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Everything posted by Christi

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica Vodka Collins is what I ALWAYS order... I think I am in a drink rut too. Champagne mixed in drinks are soooo yummy!! They have a drink called a Flirtini that has it in it .. I drink them like water and then Jay well he just giggles the whole way home... LOL I've never heard of a flirtini, but it sounds fun...what's in it besides champagne?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Pug3636 Oooooo, bellini sounds so good! I love champagne drinks! Is that usually available at most bars? Yeah, I think it is available lots of places...some places make it the consistency of a slurpee and it's soooo good...have you tried a kir royale? it's made with champagne and creme de cassis...super yummy too!
  3. A couple of my favorites... Madras - vodka, orange, juice and cranberry juice bellini - champagne, peach shnapps, peach nector
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley wow, she really has nerve, who even does that? No doubt...what a psycho bitch!
  5. no prob...glad I could help! I had to edit this post...for some reason I thought you were throwing a surprise party for a friend, not your dh and I saw this one earlier and I think it's to cute for a spouse XXX told me, "No party, get me golf clubs instead!" But when have I ever listened to a thing that he’s said? So I decided to invite those we hold dear To help us celebrate HIS xxxYEAR! Since his birthday’s in xxx it should be a surprise if you keep it a secret, he will not surmise
  6. I found these... There's a Birthday Party and you're invited to show But don't tell XXX, because he doesn't know So if you can make it, here's a word to the wise Make sure to come early 'cause it's a Surprise We're having a party xxx hasn't a clue So keep it a secret we're counting on you! He’s another year older A new decade this year And we want to surprise him With all of you here The party’s a secret He doesn’t know yet And if you keep quiet A surprise he will get!
  7. who can forget white lines by grandmaster flash...such a great dance tune...i found this video on utube...YouTube - Grandmaster Flash - White Lines
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 You must be nuts lmao I say to FI christ get off me I've got asthma you know and if I don't breathe I die lmao LMAO! Harty, you always kill, girl!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I am, well was the exact same way!! I tried Bare Minerals but didn't like it. Then I tried Laura Mercier. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Even with the foundation primer on, you still don't feel like you're wearing make up. I highly recommend it! ditto...love, Laura Mercier!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Case*a*licious I vote for the Jennie and Nicole styles... I love the sweeping long bangs! ditto that...
  11. That sucks big time...is it possible to have it dyed ivory? Here's a company in NY that may be able to help...Fabric & Garment Dyeing Services - Fabric Over Dyeing for Apparel
  12. Keeping my fingers crossed for you...having been through a couple of lay-offs in the past, I know it's stressful until you know for sure...keep us posted.
  13. what I hate to do : housework!
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