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Everything posted by Christi

  1. I found this list on another thread...my DH and I are thinking of going to Fiji for our anniversary...I've done a little research, but would love to hear from the gals that have been there... http://cdn.tripadvisor.com/pdfs/tca/...Awards2009.pdf
  2. how deep is (your love) : Bee Gees
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg I guess I don't understand this game then....I thought you could only change a total of 3 letters not switching them around. You changed n,d,l,and e. Oops...sorry if I wasn't clear...you can change up to 3 letters and put them in any order you prefer...I thought this would give us a lot more words to choose from...
  4. I kept mine for the same reason as a lot of you...too much trouble to change it and I like my last name...DH didn't mind at all that I was keeping my own name...I got more flack from my brother and sister in law than anyone else and I just said...my keeping my last name effects you how...lol...they piped down after that!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg Tisk Tisk Christi....you changed four letters not three.....lol Nope just 3...I used the two O's and the E...LOL!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg Tisk Tisk Christi....you changed four letters not three.....lol Nope just 3...I used the two O'd and the E...LOL!
  7. I thought it would be fun to mix it up again... Rules: change up to 3 letters to make a new word First word: Mentor
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