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Everything posted by Christi

  1. Congrats and welcome back...the teaser picts are great...love the beach area you chose!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jkesall I found my dream dress in a bridal magazine and of course it's CRAZY amounts of money...I wanted to find a dress maker in Los Angeles that could make the dress for me using the pictures in the magazine. Does anyone know of such a person? Thanks I had mine custom made too, but my dress maker is in Norcal...I can ask her if she has any recommendations in the LA area if you’d like?
  3. One option would be to have your dress custom made...I did, since I couldn't find the one either and the few I liked in magazines were WAY out of my price range...it wasn't too expensive and the overall process was a lot of fun...
  4. LOL - that's too funny...we had a stock the bar shower and have TONS of liquor as well, so if you get to Cali, same offer applies!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv oh wow, thank you ladies! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the monogrammed HAMMER idea! I am totally going to do that, like a hammer inside of a shadow box with a small plaque that has their names and wedding date on it. Too cute! And I love some of the other ideas too! I am going to have ssoo much fun with this one!!! :-) Keep the ideas coming!!! I don't know if this is too late, but I came across a hammer bottle opener...HAMMER BOTTLE OPENER
  6. a friend of mine chewed a lot of gum and started taking pictures to give her something to do with her hands...good luck and congrats on quitting!
  7. One of my favorite gifts was candles by diptyque (gardenia and lavendar)...they smell amazing...https://www.gracioushome.com/diptyqu...FQ0ziQod4BqUkw
  8. My favorite is a bellini...Yummy... This drink was created 1943 at Harry's Bar in Venice, Italy in honor of the painter Geovani Bellini. Giuseppi Cipriani was the inventor. The original recipe was made with fresh pureed white peaches with a bit of raspberry or cherry juice to give the drink a pink glow. Quick version 1 parts Peach Schnapps 3 parts Champagne (or Sparkling wine) Combine in champagne flutes, serve. Original Version 2/3 cup white peach puree (use yellow peaches if white not available) 1 teaspoon raspberry puree 1 bottle chilled Italian sparkling wine such as Prosecco or any sparkling wine Place 1 1/2 tablespoons puree In the bottom of each flute and add 2 - 3 drops of the raspberry puree. Add sparkling wine and serve. Raspberry puree: Puree fresh or frozen (thawed) berries in a food processor. Peach puree: Peel fresh peaches, cut up in pieces and blend in a food processor. Serving glass: Tall champagne flutes
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I get the Piper in a split quite often when we're out and I want some bubbles! piper was the first champagne I ever tried and my Mom's favorite, so we always had it during the holidays...YUM...makes we want to pop open a bottle!
  10. Our friend's brother works for Whitehall Lane (CA) and we love the chard and merlot...not sure of the retail price since we get it at cost... I'm a champagne freak....love Veuve Clicquot, Perrier Jouet, Moet, Piper Heidsieck...the list goes on and on!
  11. Welcome and congrats!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Ah shite lmao now i'm gonna have to look lol Soooooo I went and looked lol All my dreams have been shattered he's minging now lmao I think I know what you mean (minging??)...total disappointment, but really, all of them are...I can't remember one rock star that I had a crush on that looks good today...well, maybe Billy Idol, but I'm biased and the touch up artist was really good...LOL!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 God why don't we have that over here lol I used to have the proper hots for him when he was younger lmao too scared to look at a pic of him now i'm bound to be gutted lol he was hot back in the day, but now he looks like an middle-aged alcoholic that is desperate for any kind of attention...IMO...LOL!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by carly It's funny that you just saw one, my sis and I saw some wild turkeys on the road the other day and it reminded me of peacocks and we couldn't figure out where you would see them wild. All I could picture was the zoo. Now I know, there are wild peacocks in CA! at least one, anyway - lol!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline YAY arent they SO pretty, they are such beatiful animals. That so weird you saw one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My BM dresses are eggplant too, so I think the feathers will pop! I want a peacock ( I can't believe I saw one either...weird and amazing at the same time..your wedding is going to be soooo beautiful incorporating the feathers and colors...
  16. OK..this is a little freaky...I read this thread before I left work last night and when I was driving home (I live in the hills) I came around a curve and on my right was this most amazing royal blue turkey like bird that caught me by surprise and I didn't realize it was a peacock until I saw the tail feathers...I can't even put into words how beautiful the color was...just gorgeous…so, the freaky part is that in the year that I have lived here, I have seen wild turkeys, deer, bobcats, snakes and a tarantula, but never a peacock and there it was…hmmm…
  17. we had pictures printed at Costco and they turned out great
  18. Your hair looks beautiful...my MOH had big curls too and it looked amazing!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by seaprincess I've posted about this before, but my boxer LOVES undies. Mine or my FI's, he doesn't care. Last week I was poopy-scooping in the backyard when I came a across my favorite (and most expensive) thong in a poop!!!! I was wondering where they had gone! I was shocked and sad for having to throw them in the poop bag.....also a bit confused as to how he had swallowed them whole!!! Anyways, I feel you on not being able to have anything nice. LOL - I haven't found undies in their poop yet, but I find a lot of plastic and bark (they love to eat tree bark) and once when one of them was pooping, the poop wouldn't come all the way out and was dangling, so I went over to check it's butt and it was string from one of our dust mops...shit on a string...now that was a first for me!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by FelicityEve Oh-hes eaten the wall, the floor (in 2 rooms!) and prob like 10 pairs of shoes, 5 bras, cords, EVERYTHING. But now he's gotten a little older (he's over a year) and hes gotten MUCH bigger (he's about 130 pounds) and I had hoped he'd grown outta it, but guess not! I know exactly what you mean...the bigger pup (95 pounds) is now into counter surfing and will eat anything she finds up there, so we try to keep the counters cleared off...shoes, bras, jeans, ah yes, I've had a few lost too...a friend of mine said that they stop chewing around age 2...don't know if that is true, but I"m keeping my fingers crossed...
  21. I feel for ya...my pup recently ate my laptop battery cord which had to be replaced...we have two 8 month old pooches and they have eaten one of our beds, the couch, one of the bookcases and the wall (yes, the actual wall)...it's frustrating, but I just love my little devils! Hang in there!
  22. a few of the flowers were a bit weathered in all of the arrangement (and a couple of bouts), but overall, I was very pleased...
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