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Everything posted by Christi

  1. what a sweet baby...how fun for you!
  2. great recipes...can't wait to try the linzertortes and tea cookies...thanks for sharing!
  3. double cheeseburger : in-n-out (yummy!)
  4. We invited 70 people and had a total of 30 total including ourselves...it was perfect!
  5. What do you think about this...gift card, movie passes and a few lottery tickets? I like the idea, but when I ran it by DH, he just shrugged...scrooge....LOL!
  6. nobody : till somebody loves you (corny, but it popped in my head first!
  7. Wow, all of the sets are very pretty...I chose #5 with # 4 being a very close second...
  8. LMAO! Kudos to the woman who wrote it!
  9. Hi all, We are giving our employees a $50.00 gift card and I need ideas for another small gift in the $25.00 range...we have already done champagne, wine, chocolates and t-shirts/fleece jackets and I can't think of anything else right now...maybe something elecronic, but what?? Any ideas??
  10. spending holidays with family and friends : sometimes stressful
  11. disco fries : never heard of them
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