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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl we fly into shannon july 1, and then drive all over (go-as-you-please tour) ... have to end up in dublin to fly out from there july 9. have you contacted your photographer about this? mine sent out an email last week stating that they'd refund your deposit only if travel was banned or flights were canceled (because obviously that is outside your control). don't just assume that she won't. i realize they don't *have to* offer a refund at all, but really it's "the right thing to do" and i try to have a little faith in people sometimes (usually blows up in my face, lol). worth a shot, anyway! Cool both are only short hops away from me on a flight lol Dublin is ace you will love it but make sure you go to the guiness museum lol Yeah I contacted her last week and she said because of the circs she'd reschedule the day. So I've just emailed her back and told her flights are cancelled and asked for confirmation she won't refund so I can try and get my insurers to pay. I've just looked at the hotel we've had to book and you want to see the cost of the photos it's huge and no outside photographers. FI said oh well no photographs for us! I just don't want to do any of this anymore
  2. Ireland piece of piss for me lol where abouts you going? Yeah i'm gutted i've lost the bloody photographer deposit now 2
  3. I know only consolation lol but FI is being a real pain - he's obviously v upset about his sister but i'm sick of getting it in the neck - so it may turn out to be a girls holiday lol
  4. Well it's Barbados for me as they won't sort out a wedding in St Lucia apparently its too close to do it!! Kirsty! thanks for all your help you've been a star and I would love to have had that drink with you - we'll just have to do it in spirit lol
  5. Nope couldn't get there either only place I could get was barbados! not happy girl
  6. Well girls it's official my wedding is not in Mexico anymore!! They cancelled my flight at lunch time. I couldn't get booked up in St Lucia as they wouldn't marry us as they didn't have the paperwork in time (think thats crap the TA has a deal going with barbados!) So i'm going to Barbados! FMIL has cancelled, one of my friends is now coming on her own and the other is still bringing her whacky mate!! because it'll be cheaper for her - I can't stand the mare so that'll be interesting lol but as I said to her today she'll find a bloke and ditch us for a week - i hope anyway! I'm gutted totally gutted I have no idea what date I can get married, still waiting to hear from them, and I don't want to go there oh yeah and it's costing us about £200 each more as we are having to fly to london!
  7. God I only saw last weeks' girls lol Adam did not deserve to be in the bottom 2 I just hope thats a shock to the audience and they start voting for him as they obviously aren't or didn't last week Have to say tho Danny was amazin!
  8. Well girls I am officially no longer a Dreams bride!! They cancelled my flights today so I'm not going to Mexico and I'm gutted. Lisa New York end of the year? lol
  9. So i've been looking at loads of hotels and the one that was suggested by the TA was the Smugglers Bay one - i've just checked their dress code and its long sleeve shirts on a night! I only just persuaded FI buy shirts and even then he would only get short sleeved ones so it looks like that one is out!! Not sure what else is in our price range - I'm also thinking of my guests who have now dropped to 3 singles lol so i'm a bit worried if i get a one that's slightly more than we've paid its gonna have a back lash on them that they can't afford. This is a pigging nightmare lol no pun intended!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie oh marie! what a conundrum. Tell me about it lol 5 of us fly on the 11th and they have to give us a decision by tomorrow about that but 2 fly on the 12th and 2 on the 14th!! The ones I'm worrying about are the 14th lol it's FMIL that is going on the 12th so not particularly arsed about that but I do want my best mate there and she needs the holiday! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol I've just checked the website for our FCO and there is still a ban on so i might just sneak through! Gutted to wish they'd just make their minds up once and for all!
  11. I have to admit if they lift the ban here i've got probs because it probably means half my guests are going to mexico and i won't be lol So i need it to stay in place for about another 3 days lol
  12. Blissfulmiranda a daddy's girl eh? don't blame you so am I lol I daren't tell him whats going on or he'd insist on paying and he hasn't got the cash so i just keep my mouth shut lol mind you its easier for me he lives 1000s of miles away so only communicate by text lol Kirsty! No idea whats happening yet not heard from TA. I'm waiting to see what they come up with as to what we can afford. I've seen on virgin site the one they were telling us about for about £1600 each so i'm hoping he can do that otherwise i'm getting my cash back and doing it myself lol My friend is a virgin flyer so i can get him to refer me so he gets points 2 so thats ok As soon as i know anything i'll post it
  13. I know i'm a bit worried about it to be honest lol so i'm staying in bed and popping pills in the hope i can shake it off lol
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i just found out that some of our last-minute bookers were given $300 resort credits! wtf? so i don't get *anything* for booking (and paying!) in advance, bringing all this business to their resort, and not to mention, not cancelling on their flu-ridden mexican asses?!?!?! but lazy, procrastinating, last-minute losers get $300? (not to mention MUCH cheaper flights than i got!) ok, so really i'm happy for whomever got the credit, but it hardly seems fair. it's not like they just booked AFTER the swine flu story broke. they booked in april. and our TA told them not to tell us!!! isn't *that* shady as hell?! You what - that's just rotten !!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 so after those mo fo's at usa 3000 cancelled all our flights we actually rebooked EVERYONE on american airlines and EVERYONE has the original dates AND WE GOT APPLE VACATION to waive all the fees and upgrade us to american airlines for FREE! WHOOOO F-ING HOOOOO!!!! I am still anticipating that swarm of locus and hurricane to hit mexico so I am stock piling bug spray and water rafts LOL! At this point all that can go wrong will so I am anticipating anything and everything!!! If any of you are flying american airlines keep me posted of any cancellations!!! After this catrostophe my fi mother said she's cancelling/not going (and did) because she JUST DECIDED SHE DOESN'T APPROVE of her son getting married in MEXICO (mind you we asked her 2 years ago before we said anything to anyone and she said she was down) and who does this a week before we leave WTF!?!? SO after a very nice conversation between me and her (sarcasm)- she changed her mind. This has been one hella week! SO IF any of you have like a ritual of sacrificng a goat or pig or whatever for LUCK please let me know, I can't take no more drama - on the real! God why did you persuade her to change her mind lmao Jax - good luck Lisa - no not yet I was away this weekend (and I'm dying right now lol) I rang then from the train station on sat and asked them if they were taking the piss lol they told me to ring at 6pm! and they'd frigging shut!! how bad is that lol Anyway he said they haven't heard anything yet and I was checking on my phone for updates but they've done nothing since Thursday! I am kind of decided on St Lucia now and the deciding factor was when FI said if we had to re-book he was telling FMIL to cancel because she needed to be at home with his sister (she's not got long left) so now I'm wanting despo to change lol I checked into the hotel last night and she said oh you are lucky there is only one family room left!! I said WHAT i booked one they better be one left lmao anyway I was coughing and looked like death (can't believe i had to go home early!) and she said oh do you have flu? I said no its larengitis lmao
  16. God I feel rough lol been out all weekend and ended up going back to the hotel ill!! Anyway rang TA still no news!! My worst fear is now that they don't cancel lol
  17. I think it's just under 1.5 - it was more when we booked cancun tho. Never really looked the places we can go are pretty tight for the legal requirements. I think Hawaii, Tobago and Antigua are on the list but I can't get any more info out of the TA funny enough lol He said today he didn't want "to waste time looking at places if they didn't cancel the flights!" hello some already have lol
  18. Cheers i'm not so bothered about it being more expensive as long as it's not hidiously so. We've paid nearly £4,000 for the 2 of us for 14 nights AI so I think even that is expensive for Cancun. If they don't drop the price i'll go direct with the hotel and just book my flights lol They keep trying to push me to Barbados but I don't want to go so they can shove that idea 2 lol I get the feeling we are just being palmed off but what they don't understand is that I won't be and if holiday people hand over the cash I WILL take it off them lol
  19. Thanks for that Kirsty. They mentioned Smugglers Cove and that was it. So i'm searching all over and looking at other hotels but it seems to be mega expensive. I'm hoping they can re-arrange the wedding there and if we have any money i'll try and get a photographer. The photographer we booked just said they won't refund but will move to another date lol I CAN'T get there lmao So i've lost that then great!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie I'm still leaning on sacrificing the FMIL to the swine flu gods! It can't hurt now can it? I would sacrifice the cow for anything lol nevermind swine flu lol FI just said if they cancel our flights he's gonna tell her not to come because his sister is really ill !! result on the change of heart lmao Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 so if swine flu wasn't enough (we still pushed forward), drug cartel (we still pushed forward), guests wanting to cancel (we still pushed forward), earthquakes (we still pushed forward) NOW MY MOTHER F-ING USA 3000 AIRLINE JUST CANCELED ALL FLIGHT JUST LEAVING ON MONDAYS! They had to do just monday;s they couldn't do a TUESDAY COULD THEY?!?!?! ahhh no biggy right hahahaha all my fucking guests leave or go on a monday, I can't catch a brake! I now need to find 30 something seats on a airline carrier, i think it's time to throw that towl in and go into a alchol induced como. Oh ffs!! I swear the airlines are in line with the devil lmao you'll manage it to change them i believe in you lol Quote: Originally Posted by calchik my canceled mexico wedding has turned out happy as well. it is now in punta cana at the same resort chain so bahia principe bavaro instead of tulum now. our guests have had to pay an extra $300-500 to fly from where ever they are in canada to toronto so we can get the package to punta cana. i think cuz we're legally getting married this weekend it makes getting a wedding there easier cuz it's just a renewal of vows. still leaving the same date and getting the same wedding date. other mexico brides, maybe this is a different location option? surprisingly there might only be 4 or 6 people out of 26 that won't be able to make it. everyone else has fronted the extra money and will still be there for my wedding. i love my family and friends!! finally i can stop crying. now i can go back to being stressed cuz i have a week to finalize my wedding stuff. Good for you i'm pleased its turning round for someone Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! Harty, I saw you post somewhere (I'm thinking the swine thread) that St. Lucia may be your back-up plan. Need any information or help? I'd love to finally be able to help someone else as there are so few St. Lucia brides on BDW. Wait, a minute. If you keep your same wedding date, we will probably be there at the same time! I arrive May 17th. Yeah I have to go either the 10th or 11th I have no choice lol that would be cool tho - I have no idea where I am staying or even if I will get there - Its a "pigging" nightmare lmao
  21. Hi all I'm not sure whether I'm going to be a St Lucia bride and if I am it's in 14 days lol I'm waiting for my airline to cancel my flight to Cancun! then I'm booking but I know nothing about St Lucia and I really need help. I've said to my TA I don't care about the hotel just get me there lol Btw are there any Photographers that you know off in St Lucia?
  22. I'm still waiting I have no idea what is going on. One airline is cancelling until the 12th the other isn't!! So my very nice TA (get the sarcasm!) said well we can swap you flights etc but its going to cost you another 3k! I said well what about the deposit for the wedding - his response "nothing to do with us tough"!! wtf lol So I said well i'll wait if I can't go there i'll go somewhere else lol FI and I have agreed if we can't get married away we'll just bloody do it here at the end of the holiday lol
  23. I'm still waiting to see what is going to happen - some airlines have cancelled flights until the 12th and i'm waiting for ours to be cancelled as once one does it the other will follow suit. I'm holding out for them to cancel on me otherwise if i change resort i'm going to lose about £3k!! and i can't afford to do that. So i'm looking everywhere but I think I found one in St Lucia - it's a nightmare trying to sort out tho lol Good thing is FI has finally said he is really gutted because he hadn't realised how excited he was about the whole thing lol
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Harty, well I'm glad you've got a backup plan and it sounds like a good one. hehehe FMIL sounds like a handful, but you definitely know how to handle her and that's what matters, lol. Whatever happens, make sure you take pics and share, I know myself and all the other brides would love to see em ~ you're a forum favorite There is bound to be police mug shots off when i've done in FMIL lol Oh i'm good she thinks I like her lol if you know me well you can spot the signs but she doesn't lmao I've got it sussed she deals with FI not me lol Funny how that happened i've still got no idea lol I think his sister warned her If she starts ringing me when he's away tho i'll knack her - i'm going to be screening my calls for 6 months lol
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl MarieSam and Harty-Y'all are too funny! haha! Yes, it does bring out the ugly in people unfortunately! Yeah but if i'm honest i'm like that all the time lmao Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam hehe, Harty you always make me laugh. Have you guys come to a resolution yet? I know your options are limited because FI's military obligations. Kind of lol he's managed to get friday off so he's coming home late tomorrow night and we are going to our register office friday (like the court house i think for you) and getting our orders completed and we can then book a civil wedding for the 18th at home. It's the fall safe really and if we don't need it we've only lost £60 so its worth doing. In the meantime i'm researching everywhere that I don't need to give weeks notice to to get married. I've found a few places so depending on when they tell us and give us the word it's cancelled I should be ready to move lol Told FI he's not getting a say I've not got time to fanny on going back and forth to check with him lol Oh yeah and I'm making sure I tell him last so that it takes him a bit longer to contact his mother and any luck she'll luck out lmao
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