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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. So after telling her about the wedding in January and being told we will ALL be there, ie her, her hubby (whom i can't stand) and her 2 boys. Then the hubby, lets name him the arse!, says well can you make it the end of May as thats half term! Said no because it's more expensive, your oldest is bloody 5 it won't kill him to take him out of school for a week, whats he going to miss finger painting!, then oh well can you avoid the 13th because thats his birthday! Said look the wedding is the 15th thats it if you can't make it thats a shame but I'd like you all to be there. She sat there and said NOTHING, and considering she has a huge gob is really surprising! So a couple of weeks ago she rings me saying have you got the details, said yep and gave her them. She said cool I'll book it on Friday (that was 4 weeks ago!!) Anyway its her oldest's birthday this week so 2 weeks ago I say are you going to be in i'll drop the pressie off, btw she lives a fair distance away, she said yeah Sunday I'll let you know when. Then as normal I hear nothing!! so I text her on Tuesday night saying what time on Sunday, gets a response 10pm on Sat night!! By this time I was well pissed off so said look i'm busy how about this date that date etc, got no to everything. So I said to FI right thats it i'm sticking money in his card i'm not messing about i'm bloody sick of this. Its gone on for years and now i'm at my limit. Then this morning she rings me asking for directions to somewhere 5 mins from where I work. I give her the directions and she casually says. Oh I haven't booked up yet. I'm trying to persuade arse to come!! He's told her to go by herself and she said no I'm only going if you come with me !! I couldn't believe she was actually saying this to me about MY Wedding lol I let it pass and say oh if you're gonna be here can you pop in for the little one's pressie. Now this is good are you ready lol she says NO i need to get back to the office and hangs up lmao So she is 5 mins away from me and I have to go through to hers about 20 mile away to drop of something it would have taken her seconds to pick up - its not even my fecking KID!!!! I spoke to FI who went mad because i never get that upset and said get her told or I will lol I'm now sitting trying to think of how to tell her to piss off without losing my temper, I've decided the friendship is gone but I don't want to be mean, Even tho she can be a right bitch to me. Phew that feels better lol
  2. I bet she fed it after midnight lmao
  3. Thank god you got the cute one and not the gremlin lmao cause i'm sure that one will be wicked lol
  4. No way would I be doing that - he might be crap!! has anyone heard what this bloke is like
  5. Its like that in most of the UK airports, I had to stuff mine in my backpack and made it fit, god knows how! as soon as I got through the security i took it back out. They are really tight and haven't slacked any since the attacks a couple of years ago.
  6. I feel very similar and have even thought of just running away and scrapping the whole thing lol Screw the lot of them is what I say!! Give them some of their own medicine
  7. I can't believe people so called friends have done that!! I thought it was bad enough that my best mate has told me she has booked up when i know she hasn't!! I'd have been banging on their door and then their face myself - so good for you for holding your composure
  8. I can't watch it lol as being a nearly army wife it really irritates me lmao
  9. Charming!!! I'm not sure how you can't take that personal so you are not being sensitive. It's happened to me before and just remember it will always come back and bite them x
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley I know. I just don't really think anything we can do will bother her. She called the county 3 times in a week on Amos for his tow truck, which is totally fine to have at our house, it is not a commercial tow truck and small enough) She literally makes our life hell. Amos said that we can't do anything to her car or property, because he doesn't like people messing with his property. I really want to make this bitches life a living hell.... Don't tell him just do it and plead ignorance lmao personally i'd pay the local kids to torture her lmao
  11. Christ have they never heard of contraception!! I'm sure its great if they are a well balanced family but how can they be surely its their siblings that are bringing up the babies, the mother seems to be too busy having another one!! She must be like a welly top by now lol - if anyone needs a translation let me know lmao
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host i thought they had an approved vendor list that you could choose from and if you really wanted to use your vendor (photog) they might approve them on a case to case situation but they were stricter with djs, florists, etc. I asked specifically and was told no, defo not for the photographers. It was either Juan Navarro or Claudia Rodrigues! neither of which have responded to any of my emails lol
  13. Its really sad but he is defo not what i would have thought she'd marry. She is amazing and he is frankly crap lol
  14. Yep but its the cute ones that are wicked i have 2 to prove it lmao
  15. I would so get revenge on the old cow. Brake fluid over a car kills the paint you know lol
  16. I'd skip it, we aren't having one my best mate is being a PITA and is rapidly getting on my fired from being a friend list lol its just less stress and you don't have to worry about putting someone's nose out of joint
  17. God that 3rd one looks evil lmao and defo from gremlins lmao you couldn't turn them down tho lol
  18. It was fab I went the other night to see it. I only knew about the scene at the end because my friend's cousin works for lucasfilms and had tipped him off lmao
  19. A lot of neighbours are crackers its not just yours lol We had a neighbour that came banging on our door at 9pm saying we were making too much noise and their 3 year old couldn't sleep. This happened 3 times (we didn't have music on lol) the last time I dragged the bloke into the house, marched him into the kitchen and said what can you hear he said Dr Dr by Aqua very very loudly lol I said yeah right and where the hell is it coming from? Oh that would be your 12 year olds room in YOUR OWN house lmao idiot!! When I was younger and living at home the neighbour next to my mum kept letting her dog crap on our garden, my dad was going nuts about it and continually told her, in the end he called environmental health who went out and visited her. Next thing she writes bitch in creasote across the front of our garden but the stupid cow had gone and stood in her own garden and leaned across to do it so it was obvious where it had come from lol So she had a son that was about 20,played his music loud and was generally a pain but nothing like his mother. Dad said well the police aren't helping I'll sort it, He grabbed him out of the house by the scruff of his neck and said the next time anything happens to our property I am gonna beat the living shit out of you lmao needless to say we didn't get anymore grief lmao Oh and an old neighbour of mine got pissed and hit a bloke over the head with hammer and got done for murder - so you see its not just you lmao Nutters are worldwide
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Ok so aside from the crappy friend drama, do you think Dreams will be crazy with kids? I haven't stayed there but during our stay in PV, it was spring break so kids were in full force. Fortunately, our resort had an adults only pool- which most people ignored anyways and let all their kids in it. I get so annoyed by children and thankfully, I wasn't bothered at all during the trip. I saw them, but they weren't crying and annoying the crap out of everyone. So silver lining- I bet your resort will still be awesome even if a few rugrats are running around! OR can you switch resorts? After all, it's a year away? Kids as a rule don't bother me i love them, but just wanted some peace and quiet for 2 weeks with FI, don't see him much because he's in the army so thought it would be nice to get some quiet time alone lol and with the dolphins i'm not sure that will happen lol I'm not sure when your sping break is but I know its not ours when we are there so hopefully wont be too bad lol Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Sorry, haven't read the rest of the posts yet! Did this friend know you picked this resort for him beforehand? If not, then while I dont think you're being selfish at all, I don't know that you have much room to complain. I don't know that you can expect him to stay somewhere that's outside of his budget! If he did know, then I think he was a bit rude in not staying there. Yep everyone coming (apart from FMIL) has known about the resort since Jan when we said look at this resort and let us know what you think,we are really considering staying there because of the fact we can then all be in one hotel. His response "not a problem" and "Don't worry we always have to get 2 rooms"!! People arggggggggggggg lmao
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Pisces It sucks all around. Did you discuss with them why you chose this resort before you did? It's not really their fault that you accommodated them in the beginning. If they can't afford it, they can't afford it... ( Yep FI did,he said where we were thinking of and that it may be expensive but we were looking for a compromise - ie we didn't want someone crap for our wedding, he thought it was a great idea! He's got 3 kids but 1 of them doesn't live with him he lives with his mum, so I said make sure we know whether its 2 or 3 - FI (being an arse!) said oh it will only be the 2 of them - but nope its the 3!! So they did have an idea how much it would be before we booked but thought that the holiday fairy would make it cheaper lmao!
  22. We've never bothered in the 4 years we've been engaged and we got engaged on my dad's birthday so not something we'd forget we just don't bother lmao
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by quackquack Did anyone receive rates for 2009? I am geting married in May. I am really hoping that we will not have to change wedding location. The cost of air is geting too expensive, I really do not want my guest to pay a fortune. I want to scream.... It looks like the cost will be about $2900 a couple for 3 nights. Do you think that is too much?? Difficult to say because i'm in the uk and i'm going for 14 nights but that does seem quite high
  24. It may be different in Canada as to the UK but I get the feeling its similar. The way it works here is you have 2 years as an article clerk, you take exams during that time and then you are a qualified solicitor. Its probably very similar. Lots of law firms don't take on the article clerks usually down to cost and because a lot of the partners are arseholes (I know I'm a lawyer before anyone shouts at me lol) He shouldn't have to do the articles again and i have known loads and i mean loads of newly qualified that have gone on to get amazing jobs shortly thereafter. Its easy for me to say don't worry but if he has worked that hard for 10 months he will work equally hard to get a better job and it'll be for a much better firm. Have faith it WILL work out xx
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Not selfish, in fact even if you had initially went with the adults only resort knowing he had kids you wouldn't be selfish - it's your wedding. Now you're stuck at the family resort instead of an adults-only like you wanted. That is just wrong and I'm sorry! The only thing worse on his part would be if he asked you to move the wedding to his new resort...lol Sorry to joke because it stinks...and it is proof once again that you should do what you want because people are flakes. (it's not his fault he can't afford it, it's his fault for not doing the math sooner thereby making a promise he couldn't keep - flake!) You'll still have a wonderful wedding but it is super annoying...best of luck I warned FI if he tried that i'd drive the 3 hours to where he lives and personally twat him lol Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa ALSO P.S. - i need you to make a siggy pic collage or how else am i going to see more pics of that Rottie? WTF? Not sure how to do it - i'll get FI to do one - showed FI mabel and he said he was in love lmao Quote: Originally Posted by sodria You're not being selfish at all, but this is a hard one. I can't imagine that flying 5 people to a DW would be affordable. Are the kids not staying there for free? I know if it's under 12 usually they don't pay. Can I TA help him get a better deal at the resort you're staying at? Also, I still think you'll have a very beautiful and enjoyable wedding! Yeah thats the point the kids will stay for free, they are paying for the flights, thing is they left it so long that the flights went up!! i've said to FI i'm not looking for them, we've tried to be reasonable up to him now. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Personally, I wouldn't have acommodated them in the first place. You are being too nice. If they are the ONLY ones with kids. Since it is already said and done, no - you are not being selfish. You are being more than acommodating. I hate people who do that. They make you change your plans to suit them, and then they change them with no regard to the sacrifice you made on their behalf. Yep they are the only ones with kids!! gr8 eh!! FI said oh well at least they are coming, I couldn't give a stuff they aren't my friends and the kids are wicked. Maybe its best they stay at another hotel then I won't want to feed them to the dolphins lol Thanks guys I feel better now I know i'm not being a cow!
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