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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. I think its difficult because my mum died 8 years ago and FI's dad died over 2 years ago and his mother is now remarried (long story!! which makes me spit blood lol) Anyway both FI and decided we didn't want anything said or done. We don't need things to remember them we do anyway. He will wear his dad's kilt and as my dad won't be there because he lives just too far away and he can't be anywhere near FI's family or murder will be done lol and my brother died as a baby I've got a charm bracelet with 3 charms one for each of them, angel for mum, devil for dad (lmao) and a baby boot for my brother. No-one but my family and FI will have a clue and that suits me. I don't want to be sad on my wedding day - but each to their own really If I could have got away with a picture on my flowers I would have done but it will just cause trouble with FMIL I like the idea of the balloons and flowers over the side of the boat tho
  2. I wouldn't. Only send them to those who you want to be there otherwise all hell will break loose lol you can guarantee that horrible person you never want to go ends up going lol case in point i can bet my life on my FMIL's new hubby going and I'd rather poke my eyes out with a hot poker than be in the same vicinity lmao Told my aunt to get the poker ready lmao
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by dainanewell I totally know how you feel...my fI mother just backed out....we we're suppose to have 50-60 people and now we're down to only 19 and that's including my 2 kids my FI and I....stressful!...but i hope everything works out for you! Trust me you are SOOO lucky for her to back out - I pray every night for that lmao
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SIMBASIM If i have to send money so do you!!! LOL!!! Hell, mine is month after yours and I am past due! I've got until the 15th but as FMIL finds out this week I may want to cancel lmfao
  5. I'd go and throttle her myself!! I understand you are her little girl etc but she sounds just like my FMIL and my reaction to her is "she can piss off" lol now I know its your mum so its a little different but even my mum wouldn't have dared meddle If its making you unhappy go to see her and say look calm down if you don't you are gonna be upset a lot because we are doing what we want to do not what you want me to do! I decide who is invited to MY wedding not yours and if you don't like it tough. As for staying off resort thats fine no problem but I'm not paying for day passes to get into the resort so YOU can tell all the people you have told to stay elsewhere that and deal with the fall out. It will work out but you need to stand firm and DO NOT back down - if you do she's got you where she wants you at it will never end
  6. That's their problem not yours. The only people you need at your wedding are you and your FI. I've had the same problem with my lot, mostly just can't be arsed to go!! FI's lot are shocking a few have said yes we'll go but they haven't booked. Just as we were going to tell everyone we found his mum was getting married AGAIN!!! so we haven't told her so we don't get accused of stealing her thunder lol and when she finds out she'll go ape shit ! and do I care Do I hell as like! People will have a problem even if you get married here it will be on excuse or another. If they can't make the effort to go then thats their problem. I know its hurtful but just remember the reasons why you are going abroad to do it, take a deep breath and say you know what thats fine you're missing out on a fab day!!
  7. No you are not being ridiculous you need to take a firm stand NOW at the start! Just point out to her nicely (I always have a problem with this lol) and say look we are getting married in Jamaica at this resort on this date. We'd like you to be there but if you aren't thats ok 2. End of discussion Its YOUR wedding tell her to poke off the cheeky cow!
  8. Thanks but I won't find out until August!! and they were freaking awful lmao
  9. I've got my fingers crossed that ALL FI's family drop out pmsl
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by KHarrod I feel obligated to have her but I know that she is a control freak and will try to take over lol Then don't do it. If it was really you weren't sure then I'd say think about it you have a long time to work it out. However it seems that you really don't want her there and its obligation that is chewing you up. Screw that you don't owe anyone anything - your wedding day is about you and FI and if you think she'll take over and give you grief don't ask her
  11. You know I don't think it said but it did look nice
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Oh goodie, I'm def going to mail it in. Hmm now I wonder if I can use my married name as a lawyer since I got licensed under my maiden name. I would think I could right? Does anyone have any idea? Not sure about the US but I would imagine its the same. Do you register your practising certificate (licence i suppose) with what we would call the Law Society? If so you just contact them and they change eveything for you its really easy. After reading this I am so pleased I'm not changing my name lol
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I thin you might be warning me, but my girls are 20 and 16 so they are not really kids I wasn't in particular lol but the old woman sitting next to me nearly had a heart attack at a couple of points lmao Kids are always kids I still get called the "bairn" and I'm 35 lmao
  14. I'd take the easy way out and get him to do it lol i used to buy all the pressies for his lot then one day thought nahh so he sorts his family out - he knows them better is my excuse lol Saying that you can't go wrong with a DVD and/or a disney cuddly - suitable for any age
  15. I went to see it tonight and it was fab lol only thing is I don't think its a 15 I think its more of an 18 film there are some v dodgy scenes if anyone is taking kids be warned lmao
  16. I'm in that club 2!! But I have found a way to deal with it lol Drink helps!! but the best thing to do is say (and this has to be in a mackem accent lmao) "she can go get fucked" it has certainly helped me lmao
  17. You so need to come over here for 2 weeks lol with my tutoring you'll go back and tell them all to shove it up their ass lol you are NOT their fecking TA - don't pay anything!!! give her the details and tell her to ring them and pay lmao
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ericaandsy it's really hard learning a 3rd language since I'm already fluent in spanish. GRRRR!! I've got it start talking spanish in front of them that'll fuck them up lmao
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Cerda I scanned my cc and the cc authorization form and e-mailed to Claudia and she received with no problems. I so have to do this but don't want to lol
  20. Do not change your plans because you'll make a rod for your back that will last for ever. I can't stand my in laws and it borders on pure hatred at times lol FI has actually said if they dont come he isn't bothered they are getting the option and its "shit or bust" If FI has said he still wants to go away GO - stuff them if they can't make the effort dont you either. Can you learn his language? that would be class when they are gobbing off to reply to them lmao
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Harty, you really do make me laugh Glad to be of service lmao I know what you mean tho my FI has a horrific time with his stupid ass family. I even said the other day right thats it I've had enough i don't want to hear anymore cause it makes me want to drive down and beat the shit out of them lol So that you can keep quiet you may be my new hero lmao
  22. You are wayyy nicer than me because I wouldn't give my inlaws the steam off my shite (sorry was that too graphic ) My FMIL and FSIL are not very different from yours and FI has been told in uncertain terms his sister is not invited (luckily he agrees lol) and if FMIL wants to come she pays for it i certainly am not. If I could afford to pay for anyone it would be people I liked I understand that you are getting a 2nd job to help pay for the wedding and I'm sorry but this would piss me off even more - not to be rude but its FI's family let him get the 2nd bloody job!! It is difficult tho - I'm lucky FI knows by now I'll tell him straight and if he doesn't like it well thats tough, I'm never nasty or unfair just factual. Maybe tactfully explain to FI the financial burden this is putting on you and I'm sure he'll see your point. Sorry that turned into a rant lmao you are obviously a very very very nice person
  23. Unfortunately I think mine is going to have to go in my backpack!!! there is no way i'm checking it in and we are allowed one piece of hand luggage!! FI is such PITA when travelling he's like a kid with his toys lol all i need is a book and my ipod and i'm sorted think i might be stuffed this time tho
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