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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. That would be a pic I would HAVE to put on my wall lmao you will notice it wasn't a fit woman tho lol
  2. I didn't send out invitations are there were so few being asked but all have said they'll be going but only one couple booked lol now there's a surprise!! so they are all getting a deadline and if they don't respond or book they're off the list
  3. God I hate people like that, kids are brats but no the wonder she is, she's obviously just copying from the parents. Good for you i'd have told them to poke off a long time ago
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ericaandsy Is Juan Navarro the only photographer that you are able to use at Dreams Cancun Yeah apparently so, either him or Claudia Rodriguez, thats what the WC told me anyway -not happy tho because if you get the package you only get him for 40 mins !!
  5. I'd have brayed him up and down that church lol
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride We have those in Japan - I dont know what the official term is for them. There no letter - its I think its green and orange oval shaped that we put on our car for the first 1 or 2 years of driving. Yeah they have green ones for when you first pass, I passed my test way before they came in thank god lol its bad enough having red ones but green ones i think they aim for you to take you out lol Now Japan I'd love to do, I am martial arts addict lol, its just too far from the UK for a weekend
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild As for your question, I've been to Euro Disney & I think that would be super fun! How long is the flight to NY? That may work too. P.S. What are L plates? Not sure poss about 7 hours i think whereas paris is about an hour. L plates are a white square with a big red L on, you have to put them on your car when you are learning to drive, i think its to annoy people and make them drive right up your backside lol Its a tradition over here the dress you up to look like a nutter, stick L plates on you, usually a veil with condoms on it!! no i'm not joking and you get off your face, fall over in a gutter and generally feel like shit for days lol I've refused the dress up but could go for the latter lmao Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 lol. I have no suggestions but I just want to say I want a "piss up"! lol. But NYC is a lot of fun!!!! Great place for a piss up. Can you tell I just like saying piss up? lol God what have I started lmao here's another one for you "going on the lash" means the same thing lol Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 I have no idea if it would be a viable option, but I bet Amsterdam would be a fun place to party. Yeah its great lost a weekend of my life there last year lol just fancied somewhere different.
  8. OOO cracked rib !!! I hope not cause they knack - see you shouldn't have shouted you should have smacked her one lol
  9. Yeah some hilariously so lmao Everytime someone says fanny pack i nearly wet myself - childish but true lmao
  10. Sorry lol I forget lmao What do you call a piss up before you get married that only the girls go to? over here is a hen do
  11. Lie, it wont kill you and it will make him happy. Mind you I'm a lawyer, lie for a living and find it remarkably easy lmao
  12. Well I'm trying to decide on where to go for my hen do. I don't want to go round town as normal wearing bloody L Plates and getting trashed so I thought we could go abroad and do it lmao So the first suggestion was Euro Disney in Paris. Now that sounded ok until I dumped the MOH, who btw still hasn't rang to find out why lmao So now I'm thinking maybe New York? Do you think its do-able, ie 3-4 days in New York from the UK?
  13. I'm so sorry, there is nothing anyone can say that will make it better. I lost my mum 8 years ago and the only way I got through it was to focus on something else, and that was getting my dad through it. Grieving is a personal thing, I never needed to do it because I thought well she might not be physically here but she is here anyway so i've not really lost anything. Sounds weird but its true yeah i miss the hugs but never miss the love because it is still exactly where it always was with me. Harsh but sudden was probably the best for your dad, its crap for everyone else left, but so much better than pain if he had been around. Take a deep breath, get through the funeral, and plan for your future. Think of it like this. If your dad were still here he'd be really involved and would kick your arse for saying you didn't know what to do and how you were going to keep planning. He will still be there to help you and be there when you walk down the aisle just not in the way you would like. Stay strong xx
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JODEY Hi Girlies, Just incase you didn't know, I had an email from Daniella the other day appologising for the late responce, she had broken foot @ the hotel and been off for a while ! I think she is back @ work now but we just need to have a little patience. Also Tammy or anyone else that may know.... Daniella has informed me that I DO NOT need to get out birth cirtifcated appostled before arrival ( as it says on the website for a legal ceramony ) and that they will do that on arrival Does any one know if this is correct ? I am slightly unsure, I would hate to get there and we had our wires crossed !! Thanks for your help I'd get it done here and then at least you know its done and you are safe. Better safe and than sorry And its been 6 weeks since I heard from Claudia - deposits are due to be paid on the 15th June and I've heard nothing lol
  15. I think it depends on what you want and if your guests want to come to your hotel they will be willing to pay. Ours is a fortune its working out at 3k a couple but that is for 14 nights, some are staying at a different hotel so that its cheaper but again that was their decision. We didn't go mega expensive we just like this hotel
  16. I've done that before lol the porn one works if they are deeply religious lmao yes i know i'm twisted lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by becks God bless the girlfriends who actually book. And Harty, I love your posts, too. I lived in London for a while and miss it terribly. Every once in a while I find myself rolling with laughter and then wondering if anyone else really understands what you're saying. I LOVE it!!! I doubt it lmao
  18. All I can say is join the club - they are a PITA Just leave her alone and let her wallow she'll come to you - trust me I'm the same position
  19. I know but its not the kids fault his mother is a cow is it lol On of our other mates hardly speaks to her anymore because she is only interested if there is a benefit to her! I've been pretty easy going but now she can poke off.
  20. I'm not a cooker either but its the only think I do know how to cook lol Put salt in the water, then the eggs, bring it to the boil, then simmer for about 8 mins (I like mine so the yolks explode in my gob lmao yumm), then run under the cold tap and try to peel them while trying not to burn your fingers and swear loudly lmao The dogs hover in case i drop one lmao
  21. I've dumped her lol sent her text, the style she treats me!!, saying look its obviously too much trouble so don't worry about it, if you are coming without the kids then you aren't gonna be here in time to be a witness anyway. Spoke to my best mate he is furious - he said and I quote "tell her to go get fucked" lmao so i kind of have!! Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 BTW Hardy, I love reading your posts! Your'e so funny and your Brittish accent/ lingo is da bomb!!! That may sound dumb but i had to say it. lol. Thanks I sometimes have to re-think what I would normally say otherwise you wouldnt have a bloody clue what I was on about lol
  22. I know I even offered to pay for him to swim with dolphins!!! but the arse doesn't believe in the kids being taken out of school!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Second, all that trouble over a gift? That's rude and inconsiderate. SHe doesn't even sound appreciative that you even thought about her kids birthday. Geesh- people sometimes. You have no idea lol I buy him more than his parents do for xmas and christmas and all i ever get is "thats ridiculous" and one year she sat and told me how they swapped the kids pressies because they would get bored with them!! I said you mean to say I've just spent £40 on that toy and you've given it to a kid I don't even know.
  24. Don't worry about it lol my FI said where what you want but please don't look like you're going to a funeral lmao and don't wear something light in case you get my mother's blood on it lmfao You gotta love him especially when he hasn't a clue the dress is black lmao
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