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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. I second, third and 4th that especially as virtually a squaddie wife.I just wish they were appreciated in this country instead of some of the crap they get for doing their job!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl here's to no studying Too right lmao 2 or 3 weeks off then back to it lmao only about 4 years to go pmsl
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by bbpacco Do you girls know if I don't want the album, can I just ask for more pictures to be included instead? Should I talk to the WC or Juan for this case? I rather get more pic since I am a designer, I can do my own album and get it print somewhere else cheap. I'm hoping I can do that too - if she says yes will you let me know lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ericaandsy Hi I feel the same way! I'm totally bumed that Claudia is so much more expensive. To me photography is a huge part of your day because you can always take that back with you. My TA told me that if I were to find someone else that I would like better who was around my price range that it might be possible to negotiate something...maybe having them pay a day pass. So I will let you know what I find out. Take care! Good luck I was told in no uncertain terms it wasn't allowed. But if you do let me know because there is someone I'd hire in a shot
  5. That would be me lol but mostly cause its the first day i've had off studying for months lol
  6. How about saying you've run out of space lol personally I'd say no you're not doing it lol and i've actually done that to friends who decided they'd bring someone I knew but couldn't stand and I told them straight out it wasn't happening - if they wanted to go to Mexico not bothered but they are not invited to the wedding and I don't want to even see them lol If you are a lot more subtle than I am, which wouldn't be hard lol, just point out that you are limited on numbers
  7. If your gut is saying cut it then do it lol you can always grow it back - btw i think it looks nice the way it is lmao
  8. Take some time to really think about what you and FI want, you don't want to re-arrange and then find out FI is really miserable about it. I know its hard which is why you should stop, seriously think about it and then make a decision. Also why don't you as your mum her thoughts as you may find she will be gutted if you don't stick to what you had your heart set on.
  9. I suppose it depends if you are going with the ultimate package, because you won't get a credit for what you don't use, and how long you want the photographer for. Juan just cleared this up and so you have him for 90 mins even though you only get 50 pics in the package if he takes 300- 400 you must be able to do a deal with him I know personally we just can't stretch anymore its cost x3 the package to even get there
  10. YAY can he give my FI some tips for when we eventually have to tell his mother lol
  11. Well I have been married before and FI hasn't and he'll be 38 when we get married - he is the driving force behind this I have to admit i'm not lol
  12. Sorry but I hate it lmao I'll only eat it if it is mashed with corned beef and mashed totally - any lumps i'm hurling lol
  13. Honestly if you can go and see a lawyer, if she's canvassing the neighbours its harassment, is she jealours or what cause it seems like she is What have the other neighbours said?
  14. Can you not put in a complaint about her behaviour there must be something they can do - here it would something like nusiance
  15. Thats the thing don't think its a known one - i'll look up the shop see if they have a website it might be on there - it might be still on there Just rang them no website lol I'll have to get to my aunt's and get a pic
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jillhigginsphotography Are you serious lol My husband is in the Air Force and I soooo wish there were a base in Belize. Where is there an Army post in Belize? My husband does a lot of work for the Army and I would LOVE for him to try to get stationed there for a while! US Air Force? No idea i'll ask him - i know one of his mates got posted there and he said he's not going lmao This is only his 2nd UK posting in 19 years lol I tried to persuade him to get the jungle training post in Brunei but he wasn't playing with that either lol I don't go with him when he's posted on the basis I didn't join up thats his life lol However told him if he went to Brunei I'd be on the next flight lmao my dad lives in Bali and its 2 hours away so i'd find myself in Bali all the time lmao He told me to get stuffed lmao
  17. Nah they wont lol i've certainly found out who my friends are lol to be honest i'm not bothered my aunt and a really good mate and her husband are going - the ones on FI's side not really bothered about lol Thing is even though its a year away the flights fill up here really quick and if they don't book they wont get the flight its insane!
  18. Not got one, it needs altering because its too big and its hiding at my aunt's house because FI didn't want to see it lol I mean I live on a bungalow with 2 bedrooms how the hell was I gonna hide that for over a year lol I'll try and describe it, Its really long pools round my feet and i'm 5'5. Its got a white band round the top and the rest of it is black on first glance. Its got corset type laces up one side with white underneath and the black moves aside and its white underneath with hardly any bling Sounds gross but I love it, think its a prom dress tho lol the woman in the shop when I was trying it on said oh thats a nice prom dress. I said i'm 35!! and its for my wedding lmao she just oh well its still nice lmao Think my aunt nearly fainted but she should know better by now lol See I originally thought black but then friend was saying what about white and black - how about trainers lol
  19. I know I've come late to this but, because i'm horrible lol, I told people the date, booked mine and FI and also aunt's rooms and told the others to ring the TA I wasn't going to be responsible for them and thank god I did because only 2 others have booked when it should have been 20 lol At least you can get your $$ back if you cancel in time
  20. Now I know its ages before I get married but I'm a control freak and its the only thing i need lol FI needs loads of stuff but he's on his own on that as he needs to lose weight so he can get a jacobean shirt. Anyway my dress is black and white but mostly black. I bought some really cheap sandals as I thought they would be ok, but when they have arrived they are minging and will kill me lol See the thing is I NEVER wear shoes and don't even own a pair its always boots or trainers. I can't walk in heels, unless they are boots, as my ankles give way (totally flat footed lol) so I don't want something with a massive heel because I know I will fall arse over tit, and although that would be funny, i just don't fancy doing my vows nearly peeing myself with laughter lol FI would totally have a sense of humour failure lmao Any ideas? I've looked at everything and I'm just not a diamonte girl!!
  21. how about working off the cuff - ask people to meet you in the bar ask what people fancy doing and then they aren't under any pressure to go and neither are you Then take it from there
  22. so thats why mum was always knitting and crochet lmao
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