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Everything posted by Christi

  1. What a really sweet and thoughtful proposal...congrats!
  2. Great speeches...the party sounds like a blast...oh, just a thought..do you have any wines you recommend...I'm always up fro trying new wines!
  3. OMG - these pictures are very HOT - I think I need a cold shower!
  4. here it is...finally...my dress maker said she met her a bridal show and was very impressed with her work...good luck! La Franchi Couture - Custom Wedding Gowns by Debbie La Franchi - Gowns Gallery
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jkesall That would be great...I really appreciate it...thank you so much. j Hey there, I haven't forgotten about this and will let you know as soon as I hear back from my dressmaker...
  6. this is what we did... Bridal party introduction... Bride and groom introduction... Sat down to dinner... Dad gave welcome speech during serving of the salad... Toasts were made during next course... Cake cutting immediately followed main course to announce the dessert bar (cake was plated and served at the table)... Shortly after cake... Bride/Groom dance which included grabbing all people to dance with us towards the end of the song... Father/daughter dance... then opened the dance floor to all...
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Well, you can't tell us that and not mention what the gift was! I honestly don't remember...LOL...just remember the card...
  8. One of the best thank you cards I ever received said "Holy shit, I loved your gift"...it made me laugh for days...
  9. We have rented a car the last 4 times we were in Cabo and haven't purchased the rental car insurance and have yet to have a problem...this past June, our rental was keyed and when we went to drop off the car, my dh just gave the inspection guy a tip and no one said anything about the scratch...if you are nervous about it, I'd check with your own insurance first to see if you are covered while you are there since the price they charge you in Mex for insurance is $$$...
  10. I'm definitely going to watch...I hope someone does something to "You're the one that I want" from Grease...it still is one of my favorite movies...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* He's a puggle (pug-beagle), but people always think he's a puppy boxer or a puppy rhodesian ridgeback. It's funny since he isn't even a puppy anymore (he turned 2 in April)! I was going to ask you if he was an rr...he looks like mine when she was a pup, but with less wrinkles - he's super cute!
  12. Wishing you a happy, happy wedding day...and as Jennyk said, we are there in spirit!
  13. Great review...everything looked amazing...congrats!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I feel like I need to have another wedding so I can use all of these great new ideas! I hear ya on that - LOL! Super cute, Yari!
  15. What about golf club(s) or fishing rod(s)...my dad has some clubs that he's had for over 40 years due to sentimental reasons...
  16. Christi

    Hey all

    Welcome and congrats!
  17. Great picts...you look gorgeous...i love the pict of you and dh lying together on the beach...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 Little bottles of Tequila. Hair of the dog sort of theory. I didn't do kits, but this thread caught my eye and I was thinking along the same line as you...if I had done them they would have included mini vodka bottles and bloody mary mix...
  19. or these...Buy an Inflatable Personal Floating Drink Holder for $12.99 Floating Drink Holders
  20. I could only find floating flamingos...LUAU -12 FLAMINGO floating CUP HOLDERS coasters
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