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Everything posted by Christi

  1. We bouted the the wedding party (2) and the immediate family (6)...all (except one) wore shirts (no jacket) and the bouts looked really nice...my FI wanted a bout though, but if he had decided not to wear one, I think i still would have had them for family just as a nice way to say I'm thinking of you...
  2. This site has a min order of 1...favor tins : Wedding Favors: Round White Mint Tin - 4682
  3. Here's a thread w/ cute sayings http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21582...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Ewwww lmao I second that!
  5. Thanks, everyone for you input...I found this site that will send free samples of a variety of brands and it only cost shipping ($9.61)...if any of you are interested in trying different brands the link is below... https://www.k9cuisine.com/default.aspx
  6. LOL - that's a good one...thanks for the laugh on this dreary Monday morning.
  7. Welcome! You'll find a lot of useful info here.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I use to work for them in the marketing department. It is one of the top 3 foods in the nation. It is not cheap, but your pets will like it. Here is the website Nutro Products Super Premium Dog and Cat Food Thanks for the info...I checked out the site and I can sign up for a free bag...yay! This way if they don't like it, no money wasted...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Have you tried Nutro? No, I've never heard of it...your pup likes it? It so frustrating when they won't even try the new food we buy...arg...
  10. very cool...I love your purple dress! Where did you get it?
  11. My little devils have decided to become finicky eaters, so I want to try other brands, but not sure which to try...they don't like Canidae, Science Diet or Iams and we just bought Diamonds natural and aren't having much luck with that either......any input would be great!
  12. Welcome and your sweet baby is sooo cute!
  13. Welcome and congrats! Cabo is such a great place to be married!
  14. Welcome and congrats!
  15. Thanks for the input, ladies...I'm still undecided, but leaning towards it...I'll let you know if I do it and what it's like...
  16. Very cute and I love the color! I may get the pink ones just for fun wear since they are such a bargain.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv lol. I am so glad you found that site! I love it, ended up buying a bunch of stuff ... and got some of the candy bras to use for some lingerie showers and bachelorette parties coming up. fun fun fun. very cool...I stumbled upon it from a thread on the forum about really cool wedding favors (shot glasses you make in ice cube trays) and I was scrolling down the page and there it was...I didn't have a whole lotta time to check it out, but enough time to buy the hammer so I'll go back and see what other fun stuff they have...
  18. A very natural thin line is what I'm thinking...I never really liked thick eyeliner because my eyes are small...do you happen to know i she did the upper lids too? I was thinking maybe the corner of the upper too...
  19. I did a search and didn't find anything info on this...I'd like to do it and wanted to know if anyone has had it done and, if so, what your thoughts were on the whole process...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel A friend made this for me a while ago and I loved it Champagne Punch Ingredients: 1 cup triple sec 1 cup brandy 1/2 cup chambord 2 cups unsweetened pineapple juice 1 quart chilled ginger ale 2 chilled 750-ml bottles dry champagne frozen pineapple slices (rings) In a bowl combine the triple sec, brandy, chambord and pineapple juice and chill, covered for at least 4 hours or overnight. In a large punch bowl, combine the triple sec mixture, ginger ale, champagne and frozen pineapple rings. I'm definitely trying this!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I love it! Just ordered it! It should arrive in time! I definitely think I got the best letter for this shower gift idea!!! Oh good! I ordered one too for my DH just because I thought it was so cute!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet Option #2 by far. That dress is awesome. Looks nice and flowy and wouldn't be too hot. I agree with you #2...light and flowy...perfect for DW wedding
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