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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Kids are so horrible sometimes lol it is probably something she has seen off tv and has no idea what it means lol still no excuse tho my best mate's husband told her that he had bought their 5 year old a dvd for the car to go to the zoo - so 2 mins in she hears mam what does "fuck mean" lol she pulls over and yep he'd bought him Family Guy!! she nearly beat him to a pulp (the husband) we had to persuade the little one that it was a made up word and we didn't use made up words cause it made you look stupid lol god i hope he bought it lmao gotta admit tho when he was out of the way I nearly wet myself laughing lmao
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha The crazy thing is that he is getting deployed to Iraq. She is going to all alone in ALASKA where its freaking dark part of the year with no friends, nothing! And no husband because he will be half way around the world! I honestly dont get it, shes is a beautiful, I thought intellegent, girl who can do so much better! I am soo gonna be hated for saying this but as an army "wife" I feel I can lol I agree its stupid and immature but we all do stupid things, probably not on this scale, but we do. If he is being deployed he will be away for at least 12 months and, i hope it doesn't happen, but he might not come back. Sorry its a reality all of us army other halfs have to face!! If he doesn't she will have some security in a pension etc, maybe this is why they did it so she would have some money to fall back on There again sometimes I am forever the optimist and maybe she didn't think that far ahead. I know thats one of the main reasons we are getting married, there again im 35 lol Crap for you as the sister tho
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson It is still legal, but paperwork is different, I think the cost and waiting time is different, and if you end up getting divorced (let's not worry about this happening!) than it is easy to drop his name and take your own back, rather than having to do another legal name change. Just something to think about and look into in your area. If I hyphenate my name, when signing legal documents, I would have to write it all out, but in everyday life you can use just one! I never changed my name when I got married the last time so when i got divorced it made no difference with anything. So pleased i didn't change it.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i feel your pain about the FMIL! mine thinks that since we are having the wedding at an all-inclusive, she can tell anyone and everyone to come along! she has told friends, neighbors, etc. about our wedding and keeps telling us how all these people want to come to our wedding in cancun too! if we pay *anything* per head, none of these people are coming. their family is huge enough as it is, which is why we're doing a dw in the first place! I think you do pay per head for the reception thats why i'm not playing lol if they want a hol fine but don't think they are coming to the wedding lol can't think of anything worse than a bunch of people I don't know giving the fake congratulations lol
  5. AH told tell me it will be ages before it gets over here lol i have to read the previews on the net lol
  6. I've got 3 Ganesh the elephant god on my backside and its big (the tat!!) an elephant on my stomach and an inverted pentagon on my back which is quite big I love them but I've been warned i'll get shot if i get any more lol
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by vtello I email Juan also but no response so far....this is soooo FFFFFrustrating I emailed him about 3 weeks ago and no response either!
  8. I don't care they aren't getting it lol and if i have to spit my dummy at reception i will lmao
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I remember when fanny packs were cool (atleast I thought they were). I had a neon pink one that I wore everyday in 5th grade. It was full of candy. Ahh, to be a kid again. That so means something different over here pmsl
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I was reading on someone else's thread that they had to put a major credit card number at the front desk and they took out 250 to hold in case of charges incurred during the stay. Do they do that at Dreams? Just wondering so I can make sure my guests are aware to have extra money on their cards. They can bog off if they try that with me or any of my guests because that is ripe for credit card fraud - if they ask say you don't have one! God everyone is paying enough to stay there without them starting that game
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl so i called my mom today: me: "hey mom, what's my middle name?" mom: "marie." (very matter-of-fact) me: "no it's not. not according to my birth certificate." mom: "what do you mean?? then what the heck is it?!?!" me: "i don't have one." mom, after a long pause: "i don't know then. i thought i named you lisa marie." 20 minutes later, she calls back: mom: "marie was your baptismal name!" my sister confirmed this, remembering it from my baptism (she was already almost 14). baptismal name never heard of such a thing. i had heard of confirmation names before, and actually the passport lady had suggested it might be a confirmation name, but my baptism was pretty much my first and LAST foray into church/religion (i received no other sacraments and never really went to church. these days if i had to label myself i would say i'm agnostic). i will probably try to add it when i change my last name, just because i've had it (or thought i had it) for so long (i don't even particularly love it ... it's SO common ... i just feel like a dumbass now ) i joked about picking a totally new middle name, and one of my friends suggested "danger" HAHA! "DANGER IS MY MIDDLE NAME!!!!!" oh and i think it's very cool when brides take on their maiden names as new middle names but my last name is long and unpronounceable so i don't think that'll work! it's a shame too, since my father didn't have any boys, and he was the only son his parents had, so the name ends with me. Oi my name is marie you cheeky mare lol and it is not common over here lol I'm not changing mine at all said if we have kids they will have a double barrelled name, its the name i was born with and i'm keeping it lol
  12. Parents you gotta love em lol FI's mum changed his name when he was 6 and didn't tell him lol he joined the army and everything and it was only when he applied for a passport he found out lmao needless to say he got it done legally quickly after lol so you are certainly not the only one lol
  13. Late to this one but I agree with everyone. Just tell them not bothered if they come on the holiday but they are NOT coming to the wedding. A friend of mine said the same thing to me I told him straight, bring who you want to mexico but they are not coming to the wedding and if you want them to you pay the what it will cost us lol Its one of the reasons we are having a DW because FMIL will invite every bugger she has ever known in her life and it isn't happening, Its your wedding so you get to invite who YOU want. Don't bend under the pressure lol
  14. I usually lock everything in my suitcase underneath used underwear lol if they are brave enough to rake through FI's manky underwear good luck to them lol
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LCLIVINGSTON We booked the basic wedding package too because we got it free as we booked over 5 rooms in the hotel, we are planning on upgrading to the Dreams Ultimate package when we have enough cash to pay the 50% deposit!! L xxx I know that feeling lol but then I thought i've got to pay it anyway so as soon as I have it they will and its one less thing to worry about lol All sorted now so don't have to do anything for a year yay!! lol Good for you for getting it sorted
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by vtello This is the latest news from Claudia regarding Photographer: The only approved vendors are: Juan Navarro www.juanphotos.com Claudia Rodriguez Claudia Rodriguez, Photographer, Cancun & Riviera Maya Yep thats what I posted above you 2
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by BrittneyD I wonder if there is anything we can do to prevent this. I really don't want to pay Michael off. You could try and contact the hotel and warn them if this happens at your wedding you will be taking it up with management of not the hotel but the group you will also be asking for all your cash back for the stress. They might just warn him off. If they get enough complaints they will have to do something about him.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK TWe decided at another time and place, just me and her will talk and lay it all out on the table. Take knuckle dusters and boxing gloves just in case lmao
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Honestly I think personally I would just say forget it to even having them (a)host the party at their house and (b)give the 5k towards it. Maybe you can find a nice hall or another location to have it at, take out a 5k loan, and have the reception the way you want to have the reception. Allow them to attend as GUESTS not hosts and that should get the point across. This is your wedding, you only get one, so you should do it the way you want to. $5000 in the greater scheme of your life, as well as your pride, is not a big price to pay. You're not children who need to be taught a lesson, you're adults who were given an opportunity and a gift by them. The "gift" of helping with the AHR shouldn't come with limitations. Stand up for yourselves and don't let them do what they want. The party isn't for them, its not for their friends either, its for you and Kevin to be celebrated for coming together in marriage...and it should be done the way you want it to be done. If your FMIL wants to have a party of her own, then she can do that. I just read throught the whole thread and I'm fuming (so I can only imagine how you're feeling). I'm a pretty forward person though, and I don't really forgive easily, so obviously take my advice with a grain of salt because it might not be condusive to your personality. I just don't think that at this point anything good can come of continuing to have the party at her house. Either way she wins on this, and gets to treat you and Kevin like children. I would text her back and say "Words once spoken are hard to forget. They leave a lasting impression, and having them in black and white in emails isn't something that you can just take back with an apology". Then I would call around and see what venue would be open for the time and date that you have your guests arriving. Book it, move the vendors over, and send out a quick card to your guests informing them of the change. I think this will allow you to have the AHR of your dreams, without feeling guilty or pressured to cater to someone else's vision (namely your FMIL and FFIL), and it will show them that you're adults who can make your own decisions. Its not fair that your relationship with them is predicated on whether or not you adhere to their wishes. They should respect and understand you regardless. Maybe its them who need to be taught a lesson. Exactly what I was going to say. My FMIL is a control freak who thinks she can control everyone - unfortunately she knows she has no hope with me as she would just get told to shove her head up her backside. Unfortunately when you get money off people they think they have a right to boss you about. Thats why I have told FI if his mother wants to give us cash he gets it and I don't want a penny of it. Kevin's email was perfect but if you get any more grief - give them 5k back, if you can, and do what you want. They will be the ones coming back and begging for forgiveness when they realise they are being complete arses. I'm sure it'll work out and all that matters is that FI is standing his ground a lot of blokes do exactly what their mothers tell them (I know this from bitter experience!!)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I think that's a blessing. When Steve gets annoyed with people, he pretends he's deaf and starts signing. He thinks he's brilliant, but really- the people know he's not deaf and continue talking. LMAO I've pretended to be sweddish before that was really funny I was like the chef off the muppets lmao FI is really annoying he grabs your arm and starts pretending to be a bit mental, sticks his tounge out and starts talking really funny and limping! its so horrible but I can't help laugh and have been known to have to run to the toilet before now in case I went myself lmao
  21. I think it depends. If you have sent out save the date cards and not actually booked anything. Then just let people know things have changed if they haven't paid out any cash or taken time off work they probably wont be bothered. Sit on it for a while tho just in case you change your mind, you have to be sure its what you want to do and not just a knee jerk reaction.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Actually, what Rachel just said reminded me....my husband has decided that I am smart & know every thing (duh!) & he is pretty much retarded. Isn't that deliciously horrible? No I tell him that all the time lol I say thats why I'm a lawyer and you're a squaddie mate lol Yeah sorry I forget sometimes that I need to say things different so I get understood lol If you think the typing is hard to understand you'd go crosseyed with the accent lol Last time I was in mexico I had to have a translator for a guy from NY lol mind you I was doing some of it on purpose was he was a PITA lmao
  23. Don't even get me started my friend of 15 years has vanished now that I've given her the date and the flights for the wedding!! So I think its their prob not yours let them get on with it But remember it when she comes crying and wanting your attention then gently remind her about what she did about your wedding and then nicely tell her to "POKE OFF" lmao That is defo what I'm doing there again i've got a bad temprement lol
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy I would keep looking, but my wedding is in less than a month!! Ah now that is a prob lol why not just do what one of the other girls has suggested and get a wedding ring thats independent and wear your engagement ring on the other hand
  25. Think you have to pick based on whats right for you lol I've emailed Claudia and Juan and got no response from either one of them!! great eh lol
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