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Everything posted by Christi

  1. I agree, I think she looked really uncomfortable...I think it's because she's taken so many hits for being too carefree that she doesn't know what is appropriate anymore...
  2. Congrats...you look amazing...can't wait to see more picts!
  3. I'm so excited to try it...I found some great recipes for marinades, now it's just a matter of choosing one! I found a turkey kit at crate and barrel that includes brining salt and herbs...has anyone tried it??
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Christi I'm not a big fan of turkey, but I had deep fried turkey at work a couple of years ago and it was delicious, so we are trying it at home this year. Anyone else doing this? What herbs are you going to use and do you inject the turkey with anything (read about injecting on a cancun food site)? LOL - I meant cajun food site, not cancun...I think I've read one too many posts!
  5. I'm not a big fan of turkey, but I had deep fried turkey at work a couple of years ago and it was delicious, so we are trying it at home this year. Anyone else doing this? What herbs are you going to use and do you inject the turkey with anything (read about injecting on a cancun food site)?
  6. Dancing on the ceiling : disco
  7. Calia, I read this and started bawling...I'm so sorry you have to go through this again...wish there was something i could do to make it better...I hope the vet can give you concrete answers...big hugs!
  8. forbidden delight: sex with George Clooney - LOL!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* The raw food - Beef has totally improved his allergies! We tried chicken a couple of weeks ago and had to return it because his itches went craaazy again. But I think the Beef one is working out really well. Plus his coat is WAY shinier. I totally recommend it! What is in a raw diet? Is it safe to switch back and forth from kibble to raw? I like the idea of preparing home food so to speak, but also like the convenience of having kibble around too.
  10. We offered the surf and turf and rack of lamb...the lamb was really good, very tender..the turf I'm told was good, but the surf was very chewy and not very flavorful...i think it's a hit or miss...we also cream of asapragus soup which was incredible and an apple salad with strawberry vinaigrette that was yummy...these are the only picts we have of the food...
  11. I'm an HR/ accounting consultant and I love the flexability... and you can charge $$$ for your services!
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