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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ericaandsy OK so I'm a little confused. My TA did not bring anything up regarding a deposit..she just called me a few days ago confirming that we got our first choice for a wedding date..WHAT IS THE DEPOSIT? THANKS SO MUCH!! Its half of the wedding package, so mine is $1325
  2. you could put the initial of your first name then a d then your last name and then the other d to split it up if you think that will look better
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl are you worried about someone thinking about this when they see it ? sorry, i couldn't resist but i do think that if you used a larger font for the middle letter, in a coordinating color like you suggested, that it would be just fine. if someone thinks funny of it, then they need to get their head out of the gutter oops, that might be me and me i'm soo guilty of that with people's initials lol
  4. i'm gonna have to travel really light - we are only allowed ONE bag which is no more than 5kg and one case that is no more than 20kg !! so i think i'm going to have to try and fold my dress into my backpack!
  5. Good plan morgan, I'm getting married at 1 and my prob is what to do before it cause i'll just want to get it over with lol i reckon by 6 it will be all over and people can do what they want rather than waste a full day with us
  6. That is fab if you have a few guests much better than the usual set up
  7. Oh if only you were based in Cancun and allowed at my hotel lmao
  8. I've got 2 massive law exams tomorrow and i'm quite frankly shitting myself lol I'm trying to study (yes i know i'm on here I needed a break lol) and I can't remember anything lol my brain has turned into a sponge!!!
  9. If they are in the US jursidiction you'll be sorted - you just need a US lawyer to give you basic contract advice - unfortunately i'm uk based
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kellywinter1 I thought that there may be a language barrier also, but I don't think that is the reason why they handle all things so poorly. My concern is their lack of consistancy. I have read through a bunch of threads where the WC responses to different brides conflict. Some weddings they have demanded a deposit where others they didn't want any money until arrival; they tell one bride she can have outside vendors and they tell another she can't; ect. Also I feel like the website package information is lacking information and is a bit deceitful, as we have seen from the whole picture incident. I want to be possitive and it is helpful to see that while so many other brides have had similar issues with the WC at Dreams Cancun yet still had a fabulous wedding, but I don't want to be one that ends up with a horror story. I'm sure you won't but I feel exactly the same, maybe once May is over they will start communicating properly, I think they are really busy at the mo. You'll have back up anyway there are at least another 2 of us there at the same time and we'll gang up on the WC lol
  11. Not sure how much the law in the US differs to the UK - but that is a serious breach unless it has subject to change on it over here. DO NOT SIGN IT - fight your corner because you are in the right and over here a court would whip their ass - 90% of the time they go on the side of the consumer
  12. Yeah don't sign the new contract - if the old contract is signed by both of you its legally binding. You have not accepted the new contract so i'd tell them basically to feck off that is what the contract says and if they want to get shitty about it you'll make sure they don't get any more business. Stay really firm and make sure they know you aren't messing about. If you really do feel that you want to move tho - find somewhere but don't tell them you are doing it just in case they back down. I can't see how it makes financial sense to cancel a massive booking for $1400 they are going to lose a lot more than that if you shift - not to mention the damage you could do to them on this site. Stick to your guns, tell them you have taken legal advice lol
  13. God I think if we have to say all that crap we'll top ourselves lmao why can't they just say do ya, ya do fab all done lmao FI has already said mind if it mentions God I'm off lmao I refuse to say obey cause i don't obey anyone (well apart from dad and thats only cause he's bigger than me lol) If its in spanish he can say what he likes but if its in english I might just bolt lmao
  14. Hartyt509


    Welcome and I'm sure you will
  15. Welcome and to be honest i'm not sure - they'll seek you out so they aren't out numbered lol
  16. I wish I had the option my resort has limited me to 2 photographs both of whom i'm not keen on so i'm a bit stuffed If you can do it and its in your budget why not, but really I agree with everyone else its your decision and what you want
  17. Think you've just got to be careful how you do it honestly. My FI's initials are SAC so I wouldn't do it lmao it also depends on your warped sense of humour lol Or if your initials are ST then STD is not good lol - just an example but you see what I mean :-)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Cancunbride2009 Could someone tell me how far in advance they paid their deposit? I received my contract via e-mail for next April but wanted to make some additions which I e-mailed to Daniela. I haven't heard back yet, it has been almost a month. I guess I will feel more reassured that my date is set in stone after I pay the deposit. I have to pay mine on the 15th June for May 2009!!! nice bit of interest they'll be making lol
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by dc22173 I do agree that both Daniella and Claudia can be pretty vague with their answers but it makes me wonder if they are understanding what they are being asked. I dont know if there is a language barrier there. Just my two cents No I think you're right,which is why after that email I keep my questions really short and to the point, eg why do we only have a photographer for 40 mins! still don't get a rely and that was the end of April lol
  20. I couldn't get a wedding ring because my E ring is just a weird shape and its like 2 rings joined together. I eventually found another Eternity ring that is kind of similar but flat on one side and it sits better than anything else i've seen so I got that. While we were there I saw a lush Eternity ring that is about 4 sapphires and it fits under the other one so he bought me that 2 lol It just depends on what you want and your budget, I'll be honest the 2 of mine cost about £425 which is cheaper than some wedding rings
  21. God I wish it was hot here lol
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by sgrimm1 Everytime I ask her a direct question she skips around the answer. Here is how Our last email went. Q: is there a corcakge fee for wine? A; Yes there is corckage fee. Q: What is the corckage fee A: Yes there is a corckage fee Q: GREAT! What is the corckage fee? A: Yes there is a corckage fee. Wholly crap if I could reach through the computer and shake her I would. I understand she is busy My TA says she gets like 400 emails a day, but I bet that is because of convo's like the one above. Sooo.... does anyone know what the corckage fee is? Nope sorry she just told me I had to have 4 more bottles of champagne at $25 a bottle I said I don't want them lol she said you get one in the package!! fab stick it I don't want it lol I swear I've had enough and if some hadn't already booked i'd be moving
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan yes, if he is walking. i haven't talked to him much lately because he is always busy. Which is wonderful because before he was always at home watching a movie. But, I don't know if he is walking now. He is in & out of a wheelchair. So if he can't walk me, my mom will. Sounds to me like he's making it his mission to ditch the wheelchair and walk his daughter down the aisle The way he's going he's going to shed loads more before you get hitched. I love dads
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by sgrimm1 Why is Claudia so vague about things i sent her an email and asked for some ideas about group activities for everyone attending the wedding 6. Do you have any ideas, for a group activity. We want to plan an event for all of our guests that is fun for all ages, and not overly expensive. Any ideas?? the hotel offers activities during the day. WTF.... Why are they so vague? Now I hope this doesn't offend anyone that has had a good experience with her but this is just my opinion of my contact with her lol SHE IS FECKING SHITE!!!!! and hasn't got a clue how to handle a simple question
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Wow! Well I dont know how to respond to be honest with you. I mean what Daniela told me seemed reasonable but the way Claudia responded to you doesnt. I mean 40 minutes is like the ceremony and a few quick group shots. I wish I had an answer. I would love to say ask Juan but the emails I had always sent him he never responded to. Snap lol at the min i'm in the middle of exams so trying not to stress too much lol however!! come sat when they are all over i've already told FI we ARE HAVING a discussion about this whole thing. The TA is shite and won't help me so if it means I have to go above Claudia's head I am because 40 frigging mins is no fecking good to me !! You'll notice she didn't answer why my contract was different lol At the min flights are about £500 to cancun from here and if I had the cash I'd fly over and smack her up and down the fecking strip until I got my bloody answer lol And as for Juan, nope he doesn't answer my emails either!! Way to run a business!! lol Sorry i'm stressed out about exams lmao
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