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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by blinkgrl119 Hey girls I am trying to get my budget organised - eck!!!! Anyway, can anyone give me an idea of the costs involved in getting all our documents translated and prepared for the wedding in Mexico? I know there are companies who can do it for you, but if it saves alot of money, i'd rather take the hassle on myself! Any help would be appreciated! Fiona For your apostiled birth certificates its easy, especially if you were born in Scotland. You apply to the Central office for a copy of your birth certificate, if you go to the website for the area you were born it'll direct you straight there, and it comes with the apostile on it lol My FI was born in galashiels it cost me £13 and it came with it already on so all I have to do is send mine away which will cost a lot more lol Just remember take copies of everything, do not give them the originals you won't get them back so copies is the easiest way. I think the rest you've already been given the info for. If i can help with anything else let me know because I'm not that far away from Scotland lol
  2. Ebay is fab just always check everything, ie details etc twice and also make sure its an approved seller with good feedback and it should be fine. I agree tho you'll probably get a new one for about the same price as a used one
  3. You can't miss it its amazing and you will be very pleased you went. I loved it and even FI who is a right heathen was impressed lol
  4. It'll work out for the best honestly I get to see FI twice a month if i'm lucky because he's in the army and when he is home i've got my head stuck in law books, but its been that way for the last 6 years so we are kind of used to it now. Trust me you'll love living just you and the cats after a while lol no nagging!! lmao and it'll soon rush over and you'll be begging for time on your own lol
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes drbrainfreeze - yes, we are using brian nejedly. we are supposed to pay a $200 breach of contract fee to michael. i have it in writing from both he and chandlyn that this will be accepted. i don't agree with paying the breach of contract fee because i have no contract for photography with michael or the riu, but was going to do it to make life easier ... You probably won't get any chew if he's paid off!
  6. yep I vote for that one too. Now if I was arranging a song for my FI and his mum it would be "who let the dogs out" pmsl! thank god we aren't doing it or i'd be divorced immediately after married lol
  7. I've been reading through this thread and thought ahh its all worked out and then i read the last couple of posts and i thought WTF! He is going to end up picking on the wrong bride and groom and they are going to lay him out and rightly so!! He wants to be careful because he will end up losing his contract if brides stop going there! I can't believe it lol
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl Have you tried Naked Juice? The green Machine looks scary, but tastes like fruit juice. It's really good. I know this doesn't solve all your problems, but it'll help you get some of your veggies? Also they have the "greens" supplements (at healthfood stores). You can mix it with water or juice to supplement some of your veggies. Thanks i'll try it - i'll give most things a go once lol
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill is it all vegetables that you hate? Is it like an allergic reaction or just like a reaction to hating vegetables (texture, taste, etc..)? Yep all of them. The only potato I can eat is in chip form and i'm even funny with some chips! lol I'm not sure if it is an allergic reaction to be honest, I'm allergic to flowers, plants trees and pretty much anything that grows so it could be. I also don't like the texture andI have to really stop myself retching when I see FI eating some stuff - its madness I just can't eat somethings i'm sure its a form of OCD lmao So i'm loading myself up with fruit and hoping that helps
  10. I'm wondering this as well. last time i went to mexico i burnt through factor 30! I was scarlet and sore for weeks. I'm getting married at 1 so its a bit worrying lol So thanks for the all advice I think its factor 50 and stay out of the sun until the wedding!
  11. Thanks I will definitely. I wouldn't do that but I used to eat mashed potatoe with a cup of water in one hand a fork in the other just to make it go down lol I love all meat but veg forget it, if I go out FI goes nuts lol I end up saying I want this with none of this or this or this or this and you can guarantee when it comes to the table its either got green stuff on or coleslaw!! yak! i never get what I actually order and I wish I had a £1 for everytime I've not eaten it and left,got into the car and burst into tears lol Thanks for the suggestions I'll defo look into it x
  12. I've tried them raw and its not as instant a reaction as if they are cooked, thanks for that tho i'll look for that book. I'm sure i'm regressing as I get older lol I'll have to get FI do it when he's home otherwise if i know they are in there i know i won't eat them - i'm a right PITA and its a nightmare going out to eat lol Thanks tho x
  13. Now why cant we have target shops?? From what i've read on here they are fab!! We get poundstretchers or everything £1 and they are minging lol
  14. I'm trying to lose weight and get healthy but its difficult without eating veg. I am eating so much fruit i'm going to look like a grape and i've eaten so many strawberrys i've developed an allergy lol (face is covered in big red blotches!) I've tried to eat vet but it just makes me throw up and it has since i was 4! Anyone got any suggestions please?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by dinogomez Good Luck! Thanks I may need it lol. Just as a matter of interest as a photographer how likely is it they will book someone for 20 mins to take pics lol AND are you allowed in Dreams Cancun lmao
  16. Would that not be a bit dangerous, cause if its that windy might set the table on fire lol oo you've given me a good a idea to get rid of the FMIL pmsl god I am going to hell lol Any other FMIL's out there i'm sure you are all lovely lol
  17. Cheers for that some great stuff for the kids and to get rid of the FI for the day lol x
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by K&Rwedding If you are getting married in 6 months I would like to believe your WC would get back to you within 24 hours no longer than that. My wedding isn't til May 09' and my planner, who I haven't even confirmed yet, gets back to me in about a day. Good Luck..... Please let me know if you have any success or advise I just started the planning process for getting married in PV. Cheers Kathy It takes at least 2 weeks for mine to get back to me, sometimes longer, not sure speed is something that bothers them that much lol
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by SunBride You probably want to specify that this is Dreams Cancun and not Dreams Tulum! (people may notice in your info on the left, but just to be sure, especially for the new people still choosing resorts!) Done it to avoid misunderstanding
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I got my contract in November thats also when it was arranged, and yes we have the Dreams Ultimate Package for that price. I cant imagine it would be 50 shots of a 20 min ceremony that just seems nuts to me. Thanks I really appreciate it. I've emailed them being as polite as I can but asking why the change since I originally looked at it. I'd be happy with what they have told you, i'm not really having a reception so not bothered in the slightest about that. when I started to arrange this in Feb it was exactly the same as yours but they delayed the contract until the end of march and I think thats when the packages changed. FI thinks I should leave it until we get there but I think thats no good this needs to be sorted now. I'll let you know what happens.
  21. I'm sure they are much better than you think you know. And for the FMIL stand your ground now otherwise it will just get worse. Tell her unless she has anything nice or helpful to say to ram it lol works for me she never rings me now lmao Hugs it'll be fine x
  22. See my comments on the thread for Dreams Cancun Photographer and Video and you'll see the problems I'm having and I am so about to swap resorts
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Here is the response I got about the pics: The 50 pictures you have included on your wedding package covers the ceremony and then a photo studio by the beach and different locations of the hotel. thanks So I am relieved cuz thats what I was hoping for. Can I ask when you got your contract, when you arranged it, and if nots too cheeky if you paid the $2650 because i'm on a mission lol Thanks I really appreciate it
  24. Its as clear as bloody mud lol i've asked TA to sort it if he wants the booking for the hotel lol FI said look print everything off and if we get shit when we get there i'll sort it lmao not sure they'd want a 6 foot arsey squaddie with a temper to deal with i'm bad enough pmsl
  25. I suppose mine would be to be able to afford to pay for my family to come to my wedding or more importantly for my FI to have known what a happy childhood was and have a family that would kill for you
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