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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. oh AND that is lovely that you're paying for family to go over you must be really close. I'm paying for no-one in the hope they DONT go lmao
  2. I have so many gripes today where to begin lol We haven't even told the FMIL about the wedding yet because she will start sticking her nose in, I will explode and end up beating her brains in with a sharp implement lol good thing is i suppose I can represent myself when I'd done for manslaughter cause no judge would convict me if they met the witch. My FI found out by pure chance that his mother's boyfriend had bought a kilt for our wedding (which they don'e know is happening yet!) so i said how bloody presumptious that we'd ask the arse anyway he is revolting. Now she has said she is getting married this year!! I flipped I mean ffs his dad hasn't been dead that long!which caused me to ask if she liked wedding cake (she's been married a few times!!) or shall I just start to call her sonic lol think i scared FI so much he went v quiet I was livid. I am dreading when she finds out because I will start to get the crap and unfortunately girls I have no tact, patience and cause I don't give a shite about her I will tell her exactly what I think of her and the arse she is marrying lol Even my aunt said she is staying away from me before the wedding and that she is going to buy me boxing gloves to save me from breaking my hands on the soon to be inlaws lol Phew that feels better!!
  3. I have a recurring dream that my FMIL starts whinging and generally being her lovely self when I'm walking down the aisle, I stop smack her one right in the mouth, and then carry on walking down the aisle lol horrible but true lol Thing is we haven't told her yet because we are waiting until its all booked so that she cant mix things up lol I think it's the dread of her finding out lol So trust me your wedding will be fine, however I think mine might be a bit like the one jean-marcus went to ha ha ha
  4. How about using my tried and test approach of " OI BOG OFF" lol I find that works for me ! lmao
  5. It's a difficult one. When I get married my mum will have been gone 9 years, virtually to the day and although i want feel i should mention her i don't think i can. my dad wont be there as he lives in indonesia and would throttle the soon to be MIL in about 2 secs flat! my FI's step dad died a couple of years go and he doesn't want it mentioned at all - so i think i will just mention her in my head that way its personal to me and no-one is going to get upset about it. All a matter of choice I suppose and there is no easy answer, sorry!
  6. My dress was £139 so I suppose thats about $300 or there abouts- first shop i went into I said I like that tried it on and said fab got it lol my aunt wasn't too happy to say the least I think she thought she was up for a full day of shopping lol mind you mine isn't your "normal" wedding dress as it's mostly black so I suppose that helped! I have had friends who have tried on a dress they love, get a photograph of them in it, take it to a dressmaker alter it slight and save a fortune. Bit sneaky but hey!
  7. Or when you give someone an engagement present and a year later you get the same one back lol if people are going to do that they need a good memory lol I recently found out that the presents i had been giving my friends kids for years were part of a kids swap! needless to say i don't buy expensive presents anymore! people are so rude lol
  8. Hi Thanks for the good wishes x
  9. I think maybe its done different in the UK because i've never seen a money tree or anywhere where you can make donations to the honeymoon lol i have saidto be people i don't want anything but thanks anyway. That way it saves presents which we don't need i've lived in this house since I was 9! and lived with my partner for nearly 6 years lol I have also warned my other half if his mother wants to give a present to be polite and say no thanks because girls that amount of tackiness and cheap crap I wouldn't be able to cope with lmao I also think if people want to give you a gift and know that you have lived together for years they are likely just to give you cash because its easier. i'm not asking many people to the wedding and am not having a party when I get back so I may escape all the rubbish lol
  10. Hi My name is Marie and I'm planningon getting married in May 2009 @ Dreams Cancun!
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