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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Prices are shooting up here 2!! its about 1k to fly to cancun from my local airport, thats but the kybosh on people
  2. I can give you it from the otherside. I was married for 9 months and when my credit ran out that i found my marriage was crap as that was all he was interested in so I left. It was only later that I found out he'd been seeing someone. I tried to be nice and civilised but it didn't end up like that. It was only when I met FI 3 years later that all the papers got signed and I got really angry as well. FI listened and it lasted a good while. Now we don't talk about it because its not important. If you want the relationship to work you have to let him vent, he trusts you which is why you are the target for it.
  3. Well I met Chris Rea but he was a perv lol Met the Queen! no joke but i'm not a royalist so it was wasted on me lol I bumped into the British Athletics Squad a few years ago and we all got trollyed together that was fun FI has met quite a few through the army they all go and talk to him because of the dogs lol
  4. You aren't alone. I'm not having a bridal party and the guests are being PITA too and its a bloody year away!! I dread telling FMIL - FI actually said well she needs to "plan" - what what FFS she's just got to turn up!! So I feel your pain, it might kill you but what about if you send them an email saying right you lot obviously aren't interested so i'm doing no more and i'm not hassling you anymore. Do or don't but if you aren't coming have the courtesy of telling me as we are paying for your stay. Bet that gets you a response lol
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Matt Adcock As you know and for others to know, del Sol is no longer taking reservations in any hotel that does not allow outside photographers. Crap!! stuck with the resort photographer then!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Pisces I know, thank you. Some families don't believe weddings are about the couple unfortunately. There are some families who strongly believe that weddings are about the tow families, and not about the couple.... I think I will just go ahead and send them out.... Yep thats my in laws to be lmao his mum is getting married again!! on 31st May and i'm not going so persuaded FI not to tell her so as not to piss on her bonfire and open him up to the crap he is going to get but tough its about us You do what you feel you need to do - it'll be fab whatever lol my plan if FMIL goes is to get pissed lmao
  7. I think it would be great, we have asked 21 and 3 have booked so far! I am so happy and will be even happier if it ends up being about 10 people so go for it
  8. Just send it out, if you hardly speak to him, its fine. We are about to get a load of flack from FI's side of the family and really, as bad and rude as this sounds, I don't give a shit lol Remember your wedding is about YOU and FI no-one else x
  9. I've been playing on my wii fit and its amazing - helps yoga 2 as it tells you when your balance is iffy as opposed to when you're in a class and it looks about right
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes It is funny you should mention this. There is one city here in GA that requires the homeowners to have at least one firearm. Of course there are some exemptions (convicted felons, etc) And believe it or not, the crime is actually waaay lower in that city than other parts of GA. Its mental isn't it!!
  11. You might just have to work on it yourself and say right we've got this much and thats it - if trying to compromise about it doesn't work try being direct
  12. You aren't the only one mine is the same lol I've now reached the stage of saying to him - right i'm not doing anything, we don't need do that anymore so we aren't lol Try that say well there is no need to go now so why bother and not sure we can afford it and see the reaction lol
  13. I love bikes I grew up on them as my dad had loads. Its easy just relax and enjoy
  14. Just to stick my nose in - and being from the UK - its a lot different over here BUT if the US didn't have stupid gun laws that let everyone who had a licence carry one then maybe officers wouldn't be worried for their life whenever they stopped someone for speeding! Guns are getting more and more common in the UK but no-where near what they are in the US - if guns weren't readily available it might cut down on traggic incidents like this
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 I am Caspar the friendly ghost so I had to be very careful. Two weeks prior to the wedding I started using that mild tanner Jergens makes so I wasn't translucent on wedding day. But Yeah I used lots of SPF 50 and stayed in the shade when laying out. But then on wedding day I forgot to put sun screen on and I looked like a lobster after photos. lol. It didn't show in the pics though. I am exactly the same I burn through factor 30! In one way i'm dreading it because i have a horrible feeling i'll be lobster and FI will be lush and tanned - the sun just has to look at him and he goes golden! the git
  16. Well so far today and its only 11am, I've taken one dog to get his hair shaved off, been food shopping (persuaded FI to buy me wii fit!) am chatting via text with a barrister friend, and then studying for the rest of the day! The excitment sometimes makes me want to wet my knickers!! NOT lmao
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha F it and just elope! I vote for this 2!! Cheeky buggers you've changed your plans for them,don't bend anymore or you will never end up having a life. Mind don't do a me!! I go the opposite way now and I can't bear to be in the same room as them lol You'll get it sorted you're resourceful - look at it in a different perspective. If this was one of your PI cases you would be logic, methodical, and ruthless - it works for me lol
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa OMG Mabel is a major bomber! She has always been a mad farter - she eats Solid Gold Wolf King but it is the treats that get her. She is big and will lay in FI and bust a fart and then just kind of laugh and pant - it is really funny! and gross It must be a rottie thing becaus Meg does exactly the same thing lol now she looks at you with a look of "you are gonna say what" lol she can freak out my FI and he is a dog trainer in the army lmao
  19. You will get through it but it is hard. When my mum died, she was only 52, meg was my saving grace - everytime I was heartbroken she licked my face and it made me feel better It sounds corney but the best support you will get is from mabel - i hope she passes quickly xx
  20. Its really great - i think mine will be 30 secs i've been told in no uncertain terms - no mention of parents, no mention of god and i'm certainly not obeying lol Fancy doing mine lmao
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha So I think a part of her wants to stability and the need to be secure, if that makes sense. Like I said I am not mad at her, Im just sad she didnt open up to me and talk to me or even tell me she got married. I thought we were much closer than that. Who knows all of this could work out Im just worried about her that all. You are close thats probably the problem - you could have talked her out of it i bet Just be there for her you're stuck with each other you're sisters lol she is really going to need you when he goes off to iraq - trust me i know been there many times. And look at it this way its took your mind off the candy now hasn't it lmao
  22. See that means something diff here lol liquid diet means drinking alcohol and getting pissed lol
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Our best man is kinda crazy, but he can also be laid back. Well after one to many tequila shots at the swim up bar, he came over to where our group was sitting and pissed his pants while standing next to my dad. We all pointed and laughed, but then when he sat next to my grandpa and pissed them again- I made DH put him to bed. It severly pissed off my grandpa (and who can blame him right? he had piss splattered on him) but forunately our best man apologized the next day and all was well. I can't imagine how this would have played out if he was like this Randy character and didn't give a crap. God that sounds like one of my really good friends lol everytime he gets hammered he does it, I don't let him stay at my house anymore lol my dogs don't piss in the house so why should he lol
  24. My advice : get rat arsed and let them get on with it - better at your shower than your wedding ! They'll be civil and it'll be fine but I'd get drunk so that I didn't really care anymore lol
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