? What did you choose? Hi Amanda, I was really pleased with the quality...I was a little worried that the bracelet would look fake, but it didn't and a lot of my guests thought my jewelry was real ( I wish! This is what I chose...it goes with my ring which is a sapphire w/diamonds... Remy's CZ Bracelet Joey's Sapphire Blue CZ Necklace and Earrings Set
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Lvenok I needed a good laugh this morning, thanks me too...thanks for this!
  10. I got my jewelry from this site and was really impressed with the quality... Bridal Jewelry | Wedding Jewelry
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 No, I think I'm too poor to get married in the US. LMAO...so true!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Oh! And the question about whether or not I was pregnant and was running off "because I had to" was rather interesting, too. That's too funny!...People never cease to amaze! As a joke, you start wearing a baby belly just to see reactions!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK ok, I'm just trying to do the right thing over here.. btw now i'm mad! I was going to send my cousin a myspace message asking what her boyfriend's last name was and she deleted me off her myspace! I didn't even notice til now! I knew she was upset that I asked her sister to be in my wedding (who backed out bc she didn't want her sister to be upset) but you don't delete someone off myspace unless it's serious lmao now i'm mad lol lol I'd address her envelope as "Ms pull the stick out of your ass myspace deleter"
  14. we addressed the envelopes of our single friends in their name only, even if they were dating someone (unless it was long-term), but told them that they were more than welcome to bring a date.
  15. I haven't been roller skating in years...do they still do the hokey pokey and disco spot lights for slow skating? Have fun..can you take picts?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Thanks Rachel I could def use this stuff. Also on a related note I recently purchased CLR and it is amazing! It got so much crap out of my shower tub. It was a miracle, my tub looks spic and span clean as if it was brand new. I also will now never live w/o that stuff. Do you have ceramics tubs? We tried CLR on our fiberglass shower and it didn't really do anything...nothing has...even bleach...
  17. You go, girl! Love the pashminas...
  18. these may interest you...flip flop sandal beach thong jewelry or this www.artisangemsboutique.com - Flip Flop Jewelry & Accessories
  19. Christi


    Welcome and congrats!
  20. Looks like you guys had so much fun...loved your cowboy hats...very cute picts!
  21. I'm am so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts!
  22. I have to push mine out the door since he's a homebody...so, to answer the question, no it doesn't bother me and I wish he did it more often!
  23. Christi

    New girl...

    Welcome and happy planning!
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