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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Desiree- just noticed your post from earlier So sorry to hear about your BFs and biotch SIL. DWs have a funny way of bringing out the true colors in people, generally the ugly side. And while I know the swine flu is no laughing matter, wouldn't it be just a little funny if your SIL (and NO one else in your family) got the flu bug. baahhhaaaa , I think all this swine flu stress has made me a little evil!!! No you aren't i've been wishing FMIL the same thing since it first hit the headlines lol
  2. Dreams have updated their cancellation policy - they've now said if flights are cancelled you'll not get any cancellation charges - thank god for that that's one worry down
  3. My FI isn't allowed to wear his either - they're really cracking down on it he's pretty gutted
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda LOL sounds like that's just what you need - it's your hen night/bachlorette then? You deserve a drink ... or 20 ... after all of this! I'm sure it will all work out ... it seems that everyone has taken these swine flu a little too seriously a little too quickly. I mean, the US had it's first death today, and it was a Mexican boy who was visiting Texas ... Lol it is and it isn't lol its some good friends that FI doesn't like so I've not told him lmao Yeah I know I was kicking off today saying our Government has jumped on this to hide the fact they are economically screwing us lol I'm hoping it blows over. In the reports over here it hasn't said that the little boy was mexican the sly gits lol
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda Have you considered moving the wedding to DR, Cuba, Jamaica? I'm sure your TA could do something ... there must be plenty of people doing this right now and resorts are probably doing what they can to accommodate ... I know it would suck to change your dream locale ... but if it means having a wedding ... maybe it's a good option to look at! Yeah I have she won't do it until they cancel the flight! The airline won't refund the cash until they do we can only change flights and they don't go anywhere decent lol We can't go to Cuba because FI is in the army and not allowed - good eh ! so i'm sitting waiting and driving myself mad - i'm going away this weekend thank god i'm going to get twatted lmao
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda That's just horrible ... I seriously don't know how you, or any of the other May brides are dealing with it all ... I'd be a complete lunatic at this point. I mean, I pretty much am already, but if that bloody pig virus was in Cuba too I'd be having a hairy fit on a daily, no hourly basis. You're strong than I am, that's for sure! You said the flight restrictions are being lifted a few days before you leave, right? A few hours ago I read a news story online that said the infection had "stabilized" in Mexico which should be a good thing ... We don't know yet thats the problem. They are only saying no flights until the 8th they will extend it if the FO doesn't drop the ban. knowing my luck they'll make a decision on the 9th when its too late to leave on the 11th lol
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 WTF Marie? How am I going to crash your wedding in my pink bubblegum dress? Seriously though, have you heard anything? I'm so sorry. See i let that virus go just to stop you doing that lmao and before anyone jumps down my throat i was bloody joking !! Nah not heard anything all they will say is the flights until the 8th are all cancelled if you fly between the 9th and 22nd you can re-arrange flights but this airline doesn't go anywhere that I can get married quickly so i'm having to wait until they cancel. You can still come might end up in Hawaii lol it's one of the only places i can go!!
  8. I'm wondering if i'm still going to be a May bride lol
  9. If they've raised it thats mine defo off - they shut down all the flights on level 4
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda And military is banned from travel to mexico!!!! This affects us! Great thats me 2 - I think some twat is telling me not to go to Mexico lol
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Virg Sounds like you are in the UK Why aren't you checking other destinations? I am sure alot of UK and Canadian brides are scrambling right now. But check out the Cuban resorts, they say only 4 weeks notice, but in light off all this, I bet ya they can arrange something, even if it is just a symbolic ceremony. (and the Cuban rules are pretty easy, just need a passport if you have never been married!) PM me if you want more info. Yep I am lol My TA won't!! until they formally cancel my flight she won't do sod all because all the other places we could go with no notice this arsey airline we are flying with don't go there!! I've done some checking myself and now i'm sitting waiting day by day lol they've cancelled up to the 8th and we go on the 11th so hopefully we'll get told soon. We can't go to Cuba FI isn't allowed as he's in the forces and i've been married before lol I'm going to our local Registry office on friday to try and get something as back up! honestly total nightmare lol And then I have people ringing me for info when i've not spoken to them for ages - i keep telling them to fuck off lmao not nice but they are doing me in lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride Hey girls... Just wanted to let you know things for me are not as great as they were... I just got cancellation from one of my groomsmen not being able to attend. He stated that HIS COMPANY isnt allowing him to travel to Cancun.. lol Are you serious? This isnt work related, this is personal time. Anyhow, I know hes paranoid about going but tossing me a lame excuse about his job not letting him go... oh well!! I understand if your paranoid but to make it a bigger deal than what it is is hurtful. We had 2 groomsmen men flying into Mexico City and my TA was able to get them direct flights into Cancun Airport which was great. My entire wedding party is still excited about going. IM stocking up on anti bacterial liquid, baby wipes, and Emergen-C. My brother and myself have gotten into an argument because he decides to get drunk at my bridal shower and make a complete a$$ out of himself has texed me he is not attending and wont be in my wedding party. My nephew is my ring bearer and he will not be attending either.. Im super sad!!! FI says that at this point it doesnt really matter who goes as long as we are there, that's all that matters He's right stuff the lot of them if they are being total arses. As for your brother let him stew on it he might change his mind and if he doesn't well at least you won't be worrying about him being a drunken arse at the actual wedding lol
  13. Tylersgirl just give her it both barrels here is the excuse you've been after for ever lol I just had a big fight with one of my friends when I said look cancel you lose your cash so wait the 3 days it'll take them to cancel the wedding lol She said well I'm not sure I want to go now this has taken the shine right off it!! wtf does she think it's done to me lmao So I said look I don't give a fuck do what you want and hung up - i'm sick of it lmao
  14. I'm waiting for our FO to drop the ban of travel to Mexico and then hopefully our flights will start back up again or i'm same stuck! I can't go to another destination and get married because i need to give notice and we've not got time to do that as i leave on the 11th (or rather should be leaving!) I can't re-arrange unless its next year as FI has special permission to have these 2 weeks and then he's off to Afghanistan!! bloody great And i've got no work done as i keep checking the sites that tell me Feck all lol
  15. You aren't the only one unfortunately. I'm waiting to hear if mine is cancelled 2 but i think it will be and as they've stopped flights to the 8th and we go on the 11th for added complication FI is in the army, got special permission for this time off, and goes to Afghanistan in June ! So trust me I feel your pain!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 sorry to here about the banding of flights! were you originally flying straight from the uk to cancun or did you have connections? Are there any straight thru flights from the uk to cancun? Straight from my local airport to cancun - it's only a new flight but generally you can get direct flights from Manchester and London they just added Newcastle but it looks like they've just cancelled it 2. I'm just sitting waiting to hear anything and checking the site. I should be at work by now but i'm in bed on my laptop still in my jamas lol I must get moving
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by heidi_lk Thanks, I appreciate everyones support. This forum is the only thing keeping me going right now. The reason it doesnt look good for May is because there are 26 of us going and no flights have that many free seats. I guess everyone is scrambling and trying to rebook. To make matters worse the company I am travelling with has said absolutely NO REFUNDS, just issuing travel vouchers. If the airline doesnt come up with something I am goingto make it my life mission to ensure no one flies with them again.... so frustrated! Did you pay for it on a credit card? If you did you can get a FULL refund get the credit card company on to them. Quote: Originally Posted by heidi_lk Hi kara, we were date twins... and cancelled as well. So devasted, we are looking at other options but not looking good. And a legal wedding is basically out of the question... so sad. I think the only other place you can do it is Antigua - trust me i've been looking at everything lol Try this site it gives you all the info for other countries Weddings Abroad – Legal Requirements from Tropical Sky Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i've been vascillating all day between crying my eyes out and making dumb (and yes, sometimes tasteless) jokes about swine flu. i think at this point if i don't keep on joking i will go insane, so i apologize to anyone who can't see the humor (i know if my wedding had been canceled i'd be hard pressed to find *any* humor in the situation). but i just saw this on zazzle and cracked up ... it's just so dumb: I love that pic lol One of FI's mates keeps making noises like a pig then coughing lol irritating but v funny lol Well I've checked the web today and there are no more updates ALL flights are cancelled so until they make a decision beyond 8th May (which probs won't be for a week!) then I think my wedding is off! I've managed to get an appointment at our Registry Office and beg for them to make the initial appointment so that we can just sneak in and do it - but its breaking FI's heart
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride SHIT!... i was really hoping that there would be a way.. and i understand about ur FI being military.. if he cant get the leave pass to go then ur royally screwed!... couldnt u guys go to another location?? maybe FMIL wont like it and not come HAHA!! Not that lucky lmao cow will follow us anywhere she's like a bad smell lol
  19. Lol cheers Jax but I was only joking about going to Canada first lol Don't think FI will be allowed to go with being military unless our FO lift the ban!
  20. Tylersgirl thanks me 2 lol I can't stand her she's already been on the phone to FI (she wouldn't dare ring me lol) I think he told her to bog off lol Just think of the stories you'll miss about how she was a fucking embarassment at the wedding lol Jesus I need a bottle of vodka!
  21. Yeah it might work out well for me if FMIL can't come but I'm not good at waiting and those twats at the TA are making me wait lol Thanks girls I've flown to Toronto before and its only 6 hours lol trouble is ins comp said if I go no insurance lol I swear i'm gonna find a fucking way to get married lol
  22. Yeah I hear it is 2 but I wanted to go to Mexico - maybe his mother won't be able to go and then i might smile lol If I get cancelled I'm meeting you in New York at the end of the year lol
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Norisa23 are you saying that canada as a country is banning travels til the 4th of june and england til the 8th of may?? UK defo. Thomas cook are cancelling until 5th May, Thomsons until 8th May and Monarch until 8th May!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by skye15 This is so awful (swine flu). I am suppose to be flying out from the UK on the 23rd June. It does not seem very hopeful. They have already started cancelling the flights from here today!!!! I am not sure what to do, whether to contact the tour operator and see what the options are. Do we just cancel wedding or do we change destination? What is everyone else planning doing?? What a nightmare this is all becoming!!!!! Tracy xx Tracy you might be ok but i'm fucked I think - they've cancelled all flights to the 8th and then they will refund or move about. I leave on the 11th but they won't give me an answer about whether they are going to cancel or not so basically I'm stuck. FI and I need to get married before he goes to Afghanistan which is now beginning of June and I wouldn't care but the bloody army gave him special leave for this fucking thing!! arggg My TA's are useless and I swear if they say to me again you aren't a priority i'm going through the phone and punching the bitch senseless!! Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl thanks for posting claudia's letter ... does that mean if you moved to DR they would honor your wedding deposit at that resort? i would think so, considering they are owned by the same company. however i noticed she didn't make a single peep about any kind of refund, lol. figures. Yeah I looked at that 2 but I think you need to be there a good while before or have your paperwork in before you go so it might not be possible. I envy you in the US if I could GET a fucking flight i'd go lol cause like Lisa said those pig fuckers wouldn't beat me lol
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Awww Harty, I am so sorry....I freakin HATE the swine flu!!!!! yeah its a swine lol sorry couldn't resist it's hysteria lol
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