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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. One of my ex work friends has just done the same thing to me. Used to talk to her everyday but since i asked her to the wedding i hear from her when she wants to know how to do her job! And when she does call she begrugedly asks about the wedding so last time i said to her "don't know why you're asking you aren't interested" lmao You've just gotta let it ride,you can't change people and they will do exactly what they want no matter how hurtful x
  2. FI and i discussed this before we started planning. We decided to book what w wanted and could afford. If people wanted to come that would be great but if they didn't that was ok 2 really it was about us. My family is really small now and my dad lives in Indonesia so there is no way he will be there and so I really wasn't bothered. FI isn't asking any of his family apart from his mum (because he has to!!!). The only thing that cheesed me off was we had to pick a resort that catered for kids JUST in case our friends decided they wanted to bring them. I would rather have known from the start and not be waiting on chance lol as its turned out my m8s kids aren't coming and i'm gutted. So really you do what you want to do and people just have to deal with it. Its the one time you can be totally selfish and get away with it lmao
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by NewOrleansbride One of our good friends that we saw while we were in TX asked about the plans and if we were having fun with it and I said that if I could start over from the beginning I would do it all differently. She asked how, and FI and I both said at the same time "we'd elope". LOL!! So do it lol if its stressing you out that much just go away don't tell anyone and do it lol when they moan about it say well its your own fault if you hadn't given us so much grief you'd have been involved lol think you just answered your own question lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 OK, I think this is how it works. You get the photographer for an hour? Is that right? He takes pictures of the wedding and of family friends and the two of you after the wedding. He takes more than 50. THEN you pick the 50 pictures you want for the package. If you want more of the pictures I am sure you can buy them. If you go and look at the photographer prices in Cancun you will see that it is SUPER expensive to get a package. For example I am paying 2000 dollars for mine. The hour thing is what I'm trying to find out because I can't get a direct answer on that which is why I've sent her the email saying we have him for 20 mins? From her "special package" I get the feeling it is just the ceremony and a couple after, that is what i want to know. If its for an hour thats fine not got a problem with that. Regarding buying more pics i've emailed the photographer last week and i'm waiting for a response. Yeah I know the photographers are expensive but as Dreams has a no external suppliers ban now I can't do that anyway. At least if you are paying the $2000 you know what you are getting at the min I'm struggling to find out exactly what I am paying for. Quote: Originally Posted by cbones34 She emailed back "Yes correct". So is the "ceremony only" only if you have it included in your wedding package? I'm not sure. I think it probably is. If you've paid sep you get the 1 to 2 hours
  5. It's about to happen with my wedding too. The FMIL doesn't know yet but FI is ready and waiting as she will be a PITA guaranteed with a massive list of who she wants. She is paying nothing towards the wedding so she can get stuffed about what she wants. She's organised 3 weddings, not including her numerous own!!, and they've all had people there who are her friends. Shit broke into a rant lol End of the day its your wedding you invite who you want and if people don't like it tough! stand firm and don't let the bastards grind you down lol
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 That is crap!!!! Why would I want 50pics of a 20minute ceremony? My reply was short and sweet!! "So I have a photographer for 20 mins!" I'll see what comes of that lol also sent an email to my TA saying get it sorted or i'm moving. Unfortunately its on my contract! and bugger all I can do with it but i'm working on it lol
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I've emailed the photographer and got no response as yet, I sent it Sunday! It didn't say ceremony only on the sheet I got until I got the contract! I'm still waiting to see if I get the photographer for the 1 - 2 hours it says on the sheet or they try and say its just for the 20 mins! it better not be lol because if it is i'm dropping the whole package Ok so this is the response i've just got : "The photos for the wedding package is a special package that covers only ceremony and a few shots after ceremony with family and friends, if you want the photographer stays for the reception, then you need an upgraded package." Now I mean am I being thick or is that 50 shots of all the same stuff!! I'm furious again (I'm starting to have proper anger management problems lol) I don't want them there for the whole reception just for the 2 hours i'm paying for arrgggg - think dreams might have had it for me!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cbones34 I got an email from Claudia today saying that their in house photographer is Juan Navarro. She sent me some pictures and they look decent. Has anyone actually used him? I tried to go to his website link that claudia sent (www.juanphotos.com) and it didn't work?? Right now I'm planning to just do the "included" wedding package because we had enough guests book to get it free and then I was going to pay for whatever package of pictures I decide. I saw other posts about the pictures being "ceremony only". On the pricing sheet she gave me I don't see anything about ceremony only, but it does say 1 hr or more depending on the package, so I should get more than the ceremony right? I've emailed the photographer and got no response as yet, I sent it Sunday! It didn't say ceremony only on the sheet I got until I got the contract! I'm still waiting to see if I get the photographer for the 1 - 2 hours it says on the sheet or they try and say its just for the 20 mins! it better not be lol because if it is i'm dropping the whole package
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I am going to be the kill joy of this group, but since my 12 year marriage to my first husband, the father of 3 of my children and my childhood sweetheart, didn't last forever, I don't think it is such a great idea. As much as I love E, and am pretty sure he is forever, shit happens! I am a realist, not a romantic, seen too much, been through too much, and know too much. Most likely not a popular response but an honest one:) I'm with you, sorry guys!! I nearly got it done for my 1st marriage thank god I didn't. Its personal choice and i respect anyone that does it but for me no - it would be a constant reminder if things went tits up.
  10. poor little thing - good job its not western culture she'd be unfortunately tortured - people can be cruel
  11. I'm sure it'll be fine. They are all adults. I would imagine they will just keep away from each other to be honest
  12. I think you do. I was told the restaurants work on first come first served so get in early if there are a large group of you
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Duchess I LOVE THE IDEA OF YOU GOING THERE TO HANG OUT FOR THE DAY. Clear your calendar and bring some coffee! I'd do it too lol my aunt once sat outside a shop that had ripped her off and told everyone that went in not to, they sharp gave her her money back. I'd also say you're going to tell everyone including the papers. You don't want to go back, so demand your cash and go somewhere else don't let them off.
  14. God that is so awful that you've gotta put up with this crap. I'm an only child "thank god!" but my FI always says about one of his sisters "I love her she's my sister, but I don't like her" can't say fairer than that. If she misses the wedding its her loss you cant hand hold her anymore she is 22 ffs xx
  15. I'm trying to get photos sorted before she gets anything off me then I'm gonna argue about the 50% lol she is soo gonna hate me lmao
  16. I never leave mine in my car ever! One of the reasons being I don't want her stolen, other being I just don't like it too many dogs die in cars. What happens if you lose your car keys and the dogs is in the car? The only time I've left my rotty in the car is when its been outside of the vets and I've thought it was safer to put her in there but she is less than 2 ft away and i can get there in 5 secs
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Well she originally requested the deposit on April 15th - my wedding isn't until May 8, 2009 - so I asked for more time because I wasn't expecting that and she then said May 31st for my deposit. Shouldn't she send me the contract before I put money down?? Tell her you aren't paying a penny until you have a workable contract, otherwise you are stuffed from a legal standpoint. You need the protection as much as she does. Or do a sneaky which is what I am thinking of doing which is downgrade the package to basic and pay half that lol no reason they should have that much cash off you upfront.
  18. I personally would tell them to poke off!!! lol I'm gonna have exactly the same situation soon and i've realised the only way to deal with it is to say "Are you getting married? No, Are you paying for it?, well shut your trap and suck it up" Harsh but I think its fair lol If she starts to give you crap just say look speak to me when you have something nice to say otherwise keep it shut. Might seem harsh but its your day not theres and if you have to get snotty for them to get it - then do it better now than later. Saying that you are probably nicer than me and won't want to upset them lol I just want to punch all their lights out lmao
  19. I've done that too lol I'm really light blonde but decided it would be good to go bright red!! So I got it done lol it lasted 3 weeks then I was bright Ginger my dad said I looked like a match stick, cheeky git! lol It took ages to grow out but if i'd gone back she probably could have fixed it but I didn't dare lol Needless to say I've not done it since lmfao She'll fix it and if she doesn't smack her all over lol
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Just for the record everytime I see your dogs face it makes me smile and miss my Rotty. I am so going to get another one someday. I miss my Maggie May. She was the best dog. I've got that pic on my desk top at work 2 lol shes snoring her fat head off with a toy cow in her mouth and pushing me out of bed lol Btw her name is Meg but gets Meggy Moo pretty close to yours lol
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Thanks for asking this, I was thinking about it too! Still waiting to hear back from Claudia on what to do next - still no contract! Don't push the contract cause then they'll want $$ lol I looked into it and Claudia said we could decide when we get there - to be honest i'm gonna leave it as Paula said it looks like it will just get in the way
  22. I rang the TA and he is going to find out for me because he can't see how they can do that or how they can charge x2 for a package - if i get an answer i'll let you know. He actually said if they keep doing it they will review whether they recommend them or not because we i'm not the first one thats queried something big!
  23. I feel your pain i have a FMIL exactly the same, she is marrying some freak on May 31st, I refused to go lol, with no thought for her kids, her hubby only died a short time ago!! The cake will taste better anyway knowing that it was a great feat that it was there! x
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by alisander I am a wedding planner for the North East of England. If I can be of any help to anyone with their wedding either in England or abroad I would be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have or if you want some ideas about planning your wedding. Ali You found it good for you lol BTW let any of my secrets out and I'll give you really horrible shit to do lmao
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