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Everything posted by Christi

  1. This show is new and has already started and I'm hooked...Trueblood on HBO
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv haha -- I thought this thread was about BEING a "tiny destination bride." I was just going to say "NOT ME!" LOL - I thought the same thing...a tiny woman looking for dresses or something like that...too funny!
  3. Sounds like a blast...can't wait to see the picts!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi yep that is the combo! peroxide, dish soap and baking soda...worked pretty well on the dog, he just has a slight smell to him today. but the house still does not smell very good because we made the mistake of letting him back in BEFORE we realized he was skunky! You may want to put pinesol or some other strong smelling cleaner in small bowls and place them around the house...it helps eliminate odor in the air...
  5. That stinks! I hope the smell disappears soon.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR We use Presidents Choice Financial offered through Securican. They are great! Thanks much for the info...I'll look them up online today.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl alright, I tried a test run. I don't have cake flower, so I only used 3 tbsp flour...should still use less. And hubby wanted more sugar. I also didn't know the power setting on the microwave, so I over cooked it. Next go round will be better. And the test one wasn't bad at all. I'll let you know how #2 turns out. we must have posted at the same time...thanks for the update...i'm going to try this tomorrow...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Katiebelle I considered getting it for my beagle when she was little. The problem is like with people insurance is a lot of the pre-existing clauses. She had all the problems before...so it would have been a waste for me! But maybe if you have an animal that is healthy already it would be a good idea! She did have a pre-exisitng shoulder problem which caused her to limp and her surgery cost us $4500...she now has an eye infection and the meds the vet gave us aren't working, so she has to have her eye duct flushed. She will have to be sedated and we have yet to get a quote, but I'm think it will cost about $300...sigh...love her, but she's costing us $$$$$$
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR We have it for our dog and have had it for about three years. We pay about $400 a year for insurance (that's the premium package) and the annual deductible is $100 bucks. For us personally it's been great - the pup had some stomach/mild poisoning issues last month and the bill was $550 - basically we got our money's worth in premium's for the one visit.. What company do you use? I have a bunch of brochures from various carriers, but have yet to go through them.
  10. We need to get Pet insurance for our pups since one of them is a vet's best customer...anyone have it? Pros and cons?? Thanks!
  11. Wow, absolutely gorgeous scenery!
  12. I used clear labels for our STD's and a calligrapher for the wedding invites...I think both ways are fine depending on your taste and budget.
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts.
  14. I always say *the* 101 or *the* 280 when talking about the freeways...people always laugh and say it's a west coast thing to put in the word *the* before the highway...
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